LED intelligence illume the introduction of 6 kinds of commonly used sensor

LED intelligence illume the introduction of 6 kinds of commonly used sensor

[introduction] the parts of an apparatus that sensor is collected as signal and Electromechanical changes, its Electromechanical technology is quite mature already, in last few years, sensor technology is changed to miniaturization, intelligence, muti_function change, low cost changes stride of in big strides.
LED intelligence illume the introduction of 6 kinds of commonly used sensor 
Sensor collects the parts of an apparatus that changes with Electromechanical as signal, its Electromechanical technology is quite mature already, in last few years, sensor technology is changed to miniaturization, intelligence, muti_function change, low cost changes stride of in big strides. The sensor of all sorts of types such as photosensitive sensor, infra-red sensor can comprise an intelligence to control a system with LED illumination luminaries, sensor will collect all sorts of physical quantity signal that come to be changed into telegraphic date, can the AD that by integrated circuit changes (modulus) converter, MCU (small controller) , DA (digital-to-analogue) converter undertakes to collects signal intelligence changes processing, control LED illumination luminaries thereby open and shut. OK this is in book the set on MCU all sorts of control requirements, fluctuate the switch time that dominates LED lamp, brightness, colour developing, colorfully, achieve goal of intelligent illume pilot thereby.

Photosensitive sensor
Because day break, sky is dark,photosensitive sensor is idealer (sunrise, sunset) when the electronic sensor that intensity of illumination changes and can control circuit recloser. Photosensitive sensor but according to weather, time paragraph leave with illumination luminaries of area automata LED shut. In bright reduce power consumption by day through reducing its to output power, compare with the photograph when use fluorescent lamp, the area can reduce the power consumption of 53% most for the 200 convenience inn of smooth rice, life also is as long as make an appointment with 5~10 10 thousand hours. Usually, the life of LED illumination luminaries is controlled for 40 thousand hours; The color of glow also can use RGB (Gong Lula) the means that fluctuates colorfully, make lamplight more colorful, atmosphere is more dynamic.

Because day break, sky is dark,photosensitive sensor is idealer (sunrise, sunset) when the electronic sensor that intensity of illumination changes and can control circuit recloser. Photosensitive sensor but according to weather, time paragraph leave with illumination luminaries of area automata LED shut. In bright reduce power consumption by day through reducing its to output power, compare with the photograph when use fluorescent lamp, the area can reduce the power consumption of 53% most for the 200 convenience inn of smooth rice, life also is as long as make an appointment with 5~10 10 thousand hours. Usually, the life of LED illumination luminaries is controlled for 40 thousand hours; The color of glow also can use RGB (Gong Lula) the means that fluctuates colorfully, make lamplight more colorful, atmosphere is more dynamic.

Infra-red sensor
Infra-red sensor is the infrared ray that relies on to explore human body to blast off and of the job. Main principle is: Heat gathers after the infrared ray that the 10μm that human body launchs controls passes smooth lens of filter of phenanthrene Nie Er to increase commentate electric component PIR (passive type is infra-red) on detector, when person activity, infra-red radiant launchs the position to be able to produce change, this component can lose charge balance, hair heat build-up commentate electric effect releases charge outwards, the change of the infra-red radiate energy that infra-red sensor will pass through smooth lens of filter of phenanthrene Nie Er is changed into telegraphic date, namely pyroelectricity changeover. When unmanned inside the exploration area of passive and infra-red detector system is mobile, what infra-red inductor induction arrives is setting temperature only, explore an area into the person when human body, pass lens of phenanthrene Nie Er, heating up what induction of the inductor outside Shi Diangong arrives is the difference of human body temperature and setting temperature, after signal is collected make comparative enter exploration area in order to judge the infrared source such as whether true somebody with the exploration data that already existed in the system.

Infra-red sensor has passive type 3 decisive element: Smooth lens of filter of phenanthrene Nie Er, the sensor outside hot Shi Diangong and match amplifier of low a confusion of voices. Lens of phenanthrene Nie Er has two effect: It is focusing action, reflection of the signal outside be about to heat up Shi Gong is on PIR: 2 it is to will explore the cent inside the area to be a certain number of bright area and shady area, the mobile object of intromit exploration area / the signal outside the hot Shi Gong that the form that the person can change with temperature changes in the generation on PIR. Still can match amplifier of low a confusion of voices commonly, the environmental temperature that goes up when detector rises, be close to human body especially normal temperature (37 ℃ ) when, the sensitivity of sensor drops, by it undertakes compensating to gain, increase its sensitivity. Output signal can use drive electron switch, realize the switch control of LED lighting circuit.

Ultrasonic sensor
The ultrasonic sensor that uses similar with infra-red sensor is in in recent years more application receive in exploring mobile object automatically. Ultrasonic sensor basically uses much general to strap a principle, through brilliant brace up launch the high frequency ultrasonic that exceeds perception of person physical ability outwards, choose 25~40kHz wave typically commonly, control module to detect next reflection come back the frequency of wave, if there is object campaign inside area, reflection wave frequency can have slight wave motion, namely Doppler effect, the object that will judge illume extent with this is mobile, achieve the goal that controls switch thereby.

The fore-and-aft oscillation of ultrasonic is characteristic, can travel in gas, liquid and solid, and its transmit speed it still has different; to refract and reflex a phenomenon, frequency travels in air inferior, attenuation is faster, and in solid, liquid criterion damply lesser, transmission is further. Ultrasonic sensor uses these character of ultrasonic just about. Ultrasonic sensor has sensitive range big, without visual blind area, do not suffer the characteristic such as fraise interference, had been proved to be to detect the method with wisp the most active campaign. Because this and LED lamps and lanterns form a system but acute control switch. Because ultrasonic sensor sensitivity is tall, system of refrigeration of air vibration, ventilated heating and all round the motion of adjacent space can cause ultrasonic sensor to produce false triggering, so ultrasonic sensor needs seasonable calibration.

Temperature sensor
Temperature sensor NTC (negative temperature coefficient) the too lukewarm protection that does LED lamps and lanterns is compared prior applies extensively. If LED lamps and lanterns uses high-power LED light source, with respect to the aluminous radiator that must use much limb, the space of itself of LED lamps and lanterns that uses as a result of indoor illume is very little, medicinal powder hot issue arrives still is one of the biggest technology bottleneck at present.

LED lamps and lanterns comes loose if heating up accurate, can bring about LED illuminant because of overheat inchoate light declines. Because hot air is automatic,the quantity of heat after open of LED lamps and lanterns still is met rise and rich collect of Xiang Deng head, affect the life of power source. Because this is when design LED lamps and lanterns, LED illuminant can be stood by in aluminous radiator square clingy a NTC, so that real time collects the temperature of lamps and lanterns, can use this circuit to reduce constant current source automatically to export electricity when temperature of lamp cup aluminous radiator is elevatory, make lamps and lanterns drops in temperature; lifts when temperature of lamp cup aluminous radiator when be restricted to be worth with set involve LED power supply automatically, implementation lamps and lanterns crosses lukewarm protection, after thermal drop is small, automatic again lamp open.

Sound accuses sensor
The sound that controls circuit of open of circuit of channel of amplifier of sensor, frequency, choice, delay time and silicon controlled rectifier to control the composition such as circuit by sound accuses sensor (Microphone Array) . With sound comparative result is judged whether should start control circuit, give original value set that accuses sensor with adjuster, sound accuses sensor to make outside sound intensity and original cost ceaselessly quite, to control when exceeding original value the center communicates “ to have phonic ” signal, sound accuses sensor to receive wide application in corridor and communal illume place.

Microwave induction sensor
Microwave induction sensor is the mobile object detector that uses design of Doppler effect principle. It explores the position of the object to whether produce shift with be not osculatory means, then produces corresponding switch operation. Walk into inductive division when somebody inside, and achieve illume demand when, inductive switch is automatic open, laden electric equipment begins the work, start delay time system, want human body to did not leave inductive area only, laden electric equipment will work continuously. After human body leaves inductive area, inductor begins computational delay time, delay time ends, inductor switch is shut automatically, laden electric equipment quits the job. Accomplish truly safe, convenient, intelligence, energy-saving.

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