Magnetism core satisfies new-style inductor industry needs to place of smaller, quieter, more reliable power source
[introduction] the project is compound magnetism core makes inductor manufacturer but will big inductance is compositive in minor volume. FlakeComposite new technology promoted a new standard magnetism core property, added additional mechanical flexibility, supportable new-style ultrathin parts of an apparatus.
The project is compound magnetism core makes inductor manufacturer but will big inductance is compositive in minor volume. FlakeComposite new technology promoted a new standard magnetism core property, added additional mechanical flexibility, supportable new-style ultrathin parts of an apparatus.
Power inductor is the crucial parts of an apparatus that the energy in be being used at managing switch converter sheds, can ensure smooth transmit electricity helps harmonious inverting. Flow to carry electricity enough long time, and make circuit is in advocate when switch is shut can right job, the inductance value with engineer need right choice will store enough energy.
Although to support pattern of successive or discontinuous electric current (CCM or CDM) or syntonic job, the computation that inductance is worth is met according to the type of converter differ somewhat, but to given rated electric current, inductance value and dimension photograph are older than wanting normally. In addition, still need to be in anticipate to steady performance is provided inside frequency limits, and to the application such as car or aerospace, still need to provide temperature stability and raise top job temperature.
Project inductor reachs the limit
The attribute of inductor suffers physical law to restrict. Undertake elaborate design to magnetism core material, conduce to push these limitation to the limit, the application that is an engineer thereby offers optimal parameter to combine. The magnetism core data that uses normally includes manganese zinc (MnZn) with nickel zinc (NiZn) ferrite, and by grain of special recipe alloy (separate by insulation adhesive) forms metallic powder core. It is very difficult to although will solve power source through increasing magnetism core volume,apply, but filmy inductor also can carry deposit cobalt radical alloy will make, realize the tall magnetism conductance that has good and saturated property thereby.
Although be put in a few defect, but ferrite magnetism core has material of ——NiZn of tall magnetism conductance to be as high as 300 to control, and MnZn criterion will be taller. These material often very fragile, because this does not suit to embed,arrive in PCB, or make thin model inductor, for example parts of an apparatus of planar and transverse flux. In addition, they can experience abrupt saturation, and cause inductance to slant along with dc of buy increase and happen to boil quickly fall.
pulverous core, popular alloy includes iron silicon (FeSi) or iron silicon is aluminous (FeSiAl) , and include to be not brilliant iron and slope not alloy inside other combination content. Core of magnetism of this kind of distributed air gap has grain structure, its saturation character wants than ferrite inductor soft, because this is opposite,small deflection dc slants buy relatively not sensitive. On the other hand, its magnetism conductance should compare ferrite normally small an amount class, its organic adhesive also cannot be able to bear or endure suffer expensive work temperature.
New lame suppress technology can produce conductance giving magnetism and NiZn ferrite to comparative now, the data of core of magnetism of distributed air gap that soft saturated character and traditional and pulverous core can compare. In addition, core of magnetism of this kind of new-style FlakeComposite still has taller temperature stability, higher top job temperature and mechanical flexibility. This kind of flexibility increases what what bring is to the opportunity creates ultrathin inductor not only, and OK still in the built-in and powerful inductor inside PCB economic space, can explore an opportunity, will new-style inductor (be like inductor of transverse magnetic flux) with active parts of an apparatus together compositive in issueing generation power source to change a design.
Function is compared
Graph 1 gave out the crucial magnetism conductance of material of FlakeComposite magnetism core and ferrite, powder and filmy magnetism core and saturated character are comparative.

Graph 1: The magnetism conductance of FlakeComposite and ferrite comparative, have outstanding saturated property.
Well-known, ferrite material is worth next meetings to lose magnetism conductance in high frequency, high temperature or tall dc drift, bring about inductance value to be reduced quickly, affect performance thereby. To ensure inductor of FlakeComposite magnetism core at least can as good like ferrite inductor, we need to compare frequency, temperature and dc to slant buy function.
Graph 2 compared FlakeComposite and NiZn ferrite the frequency of compound magnetism conductance comes loose. The graph of two kinds of material shows, magnetism conductance is making an appointment with 6MHz above to be reduced quickly, in the switch converter that this makes clear to FlakeComposite is as high as 1MHz in working frequency, function and NiZn are identical better perhaps.

Graph 2: For the power source application that counts MHz frequency to be as high as, the performance that FlakeComposite place provides and NiZn ferrite comparative.
Saturated to magnetism character undertakes comparative, flakeComposite enters saturation to want to compare NiZn ferrite softer, and temperature dependency is lower, because this has profit greatly (graph 3) .

Graph 3: Compare with NiZn ferrite, the magnetism saturation curve of FlakeComposite is softer, temperature dependency is lower.
Graph 4 pairs of FlakeComposite and NiZn ferrite and traditional metal composite material (pulverous) dc slants buy function undertook contrast. FlakeComposite combined the advantage of two kinds of types, in low slant the conductance of exceedingly good magnetism that comparatives with NiZn is had below buy, and in slant high the magnetism conductance that can keep taller below buy, and temperature dependency lowest.

Graph 4: Should bring to bear on tall dc slants when buy electric field, dc slants buy character shows FlakeComposite has taller magnetism conductance.
If inductor job temperature achieves the Courier temperature —— of magnetism core material to issue magnetism core in this temperature,can lose magnetic —— criterion conductance of magnetism core magnetism will be rapid drop, make inductance fast thereby loss. If the graph is shown 5 times, the Courier temperature of FlakeComposite also the NiZn of prep above model or MnZn ferrite.

Graph 5: The Courier temperature of FlakeComposite is higher, can ensure inductance cost holds below higher working temperature.
Inductor attenuates and occupy an area decrescent
Nod to reduce load ceaselessly (PoL) of the module of power source changeover such as converter occupy an area, industry already put forward compositive active and passive yuan the new design of parts of an apparatus. With use at compose to build before thin model the pattern of traditional and fore-and-aft flux of inductor is different, these design place pass special design with planar inductor, have transverse flux pattern consequently. As inductor ply reduce, compare with photograph of traditional fore-and-aft flux parts of an apparatus, inductor of transverse magnetic flux shows more and more advantageous inductance. The physical characteristic of FlakeComposite can realize ply to come for 50μm the inductor of 2mm, because this suits very much,produce inductor of ultrathin and transverse magnetic flux.
The inductor that uses FlakeComposite to make is paper-thin solid however, save for the help occupy an area, in embed its also can come true when PCB inherent right neat, and with traditional ferrite magnetism core photograph is compared, also can reduce the inductor height that is as high as 40% .
Material of conductance of flexibility tall magnetism
Besides can use at power inductor besides, the magnetism of FlakeComposite and mechanical function combination still are applied to include EMI to restrain with screen the electromagnetism screen that encircles inside uses line of wireless transmit electricity, can optimize thereby charge function protects the electronic facility around. FlakeComposite technology is base the core of product of beautiful electron Flex Suppressor® , the fact proves this kind of product to be able to reduce electromagnetism noise in all sorts of application.
This kind of new method can optimize FlakeComposite the magnetism core function of inductor, extend a scope further, realize the miniaturization of change-over circuit of prospective power source to design, accordingly it will surmount the success that place of magnetism core stuff gains current ferrite. FlakeComposite can offer similar magnetism conductance, and outstanding saturated character, dc slants buy function and higher temperature performance, realize design of ultrathin power inductor then, it is PCB embedded the mechanical performance that inductor provides place to need, realize true economic space thereby.