Semiconductor market demand heats up subsidiary channels in the human body through which vital energy, ASML 2018 year head season battalion receives excel to anticipate

Semiconductor market demand heats up subsidiary channels in the human body through which vital energy, ASML 2018 year head season battalion receives excel to anticipate


Behave as a result of global semiconductor market as before driving, make the demand that produces equipment to semiconductor is not decreased continuously. Accordingly, si Mai of A of big plant of European semiconductor equipment (ASML) announce in 18 days the money of the 1st season announced the correct time 2018, achievement prep above before 3 months beforehand appraise value, also before excel of market analyst beforehand appraise.

The money newspaper that according to A Simai place publishs shows, battalion of the 1st season closed 2018 achieve 2.285 billion euro, relatively the 4th season decreased 2017 10.8% , however prep above the place before 3 months beforehand the 2.2 billion euro of appraise. Wool interest rate is achieved 48.7% , prep above 2017 45.2% of the 4th season, also prep above the place before 3 months beforehand of appraise 47% arrive 48% between. Business profitability is to come to 28.1% , relatively 2014 of the 4th season 29.3% reduce 1.2 percent. Pure profit comes 540 million euro after duty, relatively the 4th season decreased 2017 16.2% , do not cross excel market analyst beforehand the number of 500 million euro of appraise. And every EPS criterion from 2017 the 1.5 euro of the 4th season, decrease to 1.26 euro.


ASML president and CEO Peter Wennink express in the press release that issue, outstanding achievement of the 1st season was behaved 2018 relatively anticipate driving main reason, because,main reason is a large number of shipment, and client to deep ultraviolet light (system of DUV) small film and all-around small film program (the demand be caused by of Holistic Litho) . Be in extremely ultraviolet light (EUV) respect of small film system, this season completes the shipment of 3 EUV system in all, and additional 1 is planning shipment. Additional, still obtain 9 NXE:3 in the 1st seasonThe order of 400B, and affirm be in each client will use EUV system to throw large-scale chip to measure before the bottom 2018 in producing.


Peter Wennink still points out further, ASML plans to completed shipment of 20 EUV system 2018, helped EUV shipment volume 2019 rise 30 above, assist a client to reach its quantity to produce a target with all one’s strength. Additional, about leaving the EUV product of generation High-NA, we also begin to receive 4 order from respect of 3 main clients, having 8 EUV order additionally is to adopt upgrade plan.

As to, the battalion carry that is aimed at future is looked into, ASML beforehand appraise whole sells amount general to be able to be amounted to 2.5 billion to 2.6 billion euro see, wool interest rate falls in 43% about, mirror what EUV sells amount to grow considerably. Amount of investment of research and development is to raise 375 million euro, and the canal sells cost (SG&A) defray makes an appointment with 115 million euro. In addition, the company also is met via referring the partner 2018, the proposal will distribute every cash dividend 1.4 euro, always allocate amount to be 600 million euro about.


Although A Simai is in 2018 head the market of money newspaper excel that season capture gives anticipates, but the influence that is dropped by US stock grail, 19 days of before dawn are in time of A Simai Beijing the price that the closing quotation price of the US stock comes to to every 206.32 dollars, drop 6.38 dollars, drop achieve 3% . And in the past since 12 months, a Simai’s share price has gone up greatly exceed 7 to become.

(head graph origin: Facebook of A Simai government)

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