Many a drive means of paragraph of type LCD screen

Many a drive means of paragraph of type LCD screen

[introduction]Many pen paragraph type liquid crystal shows screen has static state and trends (scanning) means of two kinds of drive. When using static drive means, whole indication screen uses electrode of a communal back to be received give to cite a base, and each paragraphs of electrode needs to be received independently piece cite a base, if pursue 13, 29 are shown, the indication screen of means of drive of reason static state brings crural amount more. Introducing dynamic drive (scan namely means) when, the back that everybody wants to have independence extremely, join receives paragraph of electrode interiorly with corresponding everybody together give to cite a base, the indication screen of dynamic drive means brings crural amount less.

Many pen paragraph type liquid crystal shows screen has static state and trends (scanning) means of two kinds of drive. When using static drive means, whole indication screen uses electrode of a communal back to be received give to cite a base, and each paragraphs of electrode needs to be received independently piece cite a base, if pursue 13, 29 are shown, the indication screen of means of drive of reason static state brings crural amount more. Introducing dynamic drive (scan namely means) when, the back that everybody wants to have independence extremely, join receives paragraph of electrode interiorly with corresponding everybody together give to cite a base, the indication screen of dynamic drive means brings crural amount less.

Many pen of dynamic drive means paragraph monitor of fluorescence of many the working principle of indication screen of type liquid crystal and canal of many LED number, vacuum is same, use pursue a scanning pattern that shows quickly, the visual of short duration that uses person eye leaves character to produce the result that screen whole shows. If want to will pursue 13, 29 shown static state drive show screen changes dynamic drive to display screen, need only whole and communal back extremely the back that segments 5 independence extremely, derivative 5 cite a base, next will 5 in identical paragraph extremely interiorly join rises and receive give 1 to cite a base, receive in all give 8 to cite a base, so whole indication screen needs 13 to cite a base only. When the job, increase tension to the 1st back pole first, give each paragraphs of extremely deferent and corresponding voltage at the same time, indication screen can show the number of need the 1st times, increase tension to the 2nd back pole next, give each paragraphs of extremely deferent and corresponding voltage at the same time, indication screen can show the number of need the 2nd times, work so, till the 5th shows the number of need, begin to show from the 1st afresh next.


(The judgement with extremely communal 1)

The working principle that displays screen by liquid crystal is knowable, only extremely communal with add between Duan Jizhi have voltage, paragraph extremely appearance ability is shown come, paragraph extremely with voltage is added to not have between Duan Jizhi show, can detect according to this principle piece extremely communal. When detecting, avometer is dialed block to R × 10k (the diode that also can use digital avometer is measured block) , pen of red, black list receives indication screen random respectively two cite a base, when indication screen has some segment display, pen of a watch is not moved, another watch pen is received other cite a base, if have other segment display, criterion immobile expresses what pen place receives to be extremely communal.

(2) stand or fall detects

Detecting pen of static drive type paragraph when type liquid crystal displays screen, avometer is dialed block to R × 10k, what receive pen of a watch indication screen is extremely communal cite a base, another watch pen is ordinal receive each paragraphs extremely cite a base, should receive some paragraph extremely when citing a base, avometer gives through two watches pen extremely communal with add between Duan Jizhi have voltage, if this paragraphs are normal, this paragraphs appearance will be shown come. If show screen is normal, each segment display should the clear, edge that do not have wool; If some paragraph is not had,have a line, this paragraphs may have open a way extremely or break extremely; If all Duan Jun does not show, the likelihood is extremely communal open circuit or indication screen attaint. When detect, when measuring some paragraph, its are adjacent paragraph also can show come, this is normal inductive phenomenon, usable lead will be adjacent paragraph bring foot and extremely communal the short circuit that cite a base, can eliminate inductive appearance.

Detecting pen of dynamic drive type paragraph when type liquid crystal displays screen, avometer still is dialed block to R × 10k, because dynamic drive shows screen has many extremely communal, the pen expresses to receive some first when detecting extremely communal cite a base, another watch pen is ordinal receive each paragraphs to cite a base, normal each Duan Yingzheng often shows, will receive again extremely communal bring watch pen of the foot to move to the next extremely communal cite a base, detect with same method this each paragraphs are normal.

With afore-mentioned methods not only can detect the stand or fall of liquid crystal indication screen, still can judge an each connective that cite a base paragraph extremely


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