Detailed solves the leakage current standard of dc of capacitor of pottery and porcelain to be worth
[introduction] the fiducial value of leakage current mark of dc is not a regulation, but insulation resistance value is worth for the regulation. The formulary cost that can pass insulation resistance and product are rated voltage, use computative leakage current of I=V/R calculating type. But, the cipher out of estimation of insulation resistance standard that sets according to village cropland is worth, alleged safeguard also is restricted only insulation resistance product.

The fiducial value of leakage current mark of dc is not a regulation, but insulation resistance value is worth for the regulation. The formulary cost that can pass insulation resistance and product are rated voltage, use computative leakage current of I=V/R calculating type. But, the cipher out of estimation of insulation resistance standard that sets according to village cropland is worth, alleged safeguard also is restricted only insulation resistance product.
1.Estimation of insulation resistance standard calculates the method of leakage current
Exemple: GRM155B31H103KA88
(The assurance that 1) affirms GRM155B31H103KA88 the fiducial value of insulation resistance mark of function.

(The capacity of 2) GRM155B31H103KA88 is less than 0.047μF, the mark fiducial value of insulation resistance is more than 10000MΩ .
(The rated voltage 50V of the 10000MΩ that fiducial value of insulation resistance mark takes the place of in 3) I=V/R and GRM155B31H103KA88 of the name of an article.
(4) I=50/10000M
(5) I (leakage current) =0.0005μA is the following
2.By ΩF the standard of computative insulation resistance is worth, the method of computational leakage current
Exemple: GRM188B30J106ME47
(The assurance that 1) affirms GRM188B30J106ME47 the name of an article the fiducial value of insulation resistance mark of function.

(The fiducial value of insulation resistance mark that GRM188B30J106ME47 expresses below 2) basis is 50ΩF above.
(3) unit ΩF is resistor and the product of static capacitance, 50ΩF is worth fiducial value of insulation resistance mark except the electrostatic capacity with the name of an article.
(4) insulation resistance =50ΩF/10μF
(5) insulation resistance =5MΩ (μ=10-6, M=106)
(The rated voltage 6.3V of the 5MΩ that fiducial value of insulation resistance mark takes the place of in 6) I=V/R and GRM188B30J106ME47 of the name of an article.
(7) I=6.3/5M
(8) I (leakage current) =1.26μA is the following
Why is * ΩF
One of insulation resistance units.
The product that the mark fiducial value that provides insulation resistance measures value and insulation resistance for nominal and electrostatic look (CR is accumulated) , the unit is ΩF.
Generally speaking, unit capacity (μF) decision insulation resistance, according to the capacity, the high capacity capacitor with fluctuant insulation resistance, use unit ΩF, decide by static capacitance value of a quantity insulation resistance standard is worth.