Electromagnetism of instrument of some glow cure is compatible and how neat change

Electromagnetism of instrument of some glow cure is compatible and how neat change

[introduction] some medical apparatus and instruments basically uses drive board and control plate unit of two big main control is comprised, use at controlling high-energy glow and classics skin to stimulate two big functions. In carry out electrostatic discharge (±8KV of discharge of ±6KV of ESD contact discharge, air) , pulse group (±2KV) wait for electromagnetism when compatible experiment, the drive that controls high-energy glow board occurrence restoration breakdown. In carry out install compasses compression to experiment (experiment voltage 4kV) , compression experiment has been illogical. Analyse in detail and rectify and reform as follows:
One, install compasses compression (experiment voltage 4kV) rectify and reform
Evaluate with the analysis via experimenting for many times: Because,this product basically is the relay on drive board compression level is insufficient, hand in dc to do coupling (show 1 times like the graph) , cause install compasses compression to had been illogical.
Electromagnetism of instrument of some glow cure is compatible and how neat change
Rectify and reform a method:
Undertake optimize and addition filter wave circuitry to original circuit (like the graph 2 are shown) , rectify and reform as follows in detail:
1, pursue according to having PCB board (express without the network) pursue with the principle (circuit of principle plan part is short of break) , power source hand in dc departure wiring, avoid to make issue of faze of dc each other;
2, high-energy glow output passes filter wave;
3, optimize circuit of high-energy glow dc;
4, the relay that has compression order and degree newlier.
Electromagnetism of instrument of some glow cure is compatible and how neat change
2, electrostatic discharge, pulse group rectify and reform
Carry out electrostatic discharge (±8KV of discharge of ±6KV of ESD contact discharge, air) , pulse group (±2KV) when, when because alternating current is in,entering switch power source, filter of original power source cannot restrain pulse effectively group fight faze and drive board to the join electrical outlet of control plate end does not have filter wave circuit, cannot effective inhibition the interference that air discharges.
Rectify and reform a method:
1, drive board carries each signal, power source to add filter wave circuitry to the join electrical outlet of control plate;
2, AC end designs pulse group restrain implement.
3, via the skin exciting interface place adds ESD release circuitry.
3, other
The basis brings compasses demand, need does not accord with those who bring compasses demand to undertake altering to the product.
1, indicator light (gules) change green;
2, next closing will leave on switch instead.
4, electromagnetism is compatible test
After this product passes correcting, undertook electrostatic discharge, pulse group, surge, install compasses compression, radiate to blast off, the electromagnetism such as conducted emission is compatible experiment, if the graph is shown 3 times (radiation projects test result) . Already experimented through each in test site.
Electromagnetism of instrument of some glow cure is compatible and how neat change
The article is reprinted from electromagnetism compatible rectify and reform with the test.

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