Lucky Sa electron passes solution of its AI unit to help wild factory of day of GE medical treatment successfully finish productivity to optimize a test

Lucky Sa electron passes solution of its AI unit to help wild factory of day of GE medical treatment successfully finish productivity to optimize a test

[introduction] lucky Sa electron announces, lucky Sa electron and GE medical treatment (Japan) day wild factory combined ” of unit to using the “AI of lucky Sa electron solution to undertake test and verify checks. Solution of this AI unit is the E-AI that lucky Sa electron offers to produce equipment (embedded artificial intelligence) one of solutions, its support is in embedded AI function is used in terminal unit. Check result proof this, in the pull current Cheng that applies, come through reducing reject amount to be able to raise product fine rate 99.5% , improve productivity significantly thereby. Lucky Sa electron ever had undertaken in his factory test and verify checks before this, test of this one newest test and verify makes clear, in the factory that the ” of “AI unit solution of lucky Sa electron is in other company as much effective.
The AI unit solution that is used at producing equipment is the first product in solution of E-AI of lucky Sa electron, implementation breakdown detects and can forecast a gender to safeguard, can serve as unit of AI of an additional facility to install existing establishment or machine to go up. It can have adjusted the nerve network model that trains beforehand inside time of a day (the model that already completed study namely) ; And whole AI handles array, collect from sensor data namely data processing, analysis and evaluate / the whole process of judgement, can undertake in real time. This conduces to discover the small error that did not notice before and flaw as early as possible in factory workshop, shunned additional work not only, and conduce to the value that will raise end item through raising the kind such as product quality.
In view of had affirmed through test of test and verify these optimize the effect, lucky Sa electron plans to popularize solution of this AI unit inside global limits. This one plan applies to the E-AI solution kind that is added in existing production facilities not only, and the deploy before still applying to those to be able to be carried arrives the solution type in producing equipment. Lucky Sa electron devotes oneself to to be changed through expanding product line of its E-AI solution promotes end points intelligence quickly, the intelligence that quickens global factory thereby changes pace.
Lucky Sa electron passes solution of its AI unit to help wild factory of day of GE medical treatment successfully finish productivity to optimize a test
GE medical treatment (Japan) a variety of medical treatment equipment such as CT of production of day wild factory, MR and ultrasonic scanning. In the manufacturing base that restricts 450 GE group in the whole world, day wild factory uses content couplet network with its the technology has tall productivity and famed, be chosen to be ” of leader GE“ brilliant factory (“Brilliant Factory” ) one of before 7 big plants of the plan. From 1982 since put into production, this factory is in lead position all the time.
[Test and verify checks an overview]
In GE medical treatment (Japan) day wild factory, AI unit installation is in manufacturing facilities, detect in the light of inchoate breakdown reached the effect that identifies reject production to undertake test and verify checks. What special need points out is, AI unit prototype embedded one trains good model beforehand, install go up in this production facilities. Now, transmit the extremely detailed signal weaveform data that come out from inside producing equipment through measuring, the manufacturing condition that can observe the past cannot master. This terminal unit can be judged whether to exist unusual and need to deliver unusual test result only, because this won’t add the data bulk of communication. Should detect when unusual weaveform, the system starts real time alarm and intermit is produced. Test proof, through reducing reject, product fine rate can rise to 99.5% , productivity is attainable rise significantly.
[Future develops]
Wild factory of day of Japan of GE medical treatment has affirmed, arrive through detecting unusual when halt production instantly, can reduce occurrence reject probability, raise product fine to lead considerably thereby. Accordingly, this company plans to use this AI device at mass production to make equipment now. The fact proves, since day since the platform of net of “Predix” content couplet that wild factory adopts GE number company to be aimed at industrial application to offer inside global limits, can have passed high in the clouds will upload when judgement is prolific, will share the position that produces equipment. Look into future, lucky Sa electron and GE medical treatment (Japan) will cooperate hand in hand, strengthen the connection between solution of E-AI of lucky Sa electron and Predix further, the means such as the long-term trend that produces equipment through the analysis will improve productivity.
GE medical treatment (Japan) , general manager of day wild plant cane this Kang Sanlang expresses, products of a lot of medical treatment equipment that “ produces in our base are very expensive, because this decreases undesirable taste the theme that the amount is produced to improving and character is an eternity. In these jobs, the product that this second experiment handles all the time since the experience that is worker of support factory workshop and intuition will detect blemish and problem. We feel special to satisfactory is, use solution of unit of AI of lucky Sa electron to undertake this second experiment proves, can realize Lai Yucao notting comply to make the pull current Cheng of personnel, and can increase product fine lead. We hope to continue to optimize this kind of method, through improving productivity energetically, continue to offer outstanding value for our client from the respect such as time of quality, delivery, cost. ”
Tian Ming shows vice president of department of career of automation of industry of lucky Sa electron, we had been in “ the semiconductor of factory of Na Ke of lucky Sa electron etchs AI unit solution was employed in craft, and be in what chemistry reacts is unusual detect and forecast a gender to safeguarded a respect to obtain remarkable positive result. Be in this second with GE medical treatment (Japan) in the collaboration that day wild factory begins, we are undertaking the production of mechanical movement undertook test and verify checks on the machine continuously further, not only can detect the happening of blemish, OK still the Predix of platform of net of couplet of industrial other people with GE maintains link, these gain are very significant. Future, our hope popularizes us in the production factory of global each district the E-AI solution of all types, make contribution to improve the manufacturing efficiency of our client. ”

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