CEO of core of an ancient name for China: Should keep away from patent camp seeks burgeoning advantage field ” change overtake “
Textual caption: Li Keyi of CEO of core of an ancient name for China: Chip industry should keep away from abroadPatentCamp seeks burgeoning advantage field ” change path overtake “
Li Biao of every classics reporter? ? Chen Xu of collect of every warp knitting
American Department of Commerce announced recently, henceforth inside 7 years, will prohibit course of study of this state-owend enterprise to Chinese telecommunicationEquipmentManufacturer resurgence communication offers any electronic technologies or communication element. Arrange of American this with one action is opposite not only resurgence, industry of whole to our country even communication will produce major effect. This also refracts the development current situation that gave industry of our country chip.
Why does industry of our country chip meet with repeatedly the United States ” card neck ” , whether to have break the United States to be in the forestall of chip domain, go against situation ” tortuous path overtake ” late condition?
As the high-end other that China has all and own CPU, DSP, AI exclusively to wait for IP compose is calculatedChip designCompany, core of an ancient name for China (Beijing) Li Keyi of CEO of limited company of universal processor technology tells ” daily economy news ” (NBD of the following abbreviation) reporter, chinese chip external depend on sb or sth for existence is spent adjacent 90% , wait for a reason as a result of technical camp, come true inside short time ” tortuous path overtake ” difficulty is very great, but, can be in artificial intelligence, robot, auxiliary drive wait for burgeoning application domain to come true ” change overtake ” , after all industry of global integrated circuit is being transferred to China.
Chinese chip counts an import highly
NBD: A few days ago, american Department of Commerce announces 7 years inside ban carry out to resurgence any electronic technologies or communication component. Ban of this one paper to resurgence, and even what effect can industry of whole China communication produce?
Li Keyi: If the ban carries out the word of become effective completely, it is a very big impact for certain to resurgence. Because resurgence is the 2nd big news report of ChineseEquipmentSupplier, the development of the newsletter industry to China also can bring certain influence for certain.
But, after all the ban just is aimed at an enterprise, and the much of resurgenceProductBe not inside newsletter industry of China unique, cannot replace, so, it is a tremendous influence to enterprise itself, opposite to the influence of the newsletter industry of whole China conference is a lot of smaller.
NBD: In process of development of Chinese communication industry, entrance chip is acting what kind of part, spend to American depend on sb or sth for existence have how old?
Li Keyi: Every trade situation is different, with respect to newsletter industry, the entrance of Chinese chip is spent to American depend on sb or sth for existence relatively a few smaller, china for, the base band chip that violet light exhibits the homebred chip manufacturer such as acute to be able to have offerred a mobile telephone, and still occupied quite bigThe marketPortion. But the base band chip of the manufacturer such as resurgence communication, millet relies on the United States to be connected high for the most part.
Nevertheless, in the processor chip of the parts of an apparatus of a few keys, core, high end, be being spent to American depend on sb or sth for existence basically is 100 percent. Other industry for instance notebook computer, advocate chip CPU basically is to rely on the entrance that waits for a company from American Intel, AMD.
Those who need attention is, although our country business is ownProductiona few chip, the technical origin of its core or United States or Japanese enterprise, not be true ownIntellectual property. This is meant, once chip origin also gets the word that American ban affects, development of industry of whole to our country chip will bring tremendous resistance.
In March 2016, american Department of Commerce ever applied to resurgence communication exit is restricted, prohibit the United States yuan supplier of parts of an apparatus exports yuan of parts of an apparatus to resurgence communication, Software, the technology such as equipmentProduct. At that time, the support of ARM company that halted pair of resurgence communication for a short while. Once such circumstance happens, inevitable meeting is right ChinaThe marketBring quite big impact.
High-end chip puts bigger difference with the United States
NBD: Because of chip by the United States ” card neck ” the circumstance is not first, do level of technology of our country chip and American photograph have than difference how old?
Li Keyi: From the point of the development history of integrated circuit, the United States starts earlier than our country. It is with CPU exemple, in computation chip respect the mainest chip is central processor (CPU) , the United States from on 779 time begin the century started, the ability at the beginning of our country this century begins to do CPU independently truly. Our country starts than the United States late 229 years, the face is having historical reason here.
Our country is on industrial policy level, to ownIntellectual propertychip industry gave a lot of support. But in be being operated actually, company of a few home is the company outside obtaining accredit to use a countryChip designIntellectual property, but the chip that may certain business also can profess to own own intellectual property. Once foreign company is cut off to its,supply, cannot normalProduction.
Additional, in recent years a lot of fund offerred very large investment to integrated circuit development, but designing a domain, the integrated circuit of national levelInvestmentFund is the later period in deflectionInvestment. That is to say, the industry has been bred shape or after the enterprise has had certain dimensions, the government invests fund to just can participate in investment. However, the enterprise needs trulyCapitalSupport often is in inchoate phase, this also is the phase that civilian battalion capital is not willing to intervene, also be the industry expects governmental fund should be more the level that produces effect.
On the whole, our country is compared in the developed country photograph such as chip industry and United States, difference is very apparent, we basically are above certain point some breakthroughs, but still fail to be formed completely ” face ” , or the advantage on the industry.
But we also want to see, the property develops in trends, for instance 10 years ago, integrated circuit company of Japan took half of country inside rank of company of before the whole world 10 big integrated circuit, and before only one is entered now 10, this industry is in produce change ceaselessly, integrated circuit industry of China is being chased in the center. Just be in high-end core chip, still have very big difference e.g. the processor chip respect such as CPU, DSP, GPU.
NBD: China tries all the time research and development has chip to break foreign monopoly oneself, why still difficult do away with foreign technology camp?
Li Keyi: In recent years, development of industry of Chinese integrated circuit had had great progress, want to maintain current momentum only, give enterprise of Chinese integrated circuit a few time again, cross 5~10 again year, the chip industry situation of our country can have for certain very big change.
Itself of integrated circuit industry grows periodic industry namely, high investment, high risk, as a pursuer, no matter be,wait to be compared with foreign photograph from base of industrial policy, talent, development, have bigger difference all the time. In recent years, our country promotes considerably to industrial investment, our country drew the talented person of large quantities of integrated circuit from global each district, a few enterprises are above certain chip product also had obtained major breakthrough. The progress of whole industry is very apparent, just to a big country that rising abruptly, to the whole world system of the 2nd old economy, the progress of industry of Chinese integrated circuit is insufficient still, return with the position of big country unworthily.
Actually, from the whole world for, without doubt, the industry of integrated circuit is in transfer to China, because the market is in China, this tide cannot be resisted. Foreign setting camp can be only inside certain period the step that delays our country advancement, the development trend of industry of Chinese future integrated circuit is not reversible turn.
The domain such as artificial intelligence can realize overtake
NBD: Look in you, whether is Chinese chip technology had ” tortuous path overtake ” likelihood, how is the nation such as Korea achieved, what experience do they have to be worth study to draw lessons from?
Li Keyi: Integrated circuit is hi-tech industry, there is rife technology camp inside, so ” tortuous path overtake ” the challenge is bigger, the version that my individual promotes quite is ” change overtake ” , this kind of successful possibility is larger, more charming.
For instance Korea, Japan is very typical case, arrive from imitate inside this round of commutation of the number, japan goes wrong direction, still defending the pastImitate circuitdomain, very fast be surmounted by the enterprise of Korea, United States. The experience of Korea is worth to learn, be in at present include the respect such as processor of chip of memory, mobile phone, application to have an advantage, and these are Korea the phase that just starts in burgeoning industry passes long-term innovation, continuously the taking result such as investment.
For the old tendency that develops from global integrated circuit, we more advocate in field of new different form calculation, new application the domain sends force, from artificial intelligence, new generation robot, auxiliary drive, nobody drive wait for isogon of new generation IT to spend will hold, we should spend greater strength to seek a breakthrough in this respect, need not put valuable resource and energy too much in traditional domain, these traditional domains, existing foreign rig business had been built completePatentSystematic camp, it is more difficult to want a breakthrough.
In applying before for instance, major consideration task is to move in CPU above, and the times of different form calculation of new generation, computational task is by different computation unit is finished in coordination. In these domains, china and abroad are to be on same scratch line, do weller on certain even point, resemble Chinese AI (artificial intelligence) the design firm measure of accelerator chip is the whole world the first, china has 449 chip that making nerve network, already far exceed the United States. In these domains we saw bright prospect, form oneself advantage, from the pursuer previously, the person that arrive and run is become likely even get the person that run.
NBD: The development of the industry cannot leave governmental support, you think, does development of industry of our country chip still need a government what to support give? Do you have to development of industry of prospective China chip what is looked into and to what is looked into and suggest?
Li Keyi: Last year January, advisory committee of American president science and technology referred to American president ” ensure the long-term leadership position of American semiconductor ” report, among them a meaning is very clear, namely the industry that integrated circuit is not dominant of a completely free capital, governmental inter had very crucial effect.
The opinion that we also consult industry expert of the United States puts forward, with at present industrial policy of home makes contrast, I think, from industrial policy angle, the government can do weller in 3 respects:
It is an industry on investment, should give company of integrated circuit field the support such as loan of more favourable taxation derate, bank and capital investment, improve the commercial environment that homebred integrated circuit develops; The 2 integrated circuit that are pair of government setting invest fund to give certain guiding, in integrated circuit enterprise inchoate technology research and development, accumulate, the phase of innovation, the fund more investment that should encourage governmental setting comes in, had acted ” seeder ” part; 3 it is integrated circuit it is high talent concentrated model industry, we whether the course that inside place of courtyard of institution of higher learing, scientific research more offers integrated circuit, the person with ability that develops more integrated circuit waits, also can establish the center of integrated circuit innovation that faces the whole world, the talented person that urges the whole world undertakes innovating to China.
Go 5 years, the development of industry of Chinese integrated circuit obtained very great progress, the trend of whole industry is in transfer to China, the be on the wane of industry of certain state integrated circuit had given Chinese industry to rise abruptly very good opportunity, domestic talent also has been accumulated stage by stage rose, give integrated circuit industry of China a few time again please, we can obtain greater progress for certain.