In former plant of heart beautiful chip and accredit agent cacique gather together 2018CEDA cacique peak is met, build innovation modes of life and relation to their environment in all!
Upgrade with the industry to serve Chinese wisdom to build, cent of domestic and international accredit sells the integrated circuit that help strength and butt joint of core cell company channel and IDH, open is based on 5G, news of content couplet network is safe, artificial intelligence and the technology that drive automatically and supply chain head dialog, 2018CEDA cacique peak is met recently with “ confluence, innovate, win-win ” is in Shenzhen for the theme 5 continent guesthouse is held successfully. The corresponding period holds CEDA to trade an election plenary session, hold the post of a director newly through ballot, vice-president and secretary-general. CEDA is cent of electron of chamber of commerce of Chinese Information Industry the branch that sell business, service China market yuan agent of accredit of parts of an apparatus, IDH, systematic manufacturer and chip design a company, drive industrial high level to cross group strategy to cooperate. The peak can be chaired by CEDA secretary-general Wang Qin.
Graph 1: Hai Zaifeng of Chen Wen of vice-chairman of chamber of commerce of Chinese Information Industry can make a speech
Sea of Chen Wen of vice-chairman of chamber of commerce of Chinese Information Industry represents chamber of commerce of Chinese Information Industry to make a speech, meet those who be in Shenzhen hold to 2018CEDA cacique peak and CEDA changes an election congress to be held successfully express enthusiastic congratulation! Old vice-chairman points out, industry condition of the industry is being changed, arrive from industrialized big production flexible make make with individuation pay equal attention to, prospective market potential is very great. CEDA held cacique peak every year to meet in December, be aimed at AI and domain of net of couplet of industrial other people, make joint-stock source, promote a design catenary and the high level that supply catenary to swim up and down are strong strong together, have very important sense. Old vice-chairman encourages the accredit cent that be present to sell business, IDH and the cacique that chip designs a company people the opportunity that seizes industrial development, service country technology and supply catenary innovation strategy.
Graph 2: CEDA director Zhou Jiguo’s representing sponsors Fang Zaifeng to be able to make a speech
CEDA director Zhou Jiguo’s representing sponsors Fang Zaifeng to be able to make a speech, the support that chamber of commerce of acknowledgment China Information Industry and industry honored guests meet to this peak and help! Week director points out, CEDA falls in the leader of chamber of commerce of Chinese Information Industry, be in the majority in the light of medium and small businesses of industry of electronic accredit agent, the characteristic of resource weakness, CEDA general around “ confluence, the theme of development and win-win ” provides value service for the industry, everybody embraces a group, promote accredit agent to regard as jointly join to swim up and down industrial value serves, the China that help strength innovates, prospective general and national director branch are strengthened communicate, strive for the support of national policy.
Graph 3: Country of afterwards of CEDA director week leads vice-president and secretary-general new era of collective open CEDA2.0
Meeting theme speech is aimed at the peakAI, Drive automatically, Net of couplet of industrial other people and5G innovates
Thematic speech honored guest comes from horizontal robot deputy total Zhang Yongqian, 1000 people plan the nation, President of microelectronics of Suzhou cloud core, Wei of bavin of expert of car couplet net moves in, Core wisdom accuses a president Tian Weidong, SOurceability CEO, yellow Bin of chief inspector of product of day soft news, with exhibit microelectronics product general manager Peng flies and auspicious of deputy total cropland makes the same score market of region of Asia-Pacific of trade lustre electron and sale.
Graph 4: Horizontal robot deputy total Zhang Yongqian: AI chip solution, endow with can ten million industry
Deputy total Zhang Zong points out horizontal robot, Those who accompanying mobile Internet and content couplet net is arisen, computation ends from which stage by stage to brim evolution, computational efficiency promotes considerably, algorithmic model is many and cut. Front AI changes one of optimal solutions that the problem encounters before be being considered as to solve by people. According to Introduction Zhang Zong, horizon is offerred and business uses chip of be born “ + the AI chip solution of algorithmic ” , in the light of all sorts of industry application setting offers AI to feel Turn-Key plan, change AI“ civilian ” , make broad client dedicated be in oneself are original over core ability, help client is fast integrated AI be born, endow with can ten million industry
Horizon is based on the artificial intelligence chip of own research and development and algorithmic software, drive with intelligence, wisdom city and wisdom are retail to basically apply setting, offer the soft hardware platform that opens to the client and applied solution. For ” of a variety of cerebra of “ of artificial intelligence of terminal unit mount, let them have arrive from perception, alternant, understanding decision-making intelligence.
Graph 5: Wei of bavin of expert of car couplet net moves in: The layout of the car couplet net in 5G times moves in
Wei of bavin of expert of car couplet net moves to express in, Car couplet net already developed nearly 10 years in China, during this mobile technology was the application of car couplet net to bring a lot of changes, in coming 5G period, 5G mobile technology reachs net of the couplet that it is a car drive automatically bring bigger change. Is operation business how layout? China is mobile the rapid development that content couplet net moves to will combine more partners to promote C-V2X trade together in reaching. Content couplet net moves to already was released in be based on the RSU that tells group of newest C-V2X chip high and OBU product, as the issuance of the product and be born, content couplet net moves to will become the forerunner of C-V2X domain in, the partner inside associated industry is offerred more the solution of actor and service.
Graph 6: ?
1000 people plan the nation, the doctor at the beginning of Li Yun of president of microelectronics of Suzhou cloud core thinks, integrated circuit regards an electron as the cornerstone of the Information Industry, the government is homebred to chip the heavy visual range that change is spent had been mentioned unprecedented height, the country drives core chip homebred replace imperative. Although mixture chip of high-end imitate and digital-to-analogue is in in whole chip market only very small occupying is compared, but its function index decided directly however a lot of overall the function bottleneck of equipment, the requirement that because this is homebred,changes appears more pressing. Cloud core company devotes oneself to high-end imitate and digital-to-analogue to mix chip as homebred the poineering company that turn, the in developing course derive in 8 years many deep lesson also accumulated valuable experience at the same time, fumbling hardly seek the high-end chip that walks out of a hardship to be full of a hope however homebred the way that change.
Microelectronics of Suzhou cloud core basically is engaged in ADC/DAC of high speed high accuracy, sheet piece the design research and development that compositive radio frequency sends and receive the high-end imitate such as passageway chip and digital-to-analogue to mix integrated circuit, the can accuse completely independently ADC/DAC core skill that group of research and development masters home to precede, have promising client custom-built the case that the rich rule of thumb that turns chip to develop design SoC/SiP product has successful quantity many cases to produce. Had been home overall enterprise batch offers money.
Graph 7: Core wisdom accuses a president Tian Weidong to share what agent of the accredit below industrial new structure develops to think
Core wisdom accuses a president Tian Weidong to think, the driving force that Chinese economy grows from ” of “ population bonus to“Engineer bonus ” is changed, industrial situation is occurrent change. As appear on the market the reflection that the cropland of the company always shares pair of industries frankly and sincerely to develop and exploration. On one hand catenary of global semiconductor industry is being transferred to chinese mainland, labor is concentrated on the other hand model manufacturing industry also is in to manpower cost smaller burgeoning country is mixed the area is migratory; Trade friction brings concussion to global economy growth, also develop those who affect industry of electron, semiconductor, electron yuan why does cent of parts of an apparatus sell Shang Yingru to answer? Act as agent from pure accredit in commercial pattern admiral mode, change serves for shirt-sleeve technology appreciation, internet serves, independent branch is sold wait for a variety of mode to serve collateral industry innovation.
Graph 8: The Sourceability author that comes from Germany and presiding apparitor Jens Gamperl are wonderful share digitlization transition to the electron yuan the influence that parts of an apparatus supplies chain.
JEn GamperlThink, the abidance of former plant is bought and integrated, market be in short supply causes accredit agent concussion and supply catenary unbalance. SourceAbilityplatform can be accredit agent business offers digitlization solution, promote accredit agent outstanding achievement grow.
Graph 9: Yellow Bin of chief inspector of product of Chengdu day soft news is wonderful share NB-IoT business model and industry application analysis
Yellow Bin of chief inspector of product of Chengdu day soft newsReview content couplet net to develop course, sum up current LPWAN market to develop the current situation and tendency. Be based on the technical characteristic of NB-IoT and the challenge that face currently, discuss NB-IoT business character and commercial pattern: Include conduit mode, hardware mode, platform mode, big data pattern, share economic mode, end to serve mode to end, introductory NB-IoT different domain (include intelligence to copy watch, intelligence to jockey etc) plan of industry representative application.
Chengdu weather is mild IT limited company (Skysoft) has independent and integrated communication to test a lab, can offer LTE terminal product / module, wireless road by implement, the company of new and high technology that the car holds the ability of soft hardware research and development such as communication and multimedia, net of the couplet that it is content and car couplet net offer professional wireless news report and intelligent artifacts solution.
Graph 10: With exhibit Peng Fei of microelectronics product general manager to do a theme to make a speech: AIoT times, the golden age of rapid growth
With exhibit Peng Fei of microelectronics product general manager to think, high speed of content couplet net grows and draw near of 5G times quickly, the industry is about to produce heavy revolution, blow on the face and the demand that come brings us to think, in instantly, we want ready-made to serve market demand.
With exhibit microelectronics limited company by with heart communication He Ziguang exhibits acute collaboration to initiate, aim to precede the technology inside respective domain advantage and deep client base assemble resultant force, double high speed of net of distribution content couplet and chip increases the market, be dedicated to offerring the design of chip model battery that precedes inside course of study and technical program for the client.
Graph 11. Deputy total Tian Jiping shares market of region of Asia-Pacific of trade lustre electron and sale to serve in the light of what engineer of research and development purchases
Can round-table dialog is aimed at the peak5G+AIOTThe wireless technology of the times, Network safety and zoology innovate
Round-table dialog parts to be chaired by Dr. Wang Yucheng Dr. He Liujie, distributing in the light ofAIOTThe wireless interconnection of the times and network safety andDemand Creation, serve the technical rise in value that Chinese wisdom creates and zoology innovation.
Graph12: Dr. Wang Yucheng is chairedAIOTThe wireless interconnection of the times and network safety andDemand Creationcacique expert speaks, The honored guest includes: Outstanding division electron deputy total Gu Chaoyang, ARMEmbedded Geng Lifeng of high-quality market manager, STMExpert Peng Zu Ning, king of trustee of China peaceful negotiable securities is smooth, ceng Yu of president of galactic wind and cloud.
Graph13: Dr. Liu Jie chairs expert head to speak: Serve the technical rise in value that Chinese wisdom creates and zoology innovation, the honored guest includesON SemiAsia-Pacific area deputy total Mai Manquan, in electric harbor deputy total Fang Weimin, letter gallop amount toCEOKang Kai, core wisdom accuses a president Tian Weidong, yan Jun of director of center of computation of cloud of big data of Zhuhai Chinese Academy of Sciences, 1000 people plan the nation, at the beginning of Li Yun of small president of Suzhou cloud core.
Technology and supply catenary to award prize promote a business outstanding performance and social responsibility
2018CEDA cacique peak meets the accredit agent that commend service China innovates, according to the data that accredit agent enterprise fills oneself and information, serve the plan that China innovates and case, and former plant and the feedback that the client carries, the data of tripartite platform, the editor is recommended wait for an element integrated assess, the agent of outstanding semiconductor accredit that commend service China innovates and agent of accredit of outstanding and passive component. Country of afterwards of CEDA director week awards prize for preeminent accredit agent company.
Graph 14: ? Wash bakes disrelish dust : Does Tao nest force large bamboo hat?
Graph 15: Prize-giving group photo, congratulate enterprise of bear the palm
The doctor at the beginning of Li Yun of expert of 1000 people plan is the country CEDA cacique peak is met – 2018 service industry, the gainer of social responsibility award awards medal, thank these industry leader altruistic dedication, service industry innovates.
Graph 16: 3 industry leader win CEDA2018 service industry, social responsibility award
President of technology of sth resembling a net of the electrified wire netting in Shenzhen, fast bag author network of my love program and Dr. Liu Jie is excellent program company and chip design firm to award prize, award platform of assess basis fast bag and the data that I love program network platform, the shipment of the enterprise measures the client of kimono Wu, industry public praise and editor are recommended. Certificate of special award honor issues social responsibility the doctor at the beginning of Li Yun, acknowledgment plum doctor is those who drive high-powered core parts of an apparatus is homebred change try hard continuously! Certificate of special award honor issues another society responsibility Arm is embedded Geng Lifeng of high-quality market manager, thank Geng Lifeng to be drive embedded safety design, the contribution that serves developer and IDH to make!
Graph 17:2018AI, drive automatically, net of couplet of industrial other people and 5G peak are met excellent program company and chip design commend special award and individual
2018CEDA cacique peak can gather together the leader of chamber of commerce of Chinese Information Industry, head office of Chinese electron equipment, 1000 people plan the nation, microelectronics expert, national integrated circuit designs Shenzhen industrialization base, shenzhen semiconductor guild, limited company of information of science and technology of international of the report in Shenzhen, grand peaceful fund, limited company of technology of sth resembling a net of the electrified wire netting in Shenzhen city, I love program network, in electric China star, science and technology of peaceful family source, core wisdom accuses, division, very superior, xin Lei, sourceability, suzhou cloud core is small, ON Semiconductor, horizontal, china for, pistil source semiconductor, grind auspicious, outstanding division, heng Chen, treasure letter, science and technology of in the right way, zhuhai Chinese Academy of Sciences, trade lustre electron, heilind, believe and amount to, inferior message science and technology, electron of division administrative division, with exhibit microelectronics, chengdu day soft news, install eminent intelligence, car couplet net moves in, letter gallop amount to, arrange electron of subsidiary channels in the human body through which vital energy, tall cloud semiconductor, ARM, ST, silicon Labs, china peaceful negotiable securities, TTI, report is accumulated on Beijing, chastity optical science and technology, YKY, only appearance, dreamy electron, star of the Milky way, yo electron, excelpoint, nanjing business sth resembling a net, ren Tianxin, zhi Xinyong, auspicious, kedajia, zhao Xinwei, zhao Hengde science and technology, establish Sa science and technology, science and technology of grand content couplet, delightful science and technology, science and technology of system of wisdom picture vision, China electron, inspect Jing Zhongcheng science and technology, approach one science and technology, inscription Mendelevium locks up course of study, shenzhen is achieved newly small, be like blame science and technology, science and technology of small Er couplet, a Minuo technology, sunlight vessel science and technology, sincere stride science and technology, approach of Shenzhen Beijing family, core Zhi Wei, astral family small group, hero thinks of science and technology, nanjing inspire confidence in sb circle in the air electron, deep south accuse a leader that waits for an orgnaization and experts, everybody is designed from chip, use program, acting channel, electric business pattern, the level such as technical numerous bag spreads out respectively, cacique people wisdom collides, share technical catenary and the business chance that supply chain and challenge actively, observation and think, promote industry innovation jointly.
Graph 18: 2018CEDA cacique peak can end satisfactorily, honored guest group photo
Graph 19: Acknowledgment honored guests meet to 2018CEDA cacique peak support energetically!