How to attend this to contain the education with high Troy to exhibit? Simple 4 action, help you be done easily calm!

How to attend this to contain the education with high Troy to exhibit? Simple 4 action, help you be done easily calm!

[introduction] education is exhibited meeting, to the parent of choose school, it is to contain the fashion of school of a kind of choose with higher Troy. The parent can communicate with recruit students official face-to-face, answer doubt dispels doubts.

Education is exhibited meeting, to the parent of choose school, it is to contain the fashion of school of a kind of choose with higher Troy. The parent can communicate with recruit students official face-to-face, answer doubt dispels doubts. But if early days does not have parents,get ready, contain Troy to also will sell at a discount greatly, the international school that should know education exhibits meeting place to invite and international teach big Ga is “ heavyweight ” , exhibit school of international of meeting ——IEduChina 2019 like coming on December 16 education and international teachs forum | Shenzhen stands.


It teachs the activity below the big molded lines that the net holds by China International, the choose school opportunity that aims to be student and parents to offer an advantage.


This second sponsor just will invite Shenzhen many 20 high grade international school and class of high school international; Famous international teachs principal of school of expert, international and recruit students official to will visit the site.


Follow small make up look to who have together:


How to attend this to contain the education with high Troy to exhibit? Simple 4 action, help you be done easily calm!

How to attend this to contain the education with high Troy to exhibit? Simple 4 action, help you be done easily calm!

(list of honored guest of speech of big Ga of partial name school)


See these teach big Ga, are you returned dare careless? Prepare to rise rapidly:


Attend education to exhibit meeting, above all, understanding exhibits conference technological process and mobile place:


Get an activity flow, it is good to can let you make full use of time, do not miss each wonderful instant!


How to attend this to contain the education with high Troy to exhibit? Simple 4 action, help you be done easily calm!


(particular agenda is announced with the government to allow)


Extend meeting time: On December 16, 2018 (weekday) in the morning 08:30-12:00


Exhibit meeting site: Big public house of lira of sweet division of division of cropland of Shenzhen city blessing hall of lira of 3 buildings sweet squares formed by crossed lines (can exhibit central F to export)


Next, understanding has what ginseng to exhibit the school:


Understanding ginseng exhibits the school, can see whether to have oneself favorite international school, whether be interested certainly again attend. Moreover, exhibit school list through joining, pertinent information can be searched on the net with early days, in exhibit meeting site, when the inquiry, the meeting is more purposeful quality.


How to attend this to contain the education with high Troy to exhibit? Simple 4 action, help you be done easily calm!

(ginseng exhibit school list in be being updated continuously)


Moreover, understanding exhibits meeting window:


Generally speaking, conduct large activity, sponsor square meeting to add a lot of window shares, resemble the school exhibits IEduChina 2019 international and activity of international education forum, sponsor just will exhibit an audience to be given freely to join " white paper of school of choose of Shenzhen international school " & " white paper of school of choose of school of Hong Kong international " , examination questions of face of enter a school of school of data of popular international school, international, elegant think of, true subject collect, TOEFL inscribes collect to wait really abound.


It is reported, " white paper of school of choose of Shenzhen international school " & " white paper of school of choose of school of Hong Kong international " be by IEduChina major editor group and international teach domain forward position to the expert is engineered jointly and edit, embedded Shenzhen and schools of nearly 100 Hong Kong international (cover ministry of international of international nursery school, middle and primary school, public school to wait) the relevant content such as recruit students, course, newest policy, still have rich choose school guide at the same time, aim to make the officer of international school choose inside course of study manual.


Finally, sign up attend exhibit meeting:


This is to attend postpone the necessary technological process of the meeting, must know! The school exhibits IEduChina 2019 international and activity of international education forum, means signing up has 3 kinds:


1, dial a hotline: 400-900-8516 undertakes signing up


2, date of public of attention small letter (pick school expert) undertake signing up


How to attend this to contain the education with high Troy to exhibit? Simple 4 action, help you be done easily calm!

How to attend this to contain the education with high Troy to exhibit? Simple 4 action, help you be done easily calm!

3, click direct exhibit can sign up:


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If have more problem, proposal everybody calls seek advice sponsor square (this second exhibit conference advisory telephone call: 400-900-8516) .


Above plays the strategy that education extends namely, did you learn?


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