Business school of the Yangtse River teachs Li Yang: How should the enterprise undertake brand construction and essence refine sale?
[introduction] on September 7, 2018, sale of market of business school of the Yangtse River learns associate professor Li Yang, in business school of the Yangtse River wisdom build poineering MBA shared on open class ” brand construction and essence refine sale ” , company brand sale is the first situation that creates commercial value, find the brand sale way that applies to oneself when the enterprise, may the brand that construction house has long force.
2016 November, making what mainstream media and major active netizen did not expect is, an American that is known as “ bedlamite ” beat Hillary of ” of “ politics sophisticate, be elected it is the 45th president of American.
After two years today, the investigator that after knowing after, becomes aware discovers eventually, if use the viewpoint of sale to look, the “ that Telangpu passes 7 a period of ten years in one’s age this 4 without ” brand from without the product (take up a political career experience) , without cost (political burden) , without the group (political force) , without channel (push special manage state affairs) , pick successfully presidential throne, the sale pattern that having a main reason is times of will new media and ability develop acme.
The vermicelli made from bean starch that serves as commodity and electronic product counts most brand, the secret of apple and Victoria loves for years by the user. Why malic mobile phone sells so expensively, can you still sell so well? Why the secret of Victoria is so expensive, is the female of the whole world so yearning to it still?
Probably foreign brand is a little far from the entrepreneur of Chinese mainland, if list,one is Fu child almost the food brand —— that all knows is sweet wave, its story reachs its product sale, can bring a few enlightenment to you probably.
Sweet wave waving sale upgrades the road of transition
2005, “ tea with milk is about sweet wave wave the eye shot that ” walks into compatriots, tea with milk of outfit hot drink pushs this kind of cup to be loved by broad consumer to the market, be in the school, often see students are holding a cup in both hands in the winter sweet wave wave tea with milk comes the algidity of dispel winter, accompany those who follow a thematic advertisement song to pass responsory advertising to put in, arrived 2007, sweet wave wave the sale that completed 500 million RMB, earn of it may be said basin full earthen bowl is full. Sweet wave wave also take advantage of an opportunity undertakes product dilate, the domain waits for even locksmith, estate to all be involved somewhat in convenient New Year cake, tea with milk.
2007, contest is tasted etc appear, sweet wave to wave and did not dread, wait through enlarging business dimensions, channel to spread city, cut the business beyond tea with milk board piece, establish large sheet tastes the strategy, made that classical advertisement sign: “ sells a N100000000 cup one year, rise repeatedly can circle earthly N circle ” , 2014, achieved sale the summit summit of 2.4 billion.
Summit summit also means decline, 2018, sweet wave wave it seems that unable to do what one wants very much to do, the youth became the person embrace wholesale of the tea that is fond of tea and Nai snow, not hesitate queue up to buy a cup, hair friend encircles the glad feeling that expresses them.
Brand sale is the first pace
Such as “ is sweet wave wave the enterprise such as the ” , “ apple ” , secret ” of “ Victoria, even of Telangpu enter into an election contest sale is politic, in the final analysis, if find the brand sale way that applies to oneself when the enterprise, may form the brand of long influence, this also is in the Chinese company place in transition to need national problem just about.
On September 7, sale of market of business school of doctor of Colombian college business school, the Yangtse River learns associate professor Li Yang, in business school of the Yangtse River wisdom build poineering MBA the theme was brought to share on open class ” brand construction and essence refine sale ” , brand sale is the first pace of value of company creation commerce, also be the first battlefield that commerce competes.

Li Yang teachs the spot to give lessons
Professor Li Yang is made to come from intelligent hardware, intelligence, person with ability of the engineer of the domain such as net of couplet of intelligent household, content, government, and the new dominant position that the manufacturing industry entrepreneur that seeks transition to upgrade shares instantly science and technology to innovate and answer strategy. Professor Li Yang and present honored guest discuss a few of company brand sale classic case jointly, shared how to search those who suit business development a variety of sale mode.
Professor Li Yang expresses, at present domestic company puts those who go up in the idea to be short of to the understanding of brand sale break, before the problem such as inadequacy of look up sex, without the importance in realizing the brand competes in commerce, it is OK to think to want to had made the product had made the product only.
“ company is growing initial stage, the problem that tastes card value probably not dash forward show, but as the enterprise development expands, enter bigger market, certainly will faces the product competition of same latitude, if do not have those who taste card value,prop up right now, the enterprise all is shown in the inferior position in competition, go against a breakthrough to develop bottleneck. ” Li Yang teachs compensatory course: Brand sale is the company grows to join the indispensable “ nutrient ” in process of ” of extremely big tree for “ .
Regard the Yangtse River as the associate professor of the business school, li Yang teachs the research that waits for a respect in algorithm of sale data model, artificial intelligence, its study achievement already was published in Management Science, marketing Science, journal Of Marketing Research manage periodical of kind of learning of international class A to go up. Ever waited for an enterprise to offer sale to seek advice for Er of Tecent, Baidu, Yong Huichao city, sea, and the United States that hold medicine image handles is patent.

Li Yang is taught
Competition is intenseWeHow should do?
What is “ brand after all? Sale of ” company brand, should turn the product into those who have temperament namely, of sexual case, can make the use person of the maker of the product and product believes this thing extremely, this is the soul of the development of the product, moment of user use product very generation associates, pair of this brands are in memory approbate. Had “ story ” to also have the spirit when a brand, there was a place in user memory.
“ story ” makes the model of brand element, the user reframes through listening to a story to associate brand. Roger C·Schank of famous and cognitive psychologist says, “ mankind most those who be good at is not understanding logic, listen to story ” however. Hearing a story is human nature, people cares his story more, touch amount to affection and cause affection resonance. Number story is not simple, need to highlight product feature and poor dissimilation not only, more want a form memory of vivid, facilitating memory.
Rise in price as labour force, our country enterprise is depended on concentrated model the bonus of label of “Made In China” that labor dominant position makes is in it seems that gradually subsidise, face increasingly intense market competition, established good brand image to become the consensus of the enterprise, those who promote an enterprise the product is famous degree, ability is not washed out by the market, company brand sale made the choice that a lot of company grows.
The brand builds need to have exert oneself place, it is a center with the user, the user is respected on viewpoint of value, union by inside and the product thinking outside tries by outside and the brand thinking inside. Refine in sale essence on, good product is origin, good story is fulcrum. The enterprise needs to respect data, serve as the dot that send force with data, accomplish business data to change, data business is changed, both is united in wedlock. When formulating brand policy strategy, reduce subjective assume “ I feel ” or “ I think ” , only ” of “ user choice just is the most reliable data prop up.

Spot audience quizs eagerly
In the spot, the audience asks about: Do not satisfy at the current situation when the company, try to march other sphere, with period obtain bigger breakthrough, how to develop oneself advantage to gain a success? Professor Li Yang says, when company itself enough consequence premise falls, the force of use brand is patulous and new domain can get twice the result with half the effort, professor Li Yang listed newsletter industry tycoon China listed newsletter industry for Professor Li Yang tycoon China is to enter wisdom city field exemple, “ wisdom of the city changes ” demand to becoming a city to expand new power gradually, hua Weizheng was to use oneself to be in the advantage of communication technology, fast layout grabs beach wisdom city successfully this one domain.
In business school of the Yangtse River wisdom in building poineering MBA course, set ” brand construction and essence refine sale ” the artificial intelligence in the big data in the construction that curricular cent is a brand and management, sale, sale 3 much. Business school of ginseng lengthen river wisdom the student that educates poineering MBA course, organic meeting attends world-class to postpone meeting and global company visit, and industry survey, can the field of vision that older rate land develops the person that do poineering work.
Business school of the Yangtse River (CKGSB) held water in November 2002, it is the orgnaization of blame productiveness education that has independent corporate organization, also be the business school that home executes Professor “ the first times to manage school ” system. Through development of more than 10 years, of government of have the aid of and Li Jiacheng foundation support energetically, its have many 40 full-time professor of world-class, contributed pair of China and even influence of global government practice great a series of start an idea formerly.
Enter new era, the person that the brand allows consumer and sale upgrades jointly, the enterprise had broken away from profitable sole purpose, more value need to be realized, each industries change at the technology, the model can help business school of the Yangtse River the enterprise solves what in developing a process, encounter a variety of problems, develop jointly with the times, create the potential value with company real brand.
(origin: OFweek)