Is your true understanding Morpheus mode low to exceeding it is much more important that wireless MCU has power comsumption?

Is your true understanding Morpheus mode low to exceeding it is much more important that wireless MCU has power comsumption?

[introduction] low power comsumption of supportive blue tooth (the design of LE) can make equipment long be in non operating state, accordingly, you may need to choose appliance to have the high-energy effect that exceeds mode of Morpheus of low power comsumption wireless small controller (MCU) , this is crucial to optimizing integral system performance.


Design personnel ought to choose carefully to adopt the specification of the MCU of technology of blue tooth low power comsumption, exceed the true meaning of low power comsumption certainly. This is not to contrast data table decides lowermost electric current spends a worth, seek optimal solution to be not easy thing in the light of application. Morpheus mode (call low power comsumption mode or dormancy mode again) mean small electric current not only, still need to consider the following factors:

● Electric current is used up

● Wake up a source

● Preserve memory

● Wake up time

● Can read take exterior sensor

01 electric current are used up

The electric current below Morpheus mode is used up little very good of course, and jump over had jumped over less, but the usable function during design personnel still must consider Morpheus pattern. Issue lowermost power comsumption to realize Morpheus mode, need besides hardware individual wake up a source, all hardware module that can shut all should be shut. Normally, general input / output (GPIO) wakes up a source to be able to provide lowermost Morpheus electricity, but as what whether wake up a source exclusively to suit you to apply GPIO? If suit, ability obtains lowermost Morpheus electric current.

02 wake up a source

If GPIO wakes up a source to be able to ‘t satisfy applied requirement, answer to study the function of Morpheus mode deep, search other practicable to wake up a source. Your application may need to be had at the same time many wake up a source, for example comparator of timer, imitate or other subsystem incident. However, the function that enables below Morpheus mode can increase electric current to use up, design personnel ought to careful think, understand view overall situation, and rather than pays close attention to data to express value of medium lowermost Morpheus electric current only.

03 reservation memory

The existence inside reservation also can use up a large number of electric current below Morpheus mode. Reservation memory is not indispensible from beginning to end, there is the task to attemper in application only operating system of program, real time (RTOS) or necessary option is when maintaining wireless link. Need preserves how many memory specific depend on applied demand, wireless stack and hardware design. We can design proceed with from hardware, if circuit designs memory to be all reservation or be not withheld, will be power supply of many untapped memory. If size is too small, for instance 1 KB, the amount of hardware mains switch is met a lot of, bring about power comsumption of leakage of electricity to increase. Generally speaking, practice middling uses 8 KB, this one granuality can satisfy requirement, and complexity is low, leakage of electricity is less. Wireless stack should reduce the memory that when maintaining link, requires as far as possible, and applied design also should limit reservation memory amount.

04 wake up time

Wake up time (the time that wakes up place to need from inside Morpheus mode) with reservation closely related memory. Of course, application must be started as soon as possible and answer, but wake up time to also can affect power comsumption. Wake up time shorter, can finish processing quickly to work and enter Morpheus state again. Reservation memory can rise wake up speed, but also can increase Morpheus electric current. Accordingly, design personnel to answer rational judgement, the hole sees essence, know crucial detail of application.

05 read take exterior sensor

Finally, mix besides Morpheus wake up, can Morpheus mode still have other function? Most wireless MCU can use real time clock below Morpheus mode (RTC) , some offerred more exciting option — read take exterior sensor! If your application needs to monitor sensor, and maintain Morpheus pattern all the time, just can wake up when sensor reachs threshold value only. At present a little wireless MCU can satisfy this kind of requirement.


Graph 1: RSL15 MCU data is expressed

Hardware and engineer of firmware system design must know Morpheus pattern comprehensive and lucidly, ability is made go out exceed low power comsumption efficiently wireless MCU, careful consideration electric current is used up, awaken source, memory reservation, wake up time and sensor to monitor a function, wait for application for city of industry of building of household of interconnection equipment, intelligence, intelligence, intelligence, intelligence custom-built and optimal system devises plan.

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