Congratulatory mankind enters a month 50 years: TI the one stride of integrated circuit
[introduction] on July 20, 1969, verie Lima of TI aerospace engineer and domestic person are amounting to Laside a community of the area swim when the pool swims, hear a lady suddenly to cry: It should realize “ ! ”

“ mankind is about to land a moon, ”verie says. When “ should hear this news, swim Chi Li’s everybody jumps out at the same time almost and return respective car to go up. ”
Verie and wife and 3 children hurrieded back inside a few minutes, the testimony mankind that watchs TV to broadcast in the sitting room lands the historical hour of the moon.
“ my consideration is most is the technology that implements the backside that enter a month, the Verie that ” already retired from TI says.
Verie is the circuit stylist that a of TI responsible and unmanned aerospace plans, implementation enters a month this momently to a lot of resembling such Verie engineer as dream general, it is to come for years the achievement that with great concentration tries hard. The engineer research and development of TI went out to be used at guiding Apollo model of 11 moons detector, be moved with Yu Qi and end rocket sprint and the product that are used at controlling radar and navigation apparatus, these are crucial to entering a month successfully.
Verie by Neal the scene that the first pace steps when Si Telang of · A Mu lands a moon shook deeply. But meanwhile, he still is pondering over his job.
He says: “ Apollo gains a success 11 numbers to me character is very main. Because once fail, the other job that aerospace plans also can go aground. The success that enter a month means me to be able to continue to pursue this one job. ”

Do one’s best unplugs so that the head prepares in space race
In 20 centuries 60 with 70 time, verie participates in research and development to be used at the integrated circuit of Mariner and Voyager airship. Do one’s best of thousands of employee is in he and TI unplug so that the head prepares in space race.
The chemical division Sid Parker that already retired from TI developed the technology of mercuric material of cadmium of a kind of production tellurium, this kind of material can be used at making can the induction is inspected before infra-red radiant infra-red (FLIR) camera.
Infrared ray is inspected to be able to create the image that has admirable detail before “ , have a variety of use, include to understand aerospace deep in, ”Sid says.

Solve technical challenge to be in in order to realize space exploration to reaching Kennedy president 60 time realize 20 centuries the end that holds a person to enter a month is crucial.
Before “ Kennedy dies, ever said to ascend month of dream to will come true inside 10 years. We are certain we can become research and development to enter the leader of lunar technology, ”Verie says.
20 centuries 50 time end, russia filmed successfully the far end of the moon picture, be in Apollo is obtained in 11 space races before appearing banner.
“ we try to catch up with the level of Russia, but we are not done, ”verie says. “ we are backward. And the activity that the Soviet citizen has had him really on the moon. ”
A lot of integrated circuit that Verie designs before a few years still are used at aerospace domain now. For example, voyager II has not retire from inside spacecraft. This spacecraft uses 20 centuries the technology of 70 time continues to explore a planet, had arrived be apart from the earth many miles 130 domain. Verie says, the photograph that spacecraft place films had answered a few secret things in the universe, whether is there life on spark for instance. The implementation of all these relies on those who be 3 bulb power supply to be maintained with n only.
“ traveler (Voyager) the principal port of the plan is equivalent to scaling month of plan, because it did the thing that nobody has done, to the business that also does without the person now. Should plan obtained positive result, exceeded the gain that aerospace of 40 years explores, ”Verie says.
Settle the technical challenge that aerospace flies
If do not have invention integrated circuit, traveler (Voyager) , Apollo (Apollo) , jack-tar (Mariner) cannot finish these space jobs. 11 years when ascend a moon first on human history ago, TI engineer Jack Kilby made first integrated circuit in lab handiwork. Although do not have immediateness to be admitted, but this integrated circuit will conduce to the technical problem that solves space flight, because it allows an engineer park of many electrons circuit on a small and compressed semiconductor material, reduce weight thereby and save power.
“ has lighter weight, less power and bulk, you can have more tests to spacecraft, ”Verie says.
Integrated circuit must be in Jack rolled out this technology to come first on September 12, 1958 Si Telang of · A Mu strode Neal on July 20, 1969 ” of one half step finishs the “ of a mankind between place of these two time tremendous progress.
“ problem is not circuit or component, and proper technology is used in depending on 0 gravitational environments, ”Verie says.
“ is in TI, we cost 11 years to go out to use Yu Hang air with respect to research and development only the most crucial task on spaceflight history—Apollo 11 new-style integrated circuit, its have likewise as important as first integrated circuit innovation sense. Ahmad Bahai of officer of ” chief technology says.
Reduce cost
1959, air force funds a project of TI, study the workmanship of integrated circuit namely. The pilot item that produces from this makes the cost of integrated circuit is reduced from every 1000 dollars to 450 dollars, later manufacturing industry of a few years develops, make the cost of every chip farther reduce to 25 dollars.

1962, TI engineer designed first embarking rocket to enter the integrated circuit facility of aerospace. It is used to the radiate that in founding a tally to research earthly magnetic field, captures.
1964, our engineer built command detector for Ranger 7 / decoder. Aerospace detector sends the close quarters picture of a Zhang Yueqiu surface successfully, the touchdown that this makes scientist and engineer can decide Apollo astronaut is the safest area.
Nowadays, integrated circuit remains the cornerstone of contemporary electron product, its capacity, power, dimension and speed show exponential level growth. Actually, a lot of things that any an intelligence equipment that integrated circuit can support you to have and you feel everyday. The likelihood on smaller than dime contemporary integrated circuit includes billions of transistor.
The memory of “ smartphone compares traveler (Voyager) the component on spacecraft is 240 thousand times more, rate is 100 thousand times rapidder, ”Verie says. “ is fab. ”
Verie thinks the development of technical future will exceed our imagination.
Jack Kilby was in “ turn one’s head 1958 the scene that TI lab invents first integrated circuit, we had obtained great progress. I will engrave all these. ”
Want to know the more news of the route that about integrated circuit the day from the invention takes up to now, examine our Bo Wen please: On September 12, 2019 – Jack Kilby fete.
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