South Asia division: DRAM demand heat waits for observation to produce to Q4 of the 3rd quarter can change

South Asia division: DRAM demand heat waits for observation to produce to Q4 of the 3rd quarter can change

Yesterday of section of South Asia of manufacturer of plant of Taiwan memory chip (17) day holds a law to say to meet, announce this year wool interest rate is strong first quarter on 51.8% , excel market anticipates. Rate of gross profit of the season on Li Peiying analysis develops general manager of South Asia branch tall, advocate because DRAM rises in price,reach proportion of product of 20 accept rice to be pulled quickly litre, but have even more because of should be being grasped in season hand dollar of 40 billion yuan of equivalence, as the Ji Sheng on new station money the value is made an appointment with 2.6% , bring about appear 1.178 billion yuan collect damage, erode every pure profit to even more 0.3 yuan.
Li Peiying expresses, DRAM of the 1st season quotes season is added on average 6.1% , add sale season to add 8.4% , proportion of sale of 20 accept rice is occupied than even more 6 into reach charge of research and development to give delay wait for 4 big advantageous factors to add hold, scoop up the interest rate that fix hair is strong on 51.8% , season increases 2.1 percent.
Go to the future of DRAM market situation, li Peiying predicts to will demand exceeds supply to the front of the 3rd season, the 4th season should observe closely main big plant is produced can add a state, with at present Korea SamSung, SK Hailishi two big plants all declare where one stands will inspect market demand and increase production grinds sentence, expect DRAM market is quite healthy this year dovish.
At the same time South Asia division announces, repair on this year annual DRAM yuan of sale, year add rate by order 45% litres formerly to 48% , this Ji Weiyuan sale Ji Zengyu 15% ; 20 accept rice produces can small move to move 1, 000 turn product of 30 accept rice, make produce per month can fall by 38 thousand reach 37 thousand; 30 accept rice is produced per month can add reach 31 thousand. At the same time the 10 accept rice of proper motion research and development is like established plan to undertake, book grain was produced 2020.
Because of answering new station money fluctuates, the dynamic balance that South Asia division takes dollar and half and half of ready money of new station money is politic. He anticipates this season gets exchange rate factor interference general can be reduced, value a season DRAM average unit price to be expected season gains a digit per cent, add contribution of product of Cheng of the metric system of on 20 pay to spend continuously promotion and cost drop, wool interest rate has opportunity add to adapt new tall, and organic meeting goes tall all the way come the 3rd season.

Refer is Sino-US the influence of trade war, li Peiying thinks, this is the measure that China and American both sides want the conference table on press the other side, if reach consensus, can make chinese mainland values intellectual property more, this should be met to DRAM industry bring openly benefit. If the result is inferior to anticipating, fear pounding global economy, affect terminal demand to turn then weak, it is DRAM industry not merely, adverse to all industries.

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