Does suddenly Er sensor use need what to item notice in transducer?
(The dynamic character with better to get 1) and sensitivity, must notice the coupling of former edge coil and deputy edge coil, want coupling to had been gotten, had better use odd root wire and lead is complete aperture of module of sensor of cram suddenly Er.
(2) is used in had shed coil of sensor former edge when big dc electric current, and sub circuit did not receive electrify source | Manostat or deputy frontier open a way, criterion its magnetic circuit is magnetized, and generation remanence, the influence measures precision (when reason is used, should put through first power source and measure upright M) , when producing this kind of situation, want to undertake demagnetization is handled first. Its method is second edge circuit does not increase power supply, and the alternating current that knows size of one same order and degree in former edge coil reduces his to be worth gradually.
(3) is in most circumstance, suddenly Er sensor has the very strong magnetic field outside fighting to disturb ability, the magnetic field interference that is put in a double voltaic place generation at Ip of working electric current between distance module 5-10cm commonly is negligible, but when should stronger magnetic field is disturbed, want to adopt proper measure to solve. Normally the method has:
① adjusts module direction, the magnetic field outside making is the smallest to the influence of module
② adds the metallic screen cover that the cover refuses magnetic field on module
③ chooses the module that brings element of component of double suddenly Er or much Huoer.
(The optimal precision that 4) measures gets below rating, should be measured electric current is far under rating when, want to obtain optimal precision, former edge can be used much more v/LIT all over the ground, namely: IpNp= is rated bring v/LIT all over the ground number. Additional, temperature of line of former edge make a present of should not exceed 80 ℃ .
The characteristic of suddenly Er sensor (compare with common transformer)
1, the electric current that suddenly Er sensor can measure aleatoric weaveform and voltage, be like: Weaveform of dc, communication, pulse, right even the measurement of transient state peak value. The weaveform of electric current of former edge of reaction of trustily of deputy edge electric current. And common transformer cannot is likened to with its, it is applied to only commonly measure 50Hz sine wave.
2, complete report is isolated from between former edge circuit and deputy edge circuit, isolation voltage comes for 2KV commonly 12KV, special requirement can amount to 20KV to 50KV.
3, precision is tall: In excel of the precision inside working temperature area 1% , this precision agrees with any undee measurement. And general precision is common transformer 3% to 5% and suit 50Hz sine weaveform.
4, degree of linearity is good: Excel 0.1%
5, dynamic performance is good: Answer time to be less than 1μs to dog 50A/μs of speed Di/dt prep above
6, this kind of superior dynamic performance is module of suddenly Er sensor the base that increased the function of contemporary control system to provide a key. Answer time to be 10-12ms than common transformer with this photograph, it already cannot get used to the need that shop control system admits.
7, working frequency band is broad: Inside 0-100kHz frequency limits precision is 1% . Inside 0-5kHz frequency limits precision is 0.5% .
8, measure range: Module of suddenly Er sensor is systematic product, electric current is measured can amount to 50KA, voltage is measured can amount to 6400V.
9, overload capability is strong: When excess load of former edge electric current, module reachs saturation, can protect automatically, although overload electric current is of rating 20 times when, module also won’t damage.
10, module size is small, weight is light, install easily, it won’t bring any losses in the system.
11, of module primary with sub the “ capacitance ” between is very weak, in a lot of application, in all all sorts of influences of modular voltage normally negligible, should obtain thousands of hot season / when the high pressure of μs changes, module has oneself screen effect.
12, the tall sensitivity of module, make can distinguish the weak signal on ” of “ tall heft, for example: On hundreds of installed dc heft divisional the communication weight that gives a few milliampere.
13, reliability is high: Failure rate: Hour of λ=0.43 ╳ 10-6/
14, capability of interference of the magnetic field outside fighting is strong: In be apart from module 5-10cm to be in have double at working electric current (the error that the magnetic field that the voltaic place of 2Ip) produces is disturbed and causes is less than 0.5% , this is opposite most applying, interference of the magnetic field outside fighting is enough, but should take proper step to the interference of very strong magnetic field.