Can be transformer of common electric current used when transformer of 0 foreword electric current?
[introduction] transformer of common electric current is OK 2 electricity that bigger electric current carries a numerical value to become certainly lesserer than changing amount to to be worth, with will undertake protective, measure wait for utility. And action of transformer of 0 foreword electric current is should happen in circuit get an electric shock or when breakdown of leakage of electricity, protect a movement, dump, this is both between nominally is very similar, action has greatly however different, are their distinction and action specific how? The voltaic transformer of the type that wear a heart uses as 0 foreword transformer does not have a problem from the principle, but its sensitivity has very big difference.
1. general electrify spreads the effect of transformer
Transformer of common electric current is OK 2 electricity that bigger electric current carries a numerical value to become certainly lesserer than changing amount to to be worth, with will undertake protective, measure wait for utility. If change,compare the voltaic transformer that is 400/5, can be the voltaic change that is 400A actually the electric current of 5A.

0 foreword of 2. transformer job principle
The fundamental that 0 foreword electric current protects is to be based on law of Kirchhoff electric current: The algebra that the telegram in reply of node of the either in flowing into circuit sheds and be equal to 0. In circuit and electric equipment normal circumstance falls, the vector of each phase current and be equal to 0, accordingly, the 2 side winding of transformer of 0 foreword electric current does not have signal output, executive component not movement. The vector of each phase current when producing ground connection breakdown and do not be 0, fault current makes magnetic flux arises in the annular core of transformer of 0 foreword electric current, the voltage of 2 side induction of transformer of 0 foreword electric current makes carry out component movement, drive buckle device, switch supplies subsidiary channels in the human body through which vital energy of electrified wire netting, achieve the goal that ground connection breakdown protects.

0 foreword of 3. transformer action
Should happen in circuit get an electric shock or when breakdown of leakage of electricity, protect a movement, dump.
0 foreword of 4. transformer use condition
Can install transformer of an electric current each on three-phase circuitry, or let three-phase lead cross transformer of 10 foreword electric current together, also can install transformer of electric current of a 0 foreword on neuter line N, use its to detect the voltaic vector of three-phase and.
0 foreword electric current protects specific applying to be able to install transformer of an electric current each on three-phase circuitry (C.T) , or let three-phase lead cross 10 foreword C.T together, also can install C.T of a 0 foreword on neuter line N, use these C.T to detect the voltaic vector of three-phase and, namely Io of 0 foreword electric current, IA+IB + IC=IO, when the three-phase bear that receives when the place on circuit is balanced completely (without ground connection breakdown, and the discharge leakage current that takes no account of circuit, wiring) , IO=0; The three-phase bear that receives when the place on circuit is lopsided, criterion IO=IN, right now 0 foreword electric current is IN of lopsided electric current; When some photograph produces ground connection breakdown, produce Id of fault current of a single-phase ground connection necessarily, the IO=IN+Id of 0 foreword electric current that detects right now, it is three-phase lopsided electric current and the vector that odd connecting terrestrial electricity sheds and.