Send talented person of Facebook invite applications for a job, imitate chip of AI of oneself of research and development

Apple of tycoon of science and technology and Alphabet of Google parent company develop oneself chip in succession, as it is said Facebook also plans imitated, preparing to develop chip by oneself in enlarge an army.
CNBC, Barron ‘ S quote is famous outside intermediary report says, facebook asks for ability enlightenment to see, this company is searching handler, in order to make a group, duan Zhiduan of research and development (End-to-end) SoC (systematic odd chip) / ASIC (special application accumulates body circuit) , firmware, driver.
Equipment of SoC commonly used action, ASIC is the chip that has special purpose.
Facebook asks for ability announcement to go up to did not explain want research and development why to be planted chip, the speech from Yann LeCun of Facebook high level is conjectural, this company considers chip of AI of research and development it seems that. LeCun is in charge of machine study and artificial intelligence (AI) , he is being pushed 18 days especially dispatch, search ASIC of appropriative of AI of personnel research and development&FPGA (the spot but array of process designing brake) chip.
LeCun accepted Barron 2015 ‘ when S is visited, ever disclosed, this company considers to make the machine study chip of oneself. He says Facebook at that time ever contributive invite a manufacturer to develop a guest to make turn chip, the person that also expect to expect other line of business rolls out nerve network processor, still have no relevant product nevertheless, if such, facebook will cooperate with a person of same business, or chip of proper motion research and development.
Big plant of science and technology develops chip, decrease depend on connect Intel, high, make a trend gradually. Malic product uses the A series processor of oneself more, alphabet also machine of research and development learns appropriative chip ” TPU ” , so-called property exceeds Intel, Nvidia, the 15~30 that speed is market chip times.
(the article is reprinted by MoneyDJ news accredit; Head graph origin: Pixabay)