CPU of the China after American punish resurgence can accuse independently ” core 3 element ” release

CPU of the China after American punish resurgence can accuse independently ” core 3 element ” release

“The United States is right the punish of Chinese chip, allow the way that we innovate more sturdily independently, we need to intensify developing homebred and own homebred softHardwareFoundation. ” on April 19, the crucial information infrastructure that holds in guesthouse of 10 thousand birthday is ownSafeOn innovation forum, the dialect austral Niguang of academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering is not tall, tone is firm.

In addition, CTF computerSafeFor only appoint conference chairman Shen Changxiang of academician of courtyard of project of strict and impartial, country, country is high-powered integrated circuit (Shanghai) limited company of technology of the division in Tian Bin of design center vice director, Long XinPresidentHu Weiwu attend and had a report early or late. Each expert can accuse a standard to undertake deepness is analysed independently to processor and unscramble, released CPU formally to be able to accuse independently ” core 3 element ” , give the CPU of good and evil people mixed upThe marketEstablish judge standard.

Development can accuse information infrastructure independently extremely urgent

“Before long, gu Ge (1072.96, – 14.74, – 1.36%) exits ChinaThe market, like awaiting me to think everybody and me in those days, search index of everybody props up the Gu Ge that basically uses, but we had Baidu (232.5, – 4.61, – 1.94%) search, had high heart map, we still had north to fight. Before long, we give Qian Xiwang to attend international meeting even, still be elbowed out to be in however the brim. On today’s forum, we also should spread out to discuss and think with respect to this problem. ” CTF computer security is only appoint conference chairman is strict and impartial say.

Just be in on April 8, 2014, microsoft (95, – 1.11, – the service support that 1.15%) company halted pair of Windows XP formally, push authentic Windows8 by force, at that time ” if country moves 200 million terminal upgrade for Windows8, cost not only tremendous, and lost safety to control counterpoises and counterpoise independently. ” after 4 years, in crucial information infrastructure own security innovates on forum, chang Xiang reviewing removes the Shenyang with two greying hair on the temples this paragraph of history, of the same age October, microsoft rolled out Windows10, announce to stop to be not authentic Windows7. On Windows10, cloud computation, big data, server, mobile terminal compulsive withHardwareTPM chip is configured, cause great menace to the information safety of our country. “We must commanding elevation of strategy of technology of core of safety of space of network of race to control. “

On the meeting, tian Bin reached industrialization application to make the introduction to Shen Wei processor, “At present the phenomenon of homebred CPU is weak, product turns performance the level is not high, service level is low, overall wait for application of development associate market to extend price big. ” Tian Bin says, “With its the country gives money, be inferior to a market, give a world, allow homebred CPU development. ” Shen Wei, this held water at the group of nation of research and development of homebred high-powered own CPU of Shanghai 2003, already built nowadays own ” Shen Wei 64 ” instruction system, SoftwareZoology can accuse independently, whole technological process can accuse independently, research and development the CPU design of super computer, held the lead position in super computer CPU, support the confluence of HPC and artificial intelligence, deepness study and big data. “On high-end server CPU, we had planned 2020. ” Tian Bin expresses, shen Wei 3232 be in research and development, basically face big data and cloud computation domain, meanwhile, catenary also is in Shen Wei’s zoology and industry to be perfected ceaselessly. On the meeting, tian Bin still showed the computer that him speech place uses, “This computer is made with Shen Wei’s processor. “

CPU is own can accuse ” core 3 element ” release

On the meeting, ni Guangna released CPU to be able to accuse independently ” core 3 element ” content. Whether be truly own can accuse main focusing at 3 o’clock: It is CPU develops an unit to whether accord with safe and confidential requirement, 2 it is whether CPU instruction system can develop independently continuously, 3 it is CPU core whether is source code he is written. This 3 o’clock is whether CPU can accuse independently most the judge standard of core, satisfy this at the same time at 3 o’clock, accord with with respect to the delegate can control CPU demand independently, cannot satisfy at the same time, be being represented is not completely own can accusing is complete even can not accuse independently.

, whether does CPU development unit accord with safe and confidential requirement

According to the regulation of standard of domestic relevant accounting and relevant and confidential aptitude, requirement CPU enterprise is not had outside the condition directInvestment, and carry indirect kindInvestmentforeign investor and the contributive scale that send action person firstly must not exceed 20% finally. Can accuse CPU to will apply in the core information related to national economy and national defence safety in great quantities independentlyEquipmentOn, have important sense to national security and economic progress, the issue closes the main business of national security, must firmly control is in hand of people on one’s own side, can be controlled by foreign capital anything but. The control advantageous position of the enterprise once by in falling to foreign capital hand, that safety, own base not answer existed, accord with national security to keep secret the regulation is the mainest demand that CPU can control independently so.

2, whether can CPU instruction system develop independently continuously.

Instruction system is the abstract model of the computer, it is CPU to superstratumSoftwareThe interface that appear, it is the cornerstone that CPU develops independently. The instruction system that can develop independently continuously must be own design, the long-term and effective authorization that there already perhaps was instruction system on hold international and can extend new statement independently, such ability are inIntellectual propertyIn the development change that go up and did not come not person of be enslaved to be enslaved to.

“If receive authorization of system of instruction of course of study of condition foreign enterprise, but accredit is terminable, course of study of foreign enterprise of the condition after expiring can stop accredit or ask a price of all over the sky, the industrial modes of life and relation to their environment that can make we are based on work laboriously of this instruction system to build pays one of day. If oneself cannot add a statement as applied requirement, criterion can ground of blindly follow sb follows the technical course of others, hard the IT system that compose builds safety to be able to accuse. ” Hu Weiwu is unscrambled.

3, CPU nuclear source code whether oneself are written

The CPU nucleus source code here basically is the small structure that points to processor is designed, namely if the hardware source code of processor core is written independently, of the design, is not to come from at tripartite accredit.

Why cannot CPU nucleus source code wants him to write and come from at tripartite accredit?

Because CPU is a huge complex system, the core skill that masters CPU design is not the thing of in one day, tripartite of foreign tells domestic company impossibly also that the core oneself designs a technology, so ” introduce absorb innovate again ” mode designs an industry in CPU is not so applicable. To this, hu Weiwu expresses, in the CPU of Intel discover recently ” fusing ” and ” ghostliness ” hidden trouble gives industry an inspiration, although the architect is right of CPU complex hidden trouble holds degree of security that cause completely hard, more nevering mention it is the design that sees others. Many domestic CPU enterprises are recumbent the soft nucleus authorization that obtains from tripartite company is hard even nuclear accredit ” assemble ” CPU, they do not know how processor core code is written truly, the core that does not have a law to form his more designs ability. Accordingly, CPU nucleus source code whether he is written is differentiate the key that whether group of a processor has design CPU capacity.

“Core 3 element ” release, make CPU own can accuse to have the criterion of judge. Of course, these are not to evaluate the whole dimension that CPU can accuse independently to spend. Can charge rate independently and character, whether to flow in churchyard for instance pieceProduction, whether can the soft hardware of form a complete set also accuse to wait for dimension to spend independently what can use farther divisional CPU again is own can charge rate, but this is to satisfying CPU to be able to accuse core independently above all over the foundation of 3 element.

Article origin: Chenyi of reporter of economic observation network altogethers

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