Forum is premonitory forum of chip of AI of | new helium — close quarters contacts the whole world kind cerebral chip expert
[introduction] speak of AI chip, it is the concept of a wider extensive as before, up to now the definition with specific neither one. Tell from broad sense category, the chip that faces AI computation application can call AI chip, the AI that is a delegate with GPU, FPGA, ASIC quickens what chip also can say to be AI chip.
The —— of forward position direction that regards AI as chip breaks through Yi of traditional Feng Nuo kind of head chip of graceful framework, the near future earns each big media head again and again. August 30 / , by new helium kind the forum of chip of AI of 2019 new helium that cerebral intelligence sponsors will be in Shanghai Yang Chuanggu holds Yang Pu warden ceremoniously. During, will have domestic and international many 20 are produced learn to grind each direction expert, entrepreneur is aimed at “ artificial intelligence and kind the development direction “ of algorithm of the trend ” of cerebral intelligence, “ and chip spreads out discuss.

Kind what is cerebral chip after all? Kind the nerve that cerebral chip framework is imitate person head dash forward touch deliver a structure, numerous processor is similar to nerve yuan, communication system is similar to nerve fiber, every nerve yuan consideration has in this locality, see nerve from whole yuan people distributed have the job, that is to say integral task undertook dividing the work, every nerve yuan be in charge of be being calculated partly only. On processing magnanimity data this is planted means advantage is clear, and power comsumption compares traditional chip lower.
How to develop kind of brain intelligence from structure of person cranial nerve, from kind the head is calculated kind of head chip, arrive again hardware can have kind of head to develop what kind ofly after all, this second forum specially invited Shanghai intelligence electron and systematic academy dean Mr Zheng Lirong, he will be shared for everybody ” exceed large-scale nerve mimicry to calculate ” . Sichuan university kind director of cerebral computation research center Mr Tang Huajin also will be brought for everybody ” nerve configuration acknowledge is calculated ” the theme makes a speech.
This second forum is special also invite the Thomas Lee that came to American Stanford university to teach, his speech title is ” use at extensive to be in of brim intelligence agile piece on interrelate framework ” . Alibabada rub courtyard, chen Jiaoyan of scientist of research of computational technology laboratory undertakes ” kind cerebral calculative is illuminative times ” the theme makes a speech, at the same time the organizing committee returned specially to invite Stockholm university to teach Anders Lansner and Sweden royal technical institute teachs Ahmed Hemani, they will be brought for everybody ” from super- calculate cerebrum imitate to arrive kind of head computation ” reach ” be based on type of happy tall building blocks piece on what the system designs is custom-built turn kind of head hardware ” the theme makes a speech.
To the best framework of the dug of framework of artificial intelligence chip and AI chip, this second forum is special invite will think of Liao Ren of chairman of working group of MLPerf of / of director of lab of artificial intelligence of science and technology newly 100 million, associated microelectronics center is presiding apparitor Yang Meiji, the science and technology that recall core is presiding framework Shi Suntang produce learn to grind the expert of each domains, scholar. Particular forum agenda reachs speech honored guest, welcome everybody to pay close attention to new helium kind date of cerebral intelligence community.

New helium kind cerebral intelligence serves as kind of head chip and piece on intelligent system research and development bears the weight of with what change function platform main body, platform devotes oneself to compose to build multidimensional degree in coordination zoology, develop chip and artificial intelligence technology to tax can traditional industry and artificial intelligence trade through the design.
Below the premise of public service and commonweal attribute, produce technical advantage adequately, drive an industry to change, offer an expert to support for group of each type technology and enterprise, industry resource, apply setting to receiving each type artificial intelligence. New helium kind cerebral intelligence platform is to face resource of innovation of industrial innovation demand, stimulative science and technology to open the new-style organization that cooperate with, it is stimulative technology research and development and change, foster development innovation enterprise, advance industrial innovation to develop.
Forum of chip of AI of 2019 new helium and international intelligence electron and systematic learning colloquium by Shanghai new helium kind limited company of cerebral intelligence science and technology is sponsorred, electron of intelligence of international Federation for Information Processing, Shanghai and systematic academy assist do, will on August 30, 2019 – in Shanghai Yang Pu grew Yang Chuanggu to hold on August 31. Reach means signing up to ask scanning lower part to the particular agenda of this second forum 2 dimension code, pay close attention to new helium kind date of cerebral intelligence community.