“Internet + ” exposition, robot of the intelligence that help strength develops, implementation intelligence is made

“Internet + ” exposition, robot of the intelligence that help strength develops, implementation intelligence is made

[introduction] in last few years, as ” China is made 2025 ” release, and the transition of whole of Chinese manufacturing industry upgrades, intelligence is made develop quickly, many fractionize domains be pregnant with is worn new opportunity.
“ Internet + ” exposition — helps development of force intelligence robot, implementation intelligence is made 
In last few years, as ” China is made 2025 ” release, and the transition of whole of Chinese manufacturing industry upgrades, intelligence is made develop quickly, many fractionize domains be pregnant with is worn new opportunity. Especially recently 9 years, the new technology such as net of couplet of artificial intelligence, content also begins to be permeated to industrial domain, a batch advanced the support that produced relevant poineering company to gain sth used to one’s own advantage, in with all possible means the element is driven below, advanced production domain or will greet change newly bureau.
“ Internet + ” exposition — helps development of force intelligence robot, implementation intelligence is made

Internet technology helps strengthIntelligent robot develops

2017 the 3rd China (Guangdong) international “ Internet + ” exposition (next weighing “ Internet + ” exposition) on fine vacate revealed contained AGV whole solution, in ” of “ unmanned factory, through using the Tango technology of Google, the user clicks the position in smartphone screen, the operation is together manipulator and AGV union. Fine vacated AGVPlus to solve solved past robot the operation is complex the proper place problem that understands hard again. Nowadays already in the market sell like hot cakes, the Guangdong that help strength fine vacate robot automation limited company (next weighing “ fine vacate robot ” ) sale grew nearly 50% 2017.
Regard enterprise of Fosan this locality as the delegate, fine vacate a robot to had attended “ Internet 3 years continuously + ” exposition, accompany exhibit can rapid development to grow. Internet of the 4th “ + ” exposition is about to hold, fine vacate a robot to will carry newest product ginseng to meet again.
Fine vacate AGV sweep content to shed storage “ wisdom the ” that build wind
Carry car “ Xiaobai when nobody when pig ” helps goods goods shelves, to “ fine vacate Brain” to issue signal, “ fine vacate Brain” to be able to direct manipulator to take goods, put to corresponding goods shelves.
This is fine the intelligent factory that vacates own development builds platform Brain, in Internet of the 2nd “ + the attention that ” exposition causes global client. This system can let carry a robot, all sorts of plant equipment join such as manipulator rise, nod shift surely, cooperate to finish different manufacturing job each other even.
Old in the past, be in fine in vacating the course that makes hardware equipment, almost every client puts forward to want will of Jiang Jiateng robot carry the administrative program join such as robot and its existing equipment, ERP to rise, for this, fine vacate Brain to answer situation and unripe. Fine vacate a robot to because this was finished,also produce business from the product, solve article table to serve trader the luxuriant face about to industry system provider.
Fine vacate robot vice-president Chen Hongbo to say, making also intelligence is changed in transforming, storage content sheds intelligence to change is among them important one link. Regard native land and famous robot as the enterprise, fine vacate a robot to bring the forward position product of intelligent storage to “ Internet + on ” exposition, appear to make full-court central point every time, cause ginseng exhibit an audience to contend for surround view.
Internet of the first “ + on ” exposition, face library card, send the robot tycoon such as that division, ABB, fine vacate a robot to be in native land advocate revealed the 6th generation to guide automatically make carriage car (AGV)“ bumblebee ” and ” of “ Xiaobai pig. The 2nd exposition, fine vacated a robot to reveal intelligent factory to build platform Brain. The 3rd exposition, fine vacated a robot to reveal carry AI (artificial intelligence) mobile robot of the function AGPlus. Depend on these ace products, fine the exposition of industry of Han Nuowei of Germany of highest arena — that vacates a robot to ascend international technology successfully to reveal, be the same as stage athletics with international robot tycoon.
Grow jointly with exposition new plant is produced can amount to 10 thousand
As famous degree taller and taller, fine vacate a robot to move toward global market stage by stage, the client is covered run quickly, the famous car such as this cropland, Feng Tian, masses produces business, by China for, beautiful, sea letter, associate wait for communication, electron, electric equipment kind the company does business in domestic and international factory or storehouse, south the world-class company of domain of the traffic such as the car, electric power, aviation, food also has use.
“ attends ” Internet + ” exposition is our start shooting fame ” . Chen Hongbo says, use “ Internet + ” exposition platform, fine vacate a robot to contact a lot of global travelling merchant, conduce to the development of business order. To the Internet of the 4th “ that is about to hold + ” exposition, fine vacate a robot to will show newest product as always.
Chen Hongbo thinks, the promotion as Internet technology and applied field are wider and wider, the demand of AI robot will be bigger and bigger, this also is fine the growth space place that vacates a robot. Current, fine the industrial robot that vacates a robot to turn high intelligence regards the most important research and development as direction, expect to be for unmanned factory contributes force, also hope to try hard to liberate more worker with oneself, let people more time enjoys good life.
Chen Hongbo still discloses, fine vacate a robot will this year second half of the year moves the new plant that is located in suitable De Xingtan, produce per year can will come from 3000 current promotion 10000 above, predict 3 years to amount to produce, the crop proportion of the industrial robot that its camber intelligence changes will be larger and larger.
Internet of the 4th “ + ” exposition will in October 2018 24-27 day is held in Tan Zhou international exhibition center, current exhibit meeting with “ number tide, wisdom achieve interconnection ” to give priority to a problem, the “ Internet that precedes as China + ” technology achievement reveals fair of as professional as what trade trade, will reach through exhibiting the application of the meeting to set an example show an activity, key stimulative Internet, big data, artificial intelligence and hypostatic economy deepness are shirt-sleeve, transition of industry of convention of economy of the China that help strength upgrades.
Invite sincerely you arrive at exhibit meeting, click a link to be registered freely beforehand view exhibit, or 2 dimension code registers scanning lower part beforehand
Https://bj3.infosalons.com.cn/reg/inp18mo/visitor/start.aspx? Type=tk08
More information, ask connection:
Milan exhibits Han Nuowei (Shanghai) branch of limited company Guangzhou
Form a delegation visiting contact
Contact: Chen Heng Mr Zuo / Ms. Liang Sheng nice
Phone: 020-8626 6696*8011/8010
Ginseng exhibit a contact
Contact: Ms. Ding Shuning / Ms. Shen Yuan / Mr Wang Xuexi
Phone: 020-8626 6696*8005/8001/8003

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