Resurgence initiates the position of tycoon in advance such as BAT of chip industry concussion by American ban

Resurgence initiates the position of tycoon in advance such as BAT of chip industry concussion by American ban

In the United States ” ban ” resurgence communication (31.31, 0, below 0.00%) incident influence, chip industry is spent by public attention unprecedented. Now (on April 20) in the morning, the group announces Alibaba, wholy-owned buy so-called chinese mainland exclusive ownEmbeddedCompany of CPU IP Core — limited company of culmination small system (culmination of the following abbreviation is small) , but buy amount of short duration to did not disclose.

Actually, it is industry of chip of the sortie in A not merely, big question of Baidu, Tecent, division flies (56.17, – 1.63, – 2.82%) , China have position early to wait for a tycoon. Wang Yanhui of secretary-general of mobile phone alliance is being accepted ” daily economy news ” when the reporter is interviewed, express, this action in A is to be chip of domain of net of prospective layout, complement couplet short board significant move. To Chinese chip industry, the research of the tycoon that enters sex of the look up before also conducing to an enterprise undertaking more dedicatedly.

The layout in A chip industry

“Buy culmination small it is Alibaba of chip layout important one annulus. ” CTO Zhang Jianfeng expresses Alibaba, IP Core is the core of fundamental chip ability, entering IP Core field is Chinese chip implementation ” can accuse independently ” foundation.

In fact, be in early January 2016, alibaba has become a shareholder culmination is small become become its the biggest partner, on business both sides had spread out deepness collaboration in domain of content couplet net.

2017 on cloud dwell congress, culmination is small released the strategy that about boosting content couplet net soft hardware infrastructure builds to cooperate jointly with A Liyun: Culmination is small will advance IoT chip to pass the large-scale application of A Liyun Link Market in terminal in the round in chip domain, undertake deepness optimize in the light of AliOS Things at the same time, drive AliOS to be in the deploy of IoT chip domain and application, include computer vision chip, confluence to be received among themSafethe net of NB-IoT content couplet that MCU platform chip and whole world are based on AliOS first timesSafeChip.

Be in last month, the Babaji in A is round senior deputyPresident, A LiyunPresidentHu Xiaoming is in peak of Shenzhen of cloud dwell congress announced on the meeting 2018, content couplet net (IoT) it is Alibaba business of group afterwards cable, finance, Content flows, after the cloud is calculated new advocate circuit. Chip regards content couplet as the core of the netEquipment, core position is in in all application in content couplet net. Do not cross instability of industry of chip of instantly our country, core chip basically counts an import. Look in Wang Yanhui, alibaba this wholy-owned buy culmination small intention is very apparent also: For prospective layout, do not hope to be in the be enslaved to be enslaved to of development process chip of content couplet net person.

Notable is, in the A before this alreadyInvestmentThe Cambrian, Barefoot Networks, deep ancient bronze mirror, be able to bear or endure can (Kneron) , fly nimble science and technology (ASR) wait for company of much home chip.

Meanwhile, alibaba to grinding oneself AI chip has position early also, “Grind oneself AI chip ” already made the overall arrangement in A ” Chinese core ” strategic component. Be in yesterday, alibaba discloses amount to rub courtyard research and development chip of network of a nerve — Ali-NPU, this chip will be applied at image video the AI inference such as analysis, machine study is calculated, basically be the problem of AI inference operation that waits for commercial setting to solve image, video identifying, cloud to calculate, promotion operation efficiency, reduce cost.

The tycoon enters industry of hopeful activation chip

A few days ago, american Department of Commerce announces, henceforth inside 7 years, will prohibit course of study of this state-owend enterprise to Chinese telecommunicationEquipmentManufacturer resurgence communication offers any electronic technologies or communication element.

Now, on the press conference that holds in Shenzhen headquarters, yan Yimin of resurgence newsletter president expresses, american ban may bring about resurgence communication to enter shock state. This matter causes industry concussion, chinese newsletter industry ” lack core little spirit ” the problem is placed austerely before people again.

ICInsights report shows, global semiconductorThe marketDimensions reached 438.5 billion dollar, manufacturer of conductor of before 10 most was held wholeThe marketThe portion of 58.5% , these manufacturers are Hailishi, Micron, rich connects SamSung, Intel, SK respectively, connect high, Zhi Pu of Da Heen of heart state apparatus, Toshiba, Yingwei, the name of Chinese chip manufacturer did not appear among them, this also causes Chinese chip industry exceeding count an import. Public data shows, china imported chip amount to be as high as 230 billion dollar 2016, expenditure is a platoon almost double what import amount in the 2nd crude oil.

On the other hand, branch, enterprise is in related China use up all one’s resources is huge endowment throw chip domain. National group entered 2014, industry of national integrated circuitInvestmentFund holds water. Feburary 2016 portion, investment of company of fund of investment of estate of Chinese country integrated circuit, China core, violet smooth group is in Beijing to sign tripartite strategy collaboration jointlyAgreement, represent future 5 years inside, this fund plans to will invest means to give total amount of violet smooth group not to exceed 10 billion yuan of support with equity.

Tycoon of domestic science and technology if big question of Baidu, Tecent, division flies, China for, millet also part with or invest or march in succession from grinding means cloud chip domain, for instance China bed sea is thought of, the XPU of Baidu. Besides, landed manufacturer constant also announces industry of sortie integrated circuit greatly.

But domestic chip industry starts after all late, and chip industry is an industry that relies on zoology. Bovine Xin eaves is accepting author of science and technology of cloud of enormous legendary fish ” daily economy news ” when the reporter is interviewed, say, in mobile computer age, wintel alliance seizes land single-handed (Intel chip) , catch market single-handed (Microsoft operating system) dominated whole modes of life and relation to their environment. Below this kind of circumstance, as not compatible as their zoology chip technology is very difficult grow those who rise.

Niu Xinyu expresses, chinese chip industry should grow conceivably, want to will be based on the be born of artificial intelligence application of new chip on one hand, produce real commercial value, let the user is approbated and buy sheet; It is to answer on the other hand compose builds a perfect application development platform, let expert and common developer can develop artificial intelligence application quickly, make modes of life and relation to their environment big, such chip industry ability grow truly rise.

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