In all how is modular inductance to restrain interference noise?
[introduction] because EMC place is faced with,solving a problem is mostly in all modular interference, accordingly in all modular inductance also is one of our commonly used strong element! Here introduces simply to everybody in all the principle of modular inductance and use circumstance.
Because EMC place is faced with,solving a problem is mostly in all modular interference, accordingly in all modular inductance also is one of our commonly used strong element! Here introduces simply to everybody in all the principle of modular inductance and use circumstance. In all modular inductance is one is magnetism core with ferrite in all modular interference controls parts of an apparatus, it by two dimension identical, the coil with v/LIT all over the ground same number is circled symmetrically make in same a ferrite is annular on magnetism core, form a 4 upright parts of an apparatus, should to in all modular signal presents a big inductance to have inhibition, and reveal sense of very little leakage of electricity to act well scarcely to differring modular signal to show.

The principle is to had flowed in all the magnetic flux in annulus of the magnetism when modular electric current mutual overlay, have quite large inductance amount thereby, to inhibition arriving since modular electric current in all, and had shed wrong standard electric current when two coil when, the magnetic flux in magnetism annulus is mutual and quits, hardly inductance is measured, so wrong standard electric current can not have attenuation ground to pass. Accordingly in all modular inductance is restrained effectively in all the model disturbs signal, and the wrong standard signal that transmits normally to circuit does not have an influence.
In all modular inductance should satisfy the following requirement when make:
1) circle the wire that makes core of online circle magnetism go up to want mutual insulation, what encircle in order to make sure in instantaneous overvoltage action gets offline is v/LIT all over the ground do not produce puncture short circuit.
2) when coil has shed instantaneous big electric current, magnetism core does not want occurrence saturation.
3) the magnetism core in coil should be isolated from with coil, in order to prevent both below instantaneous overvoltage action between produce puncture.
4) coil should be circled as far as possible make monolayer, do the parasitism electric capacity that can reduce coil so, enhance coil to be opposite of instantaneous overvoltage and give ability.
Normally the circumstance falls, the frequency that at the same time the attention chooses to need filter wave paragraph, in all modular impedance has been jumped over greatly more, accordingly we are choosing need to read material of parts of an apparatus when modular inductance in all, basically choose according to impedance frequency curve. The attention when choosing additionally considers to differ modular impedance the influence to signal, main attention differs modular impedance, special attention high speed port.

Total place week knows, switch power source arises in all limits of modular noise frequency is 50 MHz of 10 KHz ~ taller even, for effective attenuation or it is to restrain these noise, the requirement is inside this frequency limits in all modular inductor has quite tall inductance. That in all how is modular inductance to restrain those who disturb noise?
Above all, in all two groups of coil of modular inductor are circled on magnetism annulus, circle same v/LIT all over the ground number, same direction is circled make, it is a group of coil are circled in only left, another group of coil are circled in on the right side of. In all the manganese zinc ferrite that modular inductor uses tall magnetism conductance or blame brilliant material, in order to rise in all modular inductor function.
Next, normal alternating current has flowed in all modular inductor analysis. 220 V alternating current is wrong standard electric current, it has flowed in all modular inductor the place in following graphs shows the way of L3 and L4, strange magnetic field way is opposite and abortion of the report in two inductor is quits, at this moment the effect that normal signal electric current basically suffers inductor resistor (this one impact is very little) , and a few damp that cause because of leakage feeling (inductance) , the frequency that increases 220 V alternating current has 50 Hz only, in all amount of modular inductor inductance is not large, so in all modular inductor is very small to inductance of normal 220 alternating current, do not affect 220 V alternating current to be opposite overall power supply.
In all modular inductor the direction of L3 and L4
Finally, in all modular electric current has flowed in all modular inductor analysis. When in all modular electric current has flowed in all when modular inductor, electric current because in all modular electric current is in direction is the same as in modular inductor in all, in all modular inductor produces the magnetic field that is the same as direction inside L3 and L4, increased at this moment in all the inductance of L3 and L4 measures modular inductor, increased L3 and L4 to be opposite namely in all the inductance of modular electric current, make in all modular electric current got bigger inhibition, achieved attenuation in all the purpose of modular electric current, rose to restrain in all the action of modular interference noise.

In all modular noise and in all modular inductance has what effect
In all modular noise is called again asymmetrical noise or circuitry are right the noise of the ground, the input of the electric device that using alternating current source is carried (transmit electricity line and central line) put in this kind of noise, both to the ground phasic keep inphase.
In all the electric current of modular noise is defeated to flow with same way on electrical wiring and be returned through ground wire in two.
In all modular noise can be passed the inductance that establishs ties with line of every transmit electricity is placed in electromagnetism interference filter, mix in line of two transmit electricity Y capacitance is used to have link between the ground, will give restrain.
In all modular inductance also cries in all modular choke, commonly used filter in the switch power source of computer in all modular electromagnetism disturbs signal. In board card design, in all the action that modular inductance also is an EMI filter wave, with the electromagnetic wave that generates at restraining high speed line outward radiate blasts off.
Mix in industry as switch power source more and more application in electric home appliances<gj, the mutual interference between electric equipment becomes increasingly serious problem, electromagnetism environment cares for people place more and more. Electromagnetism interference has a lot of sort, be in among them under 30MHz in all modular interference is a very important kind, they basically travel with conducting pattern, move normally to the safety of the instrument cause very great harm, must try to control. In the input normally end adds in all modular filter, in order to reduce the outside in all modular interference enters an instrument through power supply cord, prevent instrument generation at the same time in all modular interference enters electrified wire netting. In all the core of modular filter is contain soft magnet core in all modular inductance, the discretion of its function decided the level of filter.
In all modular noise and in all modular inductance in all modular noise basically is all sorts of switch parts of an apparatus are in those who guide when connect and closing, arise, dissoluble for different harmonic form, have wider spectrum range. To the interference signal under 30MHz, travel through conducting pattern commonly. In all modular inductance is the same as with two groups by soft magnet core to circle the coil that make to comprise, to needing modular signal, the magnetic field way that produces as a result of two groups of coil is opposite, reason is mutual and quits, core is not magnetized, do not have inhibition to signal.
To in all modular signal, because the magnetic field of generation of two groups of coil is not quits, however mutual overlay, because this core is magnetized. As a result of core material guide magnetism is led high, core will produce a big inductance, the impedance of coil makes be restrained of modular signal through getting in all.