It is not easy to know you, invisible electromagnetism radiate

It is not easy to know you, invisible electromagnetism radiate

[introduction] the development as science and technology, the applied limits of product of science and technology had covered the square respect range that we live daily, from use furnace of the most general TV, mobile phone, computer, electromagnetism and microwave oven, mix to the high-pressured electrical wiring that is paid close attention to by us not quite, transformer substation communication radical station, these equipment and establishment can produce electromagnetism radiation. Accordingly, nowhere is absent electromagnetism radiate in our life.
It is not easy to know you the electromagnetism radiate with invisible —
Do you know? In nature, if temperature is in the object of absolute zero above, have the object of temperature, include our human body, sending out external energy, namely we are general go up saying radiate.
Say none exaggeratively, just bask everyday, also be by radiant process.
It is not easy to know you the electromagnetism radiate with invisible —
Love me, are you afraid of?
It is not easy to know you the electromagnetism radiate with invisible —
Oh! That that is to say, we live in big magnetic field every day, we are using electromagnetism radiate, but we also is the all the time absent by radiation? That is too terrible! Wake wake, coquettish year, the mankind is done not have so flimsy, radiation also is done not have actually so terrible.
Deliver light energy the earth like the sun, blaze expresses heat energy to all round same. Radiation is the phenomenon that a kind of energy transmits outwards only actually. Radiation is divided again for ionization radiate and blame ionization radiate. Resemble the radiation that leak of nucleus of atom bomb, Japan, Qieernuobeili produces, call ionization radiation, call ray commonly, for instance: Alpha ray, shellfish tower ray, X is smooth – rontgen rays, namely what the color that people talks at ordinary times changes is really fierce. It can destroy the cellular structure of organism, it is one of causes that cause cancer.
It is not easy to know you the electromagnetism radiate with invisible —
Relative to Yu Lingren’s panicky ionization radiate, the electric equipment such as furnace of the fanner in daily life, mobile phone, electromagnetism, and place of communication radical station arises electromagnetism radiate, belong to limits of blame ionization radiant, want security than ionization radiate much.
From the point of scientific point of view, the influence of object of electromagnetism radiate opposite is reflected in 3 respects
The first it is fuel factor, the water of 70% above divides human body child, be chafed each other after electromagnetism radiate, cause airframe to warm up, affect the temperature all round the organ inside body thereby.
It is not easy to know you the electromagnetism radiate with invisible —
Fuel factor of the 2nd dispute, electromagnetism radiate can throw into confusion and the weak report magnetic field that be in is kept in organ of interference human body and organization, if be crossed by X ray after much illuminate, although the body won’t be calorific but meeting influence is healthy.
It is not easy to know you the electromagnetism radiate with invisible —
The 3rd it is accumulative total effect, namely fuel factor and the influence that are not what fuel factor as time passes arises to accumulate a gender.
Still show without evidence a few electromagnetism radiant energy cause menace to human health at present nevertheless. Want us to maintain the method with proper article of a good habits and customs, use electric equipment and a normal state of mind only, can need not worry about electromagnetism radiant problem.
Love to be hated again again base station
Everybody knows, call with the mobile phone, play game, on small letter, talk about QQ to wait to want to use network signal, but from which signal comes?
It is not easy to know you the electromagnetism radiate with invisible —
Be communication radical station of course! But base after station building, everybody is met radiate of concern radical station can affect health, can appear then complain, even the case that obstruct radical station builds; Be not built or be demolished, everybody complains mobile phone signal again bad, the influence lives daily. Yes, it is to affect normal life really.
Just think, if a day of your trashy mobile phone, feel absent-minded, is sensory life incorrect strong?
Do you understand base stand?
Base the station is so main, so base what is the function of the station? Common ground says, base the station is the communication signal terminal in mobile, not base station, cannot communicate between the mobile phone, also cannot small letter chats, cannot order meal, cannot live pay cost, cannot shop ……
It is not easy to know you the electromagnetism radiate with invisible —
Oh, day, did not have signal, the life was like a darkness! Seem, not base the station still is no good really.
As the development of communication technology, base what change does the station have?
System of mobile of generation imitate 
It is not easy to know you the electromagnetism radiate with invisible —
Use large area to make base station construction, base the station covers a few meters range, emissive power is great, radiation is very accordingly big also.
It is not easy to know you the electromagnetism radiate with invisible —
The 2nd generation (2G) digital mobile system 
Use beehive village to make base station construction, base the station covers range thousands of meters, radiation is relatively lesser.
The 3rd generation (3G) and (4G) mobile system 
It is not easy to know you the electromagnetism radiate with invisible —
Village of beehive of continue to use is made base station construction, but used more new technologies, base the station is enclothed have hundreds of meters only, emissive power is lesser, such radiate are smaller also.
Why base is the station increasing?
Every base of the station covering range is finite, and every base station communication capacity also is finite, telegraphic operation business uses an angle to communication demand to set out from contented more, need emphasizes the problem that solves network communication capacity.
It is not easy to know you the electromagnetism radiate with invisible —
Inside particular area, a honeycomb-like thing is less, more concentrated, communicate the size is larger; Additional, the network is enclothed must reduce communication blind area, achieve a network to enclothe without seam change a requirement, so operation business need undertakes ceaselessly in installment group by group enlarge look.
Why to want base is the station built around my home?
As base the station builds more more, location of a lot of stations is chosen was in residential area, so the issue came, a lot of people begin uneasy, begin to worry about radiant problem.
Why base station so the be disgusted with that invite a person, does operation business like always still to build it in residential area?
We know, the mobile phone must have signal ability to call certainly, and must have certainly base station ability has signal, every base the station can cover narrow range only, can bear the weight of mobile phone amount also is finite, if the place with concentrated population is done not have enough base station, communicate to be able to be affected certainly.
It is not easy to know you the electromagnetism radiate with invisible —
Residential area population is concentrated, have bigger mobile demand, and suffer base the confine that station signal covers range, can be only near residential area interior perhaps construction is a certain quantity of base the station will satisfy communicate, the need such as data.
Mysterious “ lamp issues black ”
We know wall lamp has an appearance of black ” below “ lamp, because the light of wall lamp basically is face ahead illuminate, because this is in of wall lamp lower part, the light will be darker.
Base station antenna transmit basically also is face ahead blast off, base of station antenna lower part signal will be weaker. Accordingly, base the phenomenon that stands to also “ lamp issues black ” , be in namely base of the station lower part can appear the phenomenon with weaker signal.
It is not easy to know you the electromagnetism radiate with invisible —
Accordingly, base the station is built in building top, because bottom attributes the position of black ” below “ lamp, downstair radiate is actually lesser instead.
The little secret that you do not know
1. leaves base the station is further, mobile phone radiate is bigger 
It is not easy to know you the electromagnetism radiate with invisible —
Base station and mobile phone are just like two individual speech, radiation is just like volume, the distance is further, want to cry aloud more; The distance is closer, can talk in a low voice more. Accordingly, the mobile phone is apart from base the station is further, receive base station signal is weaker, the mobile phone blasts off with respect to need more powerful electromagnetic wave and base the station maintains connect, the radiate of the mobile phone is bigger.
What 2. radical station won’t affect around resident is healthy 
It is not easy to know you the electromagnetism radiate with invisible —
The process attenuation that electromagnetic wave transmits in atmosphere is very big, penetrable wall body more can quick attenuation, if base the safe level that station construction accords with a country, what won’t affect resident is healthy.
Radiate of 3. radical station is far be less than mobile phone radiate 
Base the distance is further between station and person, base the electromagnetism radiate of the station can increase as transmission distance and abate. And person and mobile phone are close quarters contact, because radiate of this mobile phone is right,the person’s influence is compared base the station should be gotten greatly much.
 Radiate of 4. radical station is far be less than sun’s rays radiate 
The radiation power that radical of the city zone stands is 30-300W commonly, the square of the radiation intensity that gets according to human body and distance becomes inverse ratio, the radiation power of 300W is apart from the thickness of radiation power face that go up to have 0.2387W/m2 only in 10m. Physicist already the thickness of radiation power face of the sun’s rays on cipher out earth is 1000W/m2 about, sun’s rays radiate is base on station radiant thousandfold, because this is on electromagnetism radiate base the station is far be less than sun’s rays.
We will sum up:
1. corresponds base station radiate is radiate of ionization of a kind of blame, won’t destroy molecular structure, show without evidence base station radiate will be healthy to human body produce adverse effect;
The communication that we build 2. at present base the station should accord with construction standard only, won’t produce ill effect to human body health;
3. is very much communication radical station is built very high, further also from the person, base the radiation influence of station lower part is more negligible not plan.

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