SAMCO of day facility plant goes to Silicon Valley to enlarge investment of medical treatment technology
Technology of advanced medical treatment pharmacy is at present medium, chip of small flow path (Microfluidic Chip) is having important place in gene analysis and new drug research and development, japanese semiconductorEquipmentFactory SAMCO values relevant business chance, decision research and development is OK efficientMakeThe technology of chip of small flow path, andInvestmentEnlarge the institute that is located in American silicon cereal, the hope crosses industry of full unripe medical service with semiconductor technology.
Chip of small flow path is just as content couplet net in current unripe cure industry (the feeling in IoT) is measured implement, can let all sorts of medicaments or depart, make a lot of program automation that need artificial operation originally, rise considerably research and development andProductionEfficiency, and itsMakeTechnology and system of personal computer cable (MEMS) has a lot of applicable to both or all to be in, because this is semiconductor industry,cross one of powerful technologies of industry of full unripe medical service.
According to Japanese economy news (Nikkei) website covers, the technology that SAMCO develops actively now, it is annulus olefin polymer (Cyclo Olefin Polymer: The finishing technology of COP) : The advantage of COP is optical property beautiful, suit to regard the flow path of chip of small flow path as material, but its are low sex of low stick together of hydrophily and vitreous substrate, must heat with ultraviolet illuminate pressurization processing, this meeting affects its optics sex, and hydrophily is low also have undesirable effect to gene medicaments flow.
And the technology of COP new processing that SAMCO develops, it is to be used in the processing law with electrode oxidation reductive layer originally, the electric oar of use vapor finishing technology, can raise the hydrophily of COP and vitreous substrate surface, can manage in temporary lodging during a trip of normal temperature environment, conduce to quicken chip of small flow path to make.
Always grind according to Japanese Fuji Kimera (Fuji Kimera Research)Investigation, of chip of small flow pathThe marketDimensions will amount to 29.1 billion yen 2019 () of about 272 million dollar, future is on the fast sieve check of all sorts of diseases and domain of precautionary medical treatment, will have wide application.
SAMCO shows some semiconductorEquipmentIn, the course reforms canProductionThe equipment of chip of small flow path, the plan markets this kind of improved equipment to cure bound now, observe at the same timeThe marketReaction, whether does the consideration develop chip of small flow path further special production device.
Before developing new facility, SAMCO decides to will be set in lab of American California Sunnyvale originally, the Santa Clara that be the same as a city will be transferred on May 1, 2018, add local researcher from present 7 people for 14~15 person, enhance those who include COP to make a technology inside to become velar technology, enhance this factory to reach the competition ability of market of unripe cure domain in semiconductor with benefit.