Heavy pound is recommended! The batteries charger that applies to any chemical content IC

Heavy pound is recommended! The batteries charger that applies to any chemical content IC

[introduction] a lot of normally by the equipment of batteries power supply need charges variously composition of chemistry of power source, batteries, voltage and electric current. For example, appear as the group of new-style big batteries that suits chemistry of all type batteries to comprise, the high-end spending with substantial function, medical treatment, industry and circuit of car batteries charger need taller voltage and electricity.
However, in the light of numerous input voltage, charge voltage and demand of charging current combination, only one fraction can be used be based on voltaic integrated circuit (the solution of IC) . The combination with more complex the others and develop attack, the integrated circuit that uses normally and schism type component are combined, trival and burdensome ……
Use its quite welcome double chip to charge till ADI company the solution dissolved difficult problem of this one market, this kind of circumstance just is able to change. This solution charges by LTC4000 batteries the exterior compensation of controller IC and form a complete set is compatible model Dc-dc converter composition.
Switch and linear charger
Traditional and linear develop attacks batteries charger IC often is taken seriously compact dimension, simply with low cost because of its. But, these linear charger are put in a few defect, include input and batteries voltage range wastage of finite, electric current is opposite taller, power comsumption is exorbitant, charge upright electrode algorithm is finite, and opposite efficiency is lower (efficiency ~ [VOUT/VIN]×100% ) . On the other hand, charger of switch mode batteries also attacks because of its agile develop structure, much chemistry charges, tall charge efficiency (the quantity of heat of generation is extremely low, support charges quickly) , limits of wide job voltage and welcome. But, switch charger also is put in a few defect, include: Cost is relative taller, the design that is based on inductance is more complex, may produce noise, solution size is larger.
Be based on afore-mentioned reasons, contemporary lead acid, wireless power source, energy is collected, solar energy charges, long-range sensor and embedded car application uses power supply of charger of batteries of sex of high tension line normally. But, organic now meeting obtains the moderner switch mode charger without these defect.
Simple step-down batteries charger
Design personnel design charges the meeting when the solution faces a few grim challenges, include numerous input source and numerous and usable batteries, charge the high capacity of batteries and tall input voltage.
The range that inputs a source is wide and very changeful, but involve batteries to charge system, the more complex problem that encounter includes: Voltage limits comes for 5 V solar battery of system of AC of commutate of the adapter of high-power wall type with taller even 19 V, 24 V, tall impedance board, car and heavy-duty lorry / Humvee batteries. Accordingly, the batteries chemistry that can use in these systems combines an amount to increase further subsequently, be like lithium radical (lithium of iron of polymer of lithium ion, lithium, phosphoric acid (LiFePO4) ) with plumbic acid base, make the design faces more complex situation thereby.
As a result of the complexity that IC designs, existing batteries charges main bureau be confined to uses IC step-down (or step-down) or more complex SEPIC develop attacks. Solar energy is added to charge in this combination function, can bring all sorts of other difficult problem. Finally, existing a few solutions are a variety of batteries chemistry composition to charge, a few use board carry end a method. But, so far, onefold without a kind still IC charger can offer all function character that solves these problem place to need.
The new fund of functional diversity is compact model charger
The step-down that can solve afore-mentioned problems IC charges the solution needs to have the following major character:
Limits of voltage of ● wide input
Limits of voltage of ● wide output, use at satisfying requirement of many batteries pile
● flexibility — can charge for a variety of batteries chemistry composition
● is contained board carry charge the simple and own operation that ends functional algorithm (need not microprocessor)
● is tall charging current, can charge quickly for batteries of large tall size
● solar energy charges function
● is used advanced enclose come loose in order to rise hot property and dimensional efficiency
ADI gives quite welcome LTC4000 batteries to charge in the development a few years ago controller IC (with exterior compensation Dc-dc converter cooperates to use, compose success can be powerful and agile 2 chip batteries charges solution) later, what simplified to have greatly is very complex the solution with the trouble. To realize PowerPath™ control, step up / step-down function, and limitation of input electric current, the solution included a step-down – manostat of switch of step up Dc-dc or controller of charger of manostat of switch of a step-down (with conjugate of controller of pressure boost of a front) , a microprocessor, and many IC and schism component. Main drawback includes: Operation voltage range is narrow, do not have a solar battery board input function, cannot be composition of all batteries chemistry to charge, and not board carry charge stop a function.
Rapid development arrives now, had had a few simpler, more compact sheet at present piece the solution can use formula at solving these problems. The LTC4162 that ADI company offers and charger of LTC4015 step-down batteries all offer odd chip step-down to charge solution, support a variety of charging current grade and whole functional group.
LTC4162 batteries charger
LTC4162 is a height much chemistry of compositive, tall voltage comprises synchronous sheet piece step-down batteries charger and PowerPath management implement, have board Zai Yao is measured function and optional most high-power dot dogs (MPPT) is characteristic. It transmits all sorts of input sources can efficiently (adapter of the type that be like a wall, backboard and solar battery board) electric power, the ion that it is lithium / polymer, LiFePO4 or group of plumbic acerbity batteries charge, still provide the electric power that is as high as 35 V for systematic load at the same time. This equipment provides advanced systematic monitoring and PowerPath management, and batteries state is monitored. Although use the function with the most advanced LTC4162 to need to use lead plane small controller, still can use I2C port optionally. Of this product basically charge the function can be used bring a foot to bind calm configuration and process designing resistor to undertake adjustment. The charging current that this equipment offers ±5% adjusts (be as high as 3.2 A) , of ±0.75% charge voltage adjustment, the input of supportive 4.5 V to 35 V voltage limits. Apply to power source of portable medical apparatus and instruments, USB to transmit (USB-C) equipment, war equipment, industry holds equipment and consolidate jotter / flat computer.
Heavy pound is recommended! The batteries charger that applies to any chemical content IC
Graph 1. The representative application circuit of LTC4162-L
LTC4162 (see a picture 1) include an accurate 16 modulus converter (ADC) , can according to demand continuous monitoring a lot of system parameter, include to input voltage, input temperature of voltage of electric current of electric current, batteries voltage, batteries, output, batteries, mould temperature and resistor of batteries series connection (BSR) . All system parameter can pass interface of I2C of a crewel to come monitoring, and but process designing He Kebing’s my alarm can ensure the information that is interested only just can be brought about interrupt. Of this equipment active most high-power dot dogs algorithm inputs low pressure to dominate return circuit in the scanning inside global limits, select site of a job, with utmost ground from the solar battery board draw electric power with other resistor source.
In addition, the PowerPath develop of the buy inside its attacks the output voltage in Ou batteries, make portable product can be below condition of voltage of extremely small cell use charge start immediately when power source. Of LTC4162 board carry charge configuration is aimed at lithium ion / composition carried out a variety of batteries chemistry such as polymer, LiFePO4 and plumbic acid to optimize. Charge voltage and charging current are OK according to batteries temperature self-correcting, in order to accord with the requirement of JEITA guideline, perhaps can define oneself. To plumbic acerbity batteries, successive temperature curve is met according to voltage of batteries of environmental temperature self-correcting. To all chemical composition, can use system of optional mould join thermoregulation, prevent to be in suffer be restricted overheat appears in space or the application that are put in hot issue. Lithium ion fills function of electric energy effect to refer to a graph 2.
Heavy pound is recommended! The batteries charger that applies to any chemical content IC
Graph 2. When using different amount cell, lithium ion charge efficiency concerns with what input voltage
Finally, LTC4162 uses the 28 4 Mm that cite a base×5 Mm QFN is enclosed, deploy bare metal solder dish, medicinal powder hot performance is excellent. E class and I class facilities can come in –40°C + the job inside 125°C limits.
How does need do when taller electric current?
LTC4015 also is charger of much the tall voltage with a compositive height, more chemical composition, synchronous step-down batteries, offer board Zai Yao measures a function. But, it used controller framework and FET of power leaving a line, can realize higher charging current capability (be as high as 20 A or taller, specific depend on picks exterior package) . This equipment can adopt input cause (mural type adapter, solar battery board etc) Xiang Li is ionic / polymer, LiFePO4 or plumbic acerbity batteries are efficient power supply. It is offerred advanced system is monitored and govern a function, include batteries coulomb computation and state to monitor.
Although use the function with the most advanced LTC4015 to need to use lead plane small controller, still can use I2C port optionally. Of this product basically charge the function can be used bring a foot to bind calm configuration and process designing resistor to undertake adjustment.
Heavy pound is recommended! The batteries charger that applies to any chemical content IC
Graph 3. Circuit of charger of step-down of batteries of ion of Shuang Li of 12 VIN, 8 A batteries.
The charging current that LTC4015 offers ±2% adjusts (be as high as 20 A) , of ±1.25% charge voltage adjustment, the input of supportive 4.5 V to 35 V voltage limits. Apply to equipment of instrument of portable medical treatment, war, batteries to back up application, industry holds jotter of type of illume of equipment, industry, consolidate / communication of flat computer, long-range power and remote supervising system.
LTC4015 still includes 14 accurate ADC, and tally of coulomb of a high accuracy. ADC monitors a lot of parameter of the system continuously, include to input electric current of voltage of voltage, input electric current, batteries, batteries, establish ties according to commanding report batteries temperature and battery resistor (BSR) . Through monitoring these parameter, LTC4015 can report the working status of batteries is mixed charge condition. All systematic parameter can pass interface of I2C of a crewel to come monitoring, and but process designing He Kebing’s my alarm can ensure the information that is interested only just can be brought about interrupt. Of LTC4015 board carry charge configuration is aimed at lithium ion / a variety of batteries chemistry composition such as polymer, LiFePO4 and plumbic acid undertook optimizing. Cite a base through configuration, the user can be what batteries chemistry comprises predefine to charge in a few kinds algorithmic, and undertake choosing between a few kinds of algorithm that can adjust parameter through I2C. Charge voltage and charging current are OK according to batteries temperature self-correcting, in order to accord with JEITA guideline, perhaps define the requirement of the setting oneself. Plumbic acid fills function of electric energy effect to refer to a graph 4. LTC4015 uses 5 Mm×7 Mm QFN is enclosed, deploy bare metal solder dish, medicinal powder hot performance is excellent.
Heavy pound is recommended! The batteries charger that applies to any chemical content IC
Graph 4. The lead of LTC4015 is acerbity charge efficiency
Economic space, agile, have higher power level
What because LTC4162 is one contains compositive result,lead MOSFET is odd a parts of an apparatus, fall in coequal power social estate (for example, 3 A) , it is more economic than LTC4015 reach the PCB area of 50% . Because their function is similar, when output voltaic limits is > 3.2 A arrives 20 A, or prep above when this limits, should use LTC4015. Inside course of study solution of charger of congener IC batteries cannot provide coequal and compositive level, also cannot produce same power standard. These are close to charging current (2 A arrives 3 A) batteries solution applies to single cell chemistry to comprise only (lithium is ionic) , or batteries charges voltage is restricted (the biggest 13 V) , because this cannot be offerred as equal as LTC4162 or LTC4015 power level or flexibility. In addition, when you the consideration realizes recent competitive sheet piece when solution of type batteries charger needs the exterior component measure that uses, LTC4162 can be saved amount to the PCB space of 40% , because this has appeal more.
Great this world can charge
In most high-power is nodded (MPP) operates a solar battery board have a lot of methods. One of the simplest methods are to pass diode to receive batteries the solar battery repeatedly board go up. This kind of technology relies on the voltage of the biggest output cell panel and batteries to match relative to narrow voltage range. Lead when usable result very low (cover with tiles under a few fine long hair about) when, this may be best method. However, power level is impossible all the time very low. Accordingly, LTC4162 and LTC4015 used MPPT technology, this kind of technology can decide a solar battery according to the change of incident light board most high-power voltage (MPV) . When circuit board electric current is in 20 years or change should producing inside longer dynamic time limits, this voltage can change 18 V from 12 V urgent revulsion. MPPT circuit algorithm is searched and dog value of face plate voltage, offer the biggest charging current for batteries. MPPT function can dog continuously not only most high-power dot, still can choose on power curve correct most high-power dot, appear on power curve thereby when many peak value, the power that circuit board gains increases below partial sunshade condition. Below weak smooth condition, although do not have enough light to make MPPT normal work, low power mode also can let charger offer small charging current.
ADI company function is all ready and powerful brand-new batteries charges to manage with PowerPath implement integrated circuit LTC4162 and LTC4015, simplified the high pressure of heavy and complicated and tall electric current charge system. These equipment can efficient management inputs a source (adapter of the type that be like a wall, backboard, solar battery board etc) comprise with all sorts of batteries chemistry (include lithium ion / polymer, LiFePO4 and SLA) the power source between allocates. The implementation in edge application is high-powered before its simple solution and compact appearance make they can be in, and the develop that was based on more complex, more ancient switch conditioner only in the past attacks (like SEPIC) just be only alternative. In the design when circuit of charger of high power cell, OK and great simplify the job of stylist.

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