Hookup of transformer of electric current of collect carefully edition is too complete!

Hookup of transformer of electric current of collect carefully edition is too complete!

[introduction] we are divided from transformer of electric current of use function admiral use voltaic transformer with voltaic transformer and protection to measure two kinds, the principle of all sorts of electric current transformer is similar, the article sums up all sorts of voltaic transformer hookup, use for reference.
One, measure with method of voltaic transformer wiring
Measuring the effect that uses voltaic transformer is to show it is normal to be in inside voltage limits, to measure, metric device provides information of electric current of electrified wire netting.
1. general electrify sheds transformer hookup
Hookup of transformer of electric current of collect carefully edition is too complete!
The side electric current of voltaic transformer is from P1 terminal is entered, come out from P2 terminal; Namely side of power source of P1 terminal join, side of load of P2 terminal join.
The 2 side electric current of voltaic transformer is poured out of from S1, enter ammeter wiring column, after negative wiring column comes out, ammeter flows into voltaic transformer 2 times terminal S2, ground connection of terminal of S2 of in principle requirement.
Note: Transformer of certain electric current nominal, l1, L2, 2 side are nominal K1, K2.
2. wears hookup of transformer of heart type electric current
Hookup of transformer of electric current of collect carefully edition is too complete!
Wiring of transformer of electric current of the type that wear a heart and transformer of common electric current are similar, side is crossed from the P1 face of transformer, p2 face comes out, 2 side wiring and common transformer are identical.
2, voltaic transformer hookup
Overall cent is voltaic transformer wiring 4 wiring means:
Hookup of transformer of electric current of 1. only station
Can reflect the condition of single-phase electric current only, apply to need to measure the situation of one phase current.
Hookup of transformer of electric current of collect carefully edition is too complete!
Hookup of transformer of only station electric current
2. three-phase is complete astral form wiring and hookup of transformer of electric current of triangular wiring form
Transformer of three-phase electric current can the metabolic circumstance of bear of three-phase of seasonable and accurate knowledge.
Hookup of transformer of electric current of collect carefully edition is too complete!
Three-phase is complete hookup of transformer of astral form electric current
Hookup of transformer of electric current of collect carefully edition is too complete!
Three-phase is complete hookup of transformer of horny form electric current
3. two-phase is not complete hookup of transformer of electric current of form of astral form wiring
Use at most in real work, but be confined to three-phase 3 lines make a system. It saved transformer of an electric current, mix according to three-phase vector for the principle of 0, the phase current of B of voltaic cipher out that uses photograph of A, C.
Hookup of transformer of electric current of collect carefully edition is too complete!
Two-phase is not complete hookup of transformer of electric current of form of astral form wiring
4. two-phase differs hookup of transformer of electric current of voltaic wiring form
Also use at three-phase only 3 lines make circuit in, the advantage of this kind of wiring is not only save transformer of an electric current, and breakdown of all sorts of alternate with short circuit in also can mirrorring three-phase circuit with a relay, i.e. finishs three-phase to cross voltaic protection with least relay, save investment.
Hookup of transformer of electric current of collect carefully edition is too complete!
Two-phase differs hookup of transformer of electric current of voltaic wiring form
Means of 5. other wiring
Series connection of 5.1 former edges, deputy edge establishs ties
What hookup of former edge series connection, deputy edge series connection shows voltaic transformer as follows, fruit of series connection aftereffect: Transformer changes than changeless, 2 times rated bear increases one times.
Hookup of transformer of electric current of collect carefully edition is too complete!
Voltaic transformer hookup of former edge series connection, deputy edge series connection
Series connection of 5.2 former edges, deputy edge is shunt-wound
What hookup of paralell connection of former edge series connection, deputy edge shows voltaic transformer as follows, fruit of series-parallel connection aftereffect: Transformer changes than reducing one times, 2 times rated bear increases one times.
Hookup of transformer of electric current of collect carefully edition is too complete!
Voltaic transformer hookup of paralell connection of former edge series connection, deputy edge
Paralell connection of 5.3 former edges, deputy edge establishs ties
What hookup of series connection of former edge paralell connection, deputy edge shows voltaic transformer as follows, fruit of series-parallel connection aftereffect: Transformer changes than increasing one times, 2 times rated bear increases one times.
Hookup of transformer of electric current of collect carefully edition is too complete!
Voltaic transformer hookup of series connection of former edge paralell connection, deputy edge
Deputy edge is paralell connection of 5.4 former edges, shunt-wound
What hookup of former edge paralell connection, deputy edge paralell connection shows voltaic transformer as follows, shunt-wound aftereffect fruit: Transformer changes than changeless, 2 times rated bear increases one times.
Hookup of transformer of electric current of collect carefully edition is too complete!
Voltaic transformer hookup of former edge paralell connection, deputy edge paralell connection

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