Feeling of place of suddenly Er effect measures: The response of slip configuration degree of linearity and slope
[introduction] sensor of Huo Er effect is measured for positional feeling offerred efficient solution. Use suddenly Er sensor, there is mechanical join between sensor and athletic component, because this can obtain higher reliability and durable sex.
Sensor of suddenly Er effect is measured for positional feeling offerred efficient solution. Use suddenly Er sensor, there is mechanical join between sensor and athletic component, because this can obtain higher reliability and durable sex.
The positional feeling that a few kinds of different magnetism sensor configuration can be used at be based on Huo Er effect measures application. In the article, we can produce research one kind linear gauss and the slip magnetism configuration that are apart from a curve. We still will see the slope that can use magnet combination to adjust gauss and distance curve.
Degree of linearity may be a payoff
In an article, we studied simple front and sideslip are configured. If the graph is shown 1 times,these two kinds are decorated.
Graph 1(a) . The front and (B) slip induction.
We see feeling measure the relation between field and distance to issue dispute linear in afore-mentioned arrangement. These magnetism sensor configuration use as normally precision requirement is not very slashing application be close to detector mediumly.
However, when should needing an edge to pass buy of feeling journey counterpoint to have careful control, we are willing to establish linear relationship between sensor output and displacement more. In fact, although we can use software to eliminate sensor linear error, but linear is answered is desirable, because it can rise,measure precision and facilitate systematic calibration.
Linear and slip induction
Graph 2(a) showed one kind slides arrange, it is in feeling linear relation appears between the Z heft that measures magnetic field and magnetic body displacement. Graph 2(b) showed magnetic flux density (in Z axis direction) the relation with magnetic body journey.
Graph 2(a) . The slip configuration that has linear to answer (density of B) magnetic flux and magnet position
What be located in sensor when magnet is left (X<0) when, the magnetic field line of magnet can produce an as contrary as Z axis direction heft. Ask an attention, lines of force arrives from the arctic of magnet antarctic.
Graph 3 showed one of lines of force that cross sensor.
Graph 3. Adopt the way of lines of force of sensor of suddenly Er effect
Accordingly, to X<0, feeling the Z heft that measures magnetic field is negative. When magnet reachs central place, the magnetic field of Z direction will is 0. To displacement (X>0) , the heft that magnetic field can produce Z axis way (magnetic field) . To the big displacement of either direction, the field line of less amount can carry sensor. Accordingly, the magnetic field that sensor feeling measures is reduced.
The displacement all round the Z heft that one of this kind of crucial traits that assign are magnetic field and origin shows linear concern. This linear limits is shown like graph 2(b) place. The length of linear area is less than the length of magnetic body slightly. For example, to the magnet of 22 millimeter, linear area is OK from about – 10 millimeter expand + 10 millimeter. Sexual behavior of this kind of line makes we can detect well and truly the position of mobile object.
If how we need bigger linear range to do?
We can use longer magnet to increase the linear scope of afore-mentioned configuration; But, certain application cannot accommodate big magnet in the system. In addition, to growing magnet, cost may be element of a limitation. If need to detect,compare the distance with magnet longer length, we can use sensor array to expand measure range. If pursue,4 are shown.
Graph 4. Use sensor of effect of many suddenly Er to increase linear scope
Below this kind of circumstance, the data that we need processing to come from many sensor in order to find object place. About detailed information, consult this TI applies a specification please.
Detect the existence of the object
Graph 2 glide mediumly configuration also can be used at detecting the existence of the object (is not affirmatory object the position in its journey) . In the give a demonstration that shows in graph 2(a) place suppose, magnet from left move at X axis to right parallel. Suppose our number (/ close) if pursue,release a dot show 5 times.
Graph 5. Use glide configuration undertakes / close detect
As magnet from left to right be close to sensor, magnetic field intensity becomes bigger and bigger. Be in D2 place, feeling the magnetism work place that the magnetic field that measures is equal to open sensor. Stand by magnet sensor to be able to produce bigger magnetic field to make sensor holds open position.
Now, if our face is contrary direction (from right arrive left) mobile sensor, magnetic field is met abate. Be in D1 place, magnetic field becomes be less than those who shut sensor to release a dot. This makes we can detect the existence of the object. We still can use this structure to define a reference point in object stroke (the switch of sensor is nodded) .
The basis pursues 5 medium magnetic flux density and distance curve, given magnetic flux density can arise by two kinds of different displacement. This is why afore-mentioned decorating the application of endmost of journey of means limitation object that is used at rigid structure to be able to be in place of a specific displacement to happen only with sensor switch normally. This can explain to any different meanings appear when the result with preventing to be in.
Increase gauss and the gradient that are apart from a curve
We above had discussed, number (/ close) sensor of Huo Er effect is OK use together with slip configuration, in order to define the reference point in object journey. If we can increase gauss and the slope that are apart from a curve, we can detect more reference point.
Slope is bigger, cause magnetic field strength to calm displacement change is bigger, sensor detects more easily. Graph 6(a) showed system of a magnetism, its slope is more than the slope of the configuration in graph 2(a) .
Graph 6. Use many magnet to raise a strong resolution
Below this kind of circumstance, the arctic of a pair of magnet and antarctic move at sensor relatively. Total magnetic field is decided by the lines of force of two magnet. Decorate in this kind in, the interval is measured relative to the center that is opposite at magnetic body. Graph 6(b) showed the concern of the Z heft of induced magnetism field and distance. In central position (X=0) , the lines of force that the number of lines of force of the arctic of a magnet that crosses sensor is equal to another magnet antarctic is counted. Accordingly, density of clean magnetic flux is 0.
Assume we move magnet right from central position (X>0) . This increased suddenly to come from the amount of antarctic lines of force, arose to have the magnetic field of Z heft. Similar, when us magnet from central position (when X<0) towards the left is mobile, what we can obtain to have negative Z weight is opposite stronger magnetic field. Around origin, 2(a) of graph of gradient prep above glides mediumly configuration, because arrive from arctic,antarctic transition happens suddenly. Of gauss and distance curve this kind can help us define the referenced position of mobile object well and truly relative to bigger slope.
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