Arm of lucky core small combination, OPEN AI LAB head platform of the development that send AI

Arm of lucky core small combination, OPEN AI LAB head platform of the development that send AI

[introduction] meet in peak of whole world of developer of “Arm artificial intelligence on ” , tripartite of China of small Rockchip, Arm, OPEN AI LAB released lucky core to be based on the EAIDK of RK3399 chip to develop platform jointly, platform of this AI development is faced embedded AI the design of product of direction of artificial intelligence application and development, the AI that is framework of Arm of global head money is developed board.

On September 14, 2018, in the developer of first “Arm artificial intelligence that sponsors by Arm China and AIEC global peak is met on ” , the EAIDK that tripartite of China of small Rockchip, Arm, OPEN AI LAB released lucky core to be based on RK3399 chip jointly (Embedded AI Development Kit) develop platform, face embedded the design of product of direction of AI artificial intelligence application and development, the AI that is framework of Arm of global head money is developed board.
Arm of lucky core small combination, OPEN AI LAB head platform of the development that send AI
The RK3399 EAIDK that tripartite alliance of China of You Ruixin small Rockchip, Arm, OPEN AI LAB releases develops platform, it is collect referenced design, chip is debugged and the hardware development of an organic whole of test and verify of test, chip is covered, the multimedia interface with powerful chip of small RK3399 of the AID of platform of AI core software that relies on OPEN AI LAB and lucky core and rich periphery interface, can offer high grade hardware reference to design for developer, make developer needs to be revised simply or do not revise the module circuit of referenced design only, with respect to the hardware development that can complete AI artificial intelligence product.
Chen Feng of vice-president of lucky core small whole world expresses: “ luck core is small in AI domain of artificial intelligence chip has extensive business to use experience and case, already had much property catenary the partner rolls out terminal unit of artificial intelligence of embarking RK3399 chip. Issuance lucky core is small RK3399 EAIDK develops platform, core of will integrated luck is small advantage of each respect resource, development of the much setting of product of developer of the artificial intelligence that it is AI, partner, whole platform and zoology layout provide overall support. ”
Arm of lucky core small combination, OPEN AI LAB head platform of the development that send AI
Bin of brave of Arm China vice-president gold expresses: Small RK3399 EAIDK of “ luck core is developed board it is the platform of first AI development that adopts Arm framework, the SDK development that supports RK3399 chip, development of application software and move etc. All ready, design has interface of platform of this AI development to extend a gender more by force, applicable uses setting at different AI, support complete function test and verify. ”
Chip of lucky core small RK3399 is one of chip of the high end below lucky core small division, apply to the high-powered application processor of monitor of high-end flat computer, notebook computer, intelligence, and be one of powerful solutions of 4Kx2K content. In AI artificial intelligence domain, RK3399 already implemented dealer of much territory, much trade, much setting with, include intelligence of intelligent household, AI to sweep the floor sound box of robot, IoT AI, OTT is waited a moment.
Platform of development of small RK3399 EAIDK of “ luck core still has stronger yield to learn to grind develop malleability, can reach education for engineering course of manage of domestic and international college AI development course provides platform support related the orgnaization, progress of chain of entire industry of the artificial intelligence that it is AI is offerred help strength. The domain that Xu Haibing of general manager of solution of ”OPEN AI LAB thinks lucky core small RK3399 EAIDK develops platform applicable is very vast.
Arm of lucky core small combination, OPEN AI LAB head platform of the development that send AI
To developer character, lucky core small RK3399 EAIDK develops platform to will offer the 3 big advantages that help strength for its:
1, lower development threshold: Platform of lucky core small RK3399 EAIDK offerred “ for developer modular the development environment of ” , developer can bypass easily technical difficulty, dedicated design at product originality and applied setting.
2, promotion develops efficiency: Chip of lucky core small RK3399 has rich interface kind, developer can realize hardware development quickly.
3, opener environment: The SDK environment that chip of lucky core small RK3399 opens, make developer is in respect of software + hardware all can freer research and development, match, make the product has competition ability more.
Arm of lucky core small combination, OPEN AI LAB head platform of the development that send AI
Assemble of peak of whole world of developer of first Arm artificial intelligence became anxious global AI catenary of artificial intelligence industry swims up and down company of top chip, software, hardware and industry leader, attracted nearly more than 1000 domestic and international developer to participate in. Arm and the technology that Arm AI zoology encircles and person with power of industrial group tip are AI developer comprehensive deepness was analysed embedded intelligent system.
(origin: OFweek)

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