Activity of series of grand ceremony of year of content couplet China will be held in July

Grand ceremony of year of content couplet China invests net of couplet of other people of city of association, Xiamen by xinhua net, China guild is initiated, 3 ground save associated two sides 22 times (city) organization of mass organizations of trade of content couplet network is sponsorred jointly. Activity of series of 2018 grand ceremony will in July 6-8 day is held in Xiamen international exhibition center, include content couplet China — search provide the consequence, evening that has road of project of net of couplet of investment value content to perform grand ceremony of China of contest, content couplet most, China most (international) exposition of content couplet net, China (international) couplet of incorporation of China of couplet of forum of height of content couplet net, content.
Activity of this year grand ceremony regards grand ceremony of year of China of 2018 content couplet as cent competion area by 15 area such as Beijing, Shanghai, Tianjin, Chongqing, Hong Kong, Shandong, Shaanxi, Henan, Hunan, Hangzhou, Ning Bo, Zhuhai, Qingdao, Fuzhou, Xiamen, it is the whole nation exclusive by two sides mass organizations of 3 ground trade organizes combination one to begin, swim up and down for content couplet net enterprise (ability of join of infrastructure, network, platform) make, market capital butt joint, commerce negotiates, project road develops, industry of network of couplet of the professional, authority that can extend forum to be equal to an organic whole, content communicates.
() content couplet China, search have force most, have investment most road of project of net of value content couplet develops a contest
“Content couplet China — search have force most, have project of net of couplet of investment value content most ” the platform that the way develops a contest to depending on major and huge high grade project, each activity drew hundreds attention that delivers financing orgnaization, millions upon millions capital. In the meantime, rely on mobile platform, with relevant investment dealer prepares to construct jointly ” fund of mother of investment of estate of network of Chinese content couplet (limited partnership) ” , fund goal dimensions 5 billion yuan, head period dimensions 1 billion yuan. “Content couplet China ” the be born that each minutes of competion area and countrywide way develop to visit the fund that it is a mother town each in the whole nation lays next foundations.
2016 ” content couplet China ” project road develops a contest to share the 809 content couplet that comes from area of 19 provinces city and Taiwan, Hong Kong net project is participated. Participating project is obtained in all cast look forward to nearly 300 million yuan capital is devoted.
2017 contests initiate ” area sea is chosen ” , in countrywide two sides 3 ground competion area of 8 large area in all accumulative total collects outstanding project 1157, be seleted to have force most, have investment value most in 100 beautiful project, already much home company succeeds through platform arrange with invests an orgnaization, obtain the capital infuse that exceeds 800 million yuan.
2018 contests will be in the countrywide two sides such as Beijing, Shanghai, Tianjin, Chongqing, Hong Kong, Shandong, Shaanxi, Henan, Hunan, Hangzhou, Ning Bo, Zhuhai, Qingdao, Fuzhou, Xiamen 15 contests area has 3 land area sea is chosen. 20 strong outstanding projects will enter selected cent competion area directly countrywide Shuang Baijia project, participate in the whole nation that holds in Xiamen double contend of purpose of 10 strong points. Double 10 strong companies will be direct butt joint of orgnaization of as famous as domestic a hunderd schools investment, china for, wait in A get army the industry also expresses, participate in whole journey the activity, selected project road develops 20 strong preeminent companies of contest whole nation but preferential become its zoology partner.
(2) grand ceremony of content couplet China night
The night of grand ceremony of content couplet China is group of content couplet network annual most royal honorary commend grand meeting. The night of grand ceremony aims to be the enterprise, communication platform that casts look forward to to build a thorough butt joint, will invite China for, in Baidu, A, 300 ways of company of network of couplet of other people of business of Tecent, resurgence and zoology partner, 3 big operation, whole nation develop net of couplet of enterprise, content zoology of relevant industry catenary encircles an enterprise, the expert inside 300 famous investment orgnaizations of countrywide, course of study assists in all grand meeting.
(3) China (international) content couplet net exposition
2018 China (international) exposition of content couplet net will in July 2018 6-8 day is held ceremoniously in Chinese Xiamen international exhibition center. Content rich can regard net of couplet of a content as butt joint of technical communication, achievement and promotion application platform, uniCom of as will mobile as Chinese telecommunication, China, China company of network of couplet of other people of business of 3 big operation and Baidu, Alibaba, Tecent, China for, the celebrity of group of content couplet network such as resurgence has thorough collaboration, will attract ginseng of enterprise of advanced position of network of couplet of content of a hunderd schools of countrywide even more to exhibit, on the assemble 10 thousand professional audiences are participated in, build advanced position of content couplet network communication of compressed, efficient supply and demand is professional between enterprise and on 10 thousand home application enterprise cooperative platform. Exhibition area will exceed 20000 ㎡, show grand occasion of catenary of entire industry of industry of content couplet network from global perspective, make grand meeting of international of net of couplet of high level content with all one’s strength!
(4) China (international) content couplet net height forum
Annual height forum closely problem of the development heat of industry of cincture couplet network, difficulty, from policy setting, market analysis of demand of innovation of trend, technology, the people’s livelihood, investment, experience is drawn lessons from wait for each respect to undertake analytic delibrate, comb industry of content couplet network to develop a general name for arteries and veins, for the government decision-making provide referenced basis, for company position how-to direction, for the industry development is felt pulse.
The 5th 2018 China (international) theme of forum of height of content couplet net is ” content couplet net + transition upgrades ” , by the Chinese Academy of Sciences Yao Jianquan academician presents as leading role give a lecture, china for, in Tecent, A, the industry such as resurgence and company of network of couplet of other people of business of 3 big operation gets military content to regard forum as the honored guest, share technology of information of industry science and technology, forward position jointly with industry public figure, wait with respect to collaboration of prospective industry modes of life and relation to their environment, program undertake an analysis, discuss!
The corresponding period will hold 18 parallel to divide forum:
1, 2018 two sides (international) forum of AR VR height 2, 2018 two sides (international) communication of talent of content couplet net is met 3, 2018 two sides (international) forum of innovation of wisdom medical treatment 4, technology of net of couplet of 2018 two sides and application — forum of intelligent production height 5, 2018 China
(5) banquet of couplet of incorporation of content couplet China meeting presidium annual meeting
To collect the characteristic resource of industry of network of couplet of each district content better, drive an industry to develop jointly, by net of couplet of Xiamen city other people guild is initiated, the organization of Beijing, Shanghai, Tianjin, Chongqing, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Guangdong, Shandong, Shaanxi, Zhejiang, Henan, Hunan, Fujian, 22 mass organizations that without the countrywide two sides such as stannum core of net of couplet of 3 surface features visits town is answered actively, on September 19, 2017, held successfully in Xiamen ” joint meeting of incorporation of content couplet China ” . The conference was passed ” rules of procedure of joint meeting of incorporation of content couplet China ” , released ” action of joint meeting of incorporation of content couplet China is enunciative ” , established joint meeting presidium, vote it is presidium chairman through Yao Jianquan of academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences; Affirm net of couplet of Xiamen city other people guild handles affairs as organizing committee standing orgnaization.
Couplet banquet is met presidium holds annual meeting every year in Xiamen, regard series of year grand ceremony as one of activities.