The CTO in A talks about culmination small: Chip strategy is not the result of a very short time to want to be thrown for a long time

The CTO in A talks about culmination small: Chip strategy is not the result of a very short time to want to be thrown for a long time

Alibaba holds water amount to rub courtyard, CTO Zhang Jianfeng is made make a speech
Dispatch of sina science and technology on April 21 evening news, in Alibaba wholy-owned after buying culmination small company, zhang Jianfeng of officer of round chief technology announces the Babaji in A in detail first the company is in the long-term position of chip strategy side and program. Zhang Jianfeng says, the company is early begin layout chip strategy namely before 4 years, “2014 in A firstInvestmentCulmination is small, chased after again 2017 cast, to this year wholy-owned buying already was success will come when conditions are ripe ” .

Zhang Jianfeng expresses, besidesEmbeddedThe culmination of chip is small, chip, IOT chip is carried to wait for a respect in network chip, mobile phone, alibaba has likewise a series ofInvestmentWith deploy. Up to now, the Cambrian, Barefoot Networks, deep ancient bronze mirror still invested in A, be able to bear or endure can (Kneron) , fly nimble science and technology (ASR) wait for 5 chip company. In the meantime, regard the IOT in A as strategic substantial, alibabada rub the own research and development that the courtyard already established advanced and professional group to have AI chip.

“IOT strategy of Alibaba must want to do resource to be able to accuse, the technology can accuse, the thing that has core competition ability, the most rock-bottom it is chip ” , zhang Jianfeng says, “This itself also is Alida rub the most important research since the courtyard is established breaks through one of direction ” .

Zhang Jianfeng points out, china should achieve a breakthrough on chip industry difficulty is very great, but be not without the opportunity, not be too high to reach more. Be in especially the certain domain that faces future, china and United States lie on same scratch line, for instance artificial intelligence. He says, it is content couplet net of the representing with city of urban cerebra, wisdom for example, brought the demand of new-style chip. And at present global industry still does not have mature chip at present, this brought the opportunity that competes afresh, also be the opportunity that Chinese enterprise grasps core competition ability in chip domain.

“After we predict a few years, can have two of -64771072EquipmentBy couplet net, undertake handling with chip for core. The demand limits of chip is mixed today dimensions, with future photograph comparing is not complete on an amount class, can show hundreds of go up to grow thousandfold, the opportunity that Chinese implementation breaks through with respect to amid ” , zhang Jianfeng analysis says, “This was equivalent to appearing another circuit, if revolutionary headway is gained in above domain, course of study of the state-owend enterprise in be being meant then came true to change overtake. This also is the consideration that Alibaba begins layout chip strategy namely 4 years ago ” .

Zhang Jianfeng thinks, china is produced learn to grind all circles must cooperate extensively to be broken through jointly. Because ” the result that chip strategy is by no means a very short time, the industry that needs to include Alibaba inside is determined to be thrown for a long time, also must want to those who face future wish scene and the perseverance with doleful resist ” . In chip domain, with globalization times other any fields are same, put in global competition already, depend on global collaboration as much. In the whole worldThe marketGo up ” who is little also not who ” , foundation of this since reality, also be China is produced learn to grind the direction of all circles joint efforts. (roc)

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