Li Peiying: DRAM demand heat waits for observation to produce to Q4 of the 3rd quarter can change
General manager of South Asia branch Li Peiying yesterday (17) day expresses, DRAM market will demand exceeds supply to the front of the 3rd season, the 4th season should observe closely main big plant is produced can add a state, with at present Korea SamSung, SK Hailishi two big plants all declare where one stands will inspect market demand and increase production grinds sentence, expect DRAM market is quite healthy this year dovish.
Speak of the influence of war of the trade in the United States, li Peiying thinks, this is the measure that the United States and Chinese both sides want the conference table on press the other side, if reach consensus, can make chinese mainland values intellectual property more, this should be met to DRAM industry bring openly benefit. If the result is inferior to anticipating, fear pounding global economy, affect terminal demand to turn then weak, it is DRAM industry not merely, adverse to all industries.