How to reduce in all interference of modular radiate electromagnetism?
[introduction] in all because be put in voltage drop in ground connection circuit,modular radiate is (pursue as follows) , certain place has high potential in all modular voltage, cable and these are received outside becoming when place joins, can be in arise below modular voltage drive in all in all modular electric current, make the antenna of radiation electric field. Because what voltage drop of the existence in ground connection system causes,this majority is. In all the radiation function that modular radiate decided a product normally.
In all because voltage drop exists in ground connection circuit,modular radiate is (pursue as follows) , certain place has high potential in all modular voltage, cable and these are received outside becoming when place joins, can be in arise below modular voltage drive in all in all modular electric current, make the antenna of radiation electric field. Because what voltage drop of the existence in ground connection system causes,this majority is. In all the radiation function that modular radiate decided a product normally.

1, in all modular radiate field
In all modular radiate is main from the radiate on cable, can use right voltage drive, what length is less than 1/4 wavelengh is short sheet pole antenna comes imitate, electric current of good day on-line is even, electric current of actual antenna top tends 0. Actual cable has a facility as a result of another termination, be equivalent to the antenna of a load that allow a gender, namely the end points of aerial is received have a plate, at this moment aerial is genteel too even electric current. Set aerial to point to for the biggest strong, get formula of the biggest strong computation is:

In type, f is signal frequency, ICM is circuit is medium in all modular electric current, l is length of radiation circuit lead, r is test distance. Can see from inside type, in all the length L of modular radiate and cable, in all the frequency F of modular electric current and in all ICM of intensity of modular electric current becomes direct ratio, with the test distance R becomes inverse ratio. In all following plan institute show circuit of equivalent of modular radiate model, among them, UCM is in all modular radiate voltage, ICM is in all modular radiate electric current, ZCM is circuit equivalent impedance.

2, reduce in all modular radiant method
In all modular radiate and in all the frequency F of modular electric current, in all ICM of modular electric current and antenna (cable) length L becomes direct ratio. Accordingly, reduce in all modular radiate part of one’s job does not reduce frequency F, reduce voltaic ICM, lesser length L, and restrict in all modular shedding is to reduce in all modular radiant is basic method. For this, need accomplishs the following.
(1) reduce drive as far as possible the source voltage of this antenna, namely potential;
The ground potential in ground connection plane is being used to reduce ground connection system effectively in following plan step.

(2) offer the Zuo that establishs ties with cable in all modular impedance, increase namely in all modular choke;
Circle two lead with direction make formed on ferrite magnetism annulus in all modular choke, dc and electric current of model of low frequency time difference can be passed, but to high frequency in all modular electric current presents very big impedance, by in all circuit of equivalent of modular radiate model is knowable, ZCm increases bring about in all ICM of modular radiate electric current is reduced, thereby in all modular radiate field is strong be restrained.

(3) will in all bypass of modular electric current reachs the ground;
For will in all bypass of modular electric current reachs the ground, can approaching connector point, printed circuit board ground connection plane is broken up give, the input that does not have noise ” as “ / output the ground, to avoid an input / output ground is polluted, enable input / those who output a line go the screen layer of Ou capacitance and exterior cable and “ are linked together without noise ” ground, go the electric induction of Ou annulus road as far as possible small. Such, input / the printed circuit that output line place carries board in all modular electric current reachs the ground with respect to bypass of capacitance of Ou be goinged to, exterior interference also is gone to when had not reached area of yuan of parts of an apparatus Ou capacitance bypass reachs the ground, protected interior thereby yuan the regular job of parts of an apparatus.

(4) the length that reduces cable;
(5) cable screen layer and screen housing make 360° termination;

Article part picks from: ” compatible mechanism analyses electromagnetism method and answer strategy “
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