Miniature sensor market adds fresh blood again
[introduction] seek advice from a report according to Maimusi, the actual application Lin Lin of sensor always, covered the whole world almost every industry. And, see as us, almost all now industry is in forward the way of dimension of smaller parts of an apparatus develops, subsequently and the sensor dimension that come also is narrowing. In the article, we will introduce 3 miniature sensor and the case that its use actually.
In this overview about miniature sensor, we will introduce 3 different sensor, revealed respectively electronic equipment measure is ceaseless and narrow nowadays, its interior sensor is changed to miniature ceaselessly, the tendency that low power develops.
Seek advice from a report according to Maimusi, the actual application Lin Lin of sensor always, covered the whole world almost every industry. And, see as us, almost all now industry is in forward the way of dimension of smaller parts of an apparatus develops, subsequently and the sensor dimension that come also is narrowing. In the article, we will introduce 3 miniature sensor and the case that its use actually.
Accelerometer of rich world BMA400: Can apparel application
BMA400 is 12 accelerometer, dimension is 2mm X 2mm X 0.95 Mm only. Depend on low noise function, BMA400 falls in Morpheus mode (800nA) power comsumption is extremely low, the user between 800Hz can reach in 25Hz in the meantime data of the output inside optional limits.
Combine these norms, what can you get? One suits to move and can apparel very much the accelerometer of equipment.

Rich world is used at can appareling the accelerometer BMA400 of equipment
This accelerometer can measure the acceleration on axis of X, Y, Z, deflection quantity is ±80mg, measure limits to be ±2g, ±4g, ±8g and ±16g, temperature coefficient is ±1mg/K. In the meantime, BMA400 still is had a lot of inside buy function, include mobile identifying (ran, wait on foot) , mobile change, direction, click / doubleclick, two general interrupt controller and 1kB FIFO bumper. BMA400 holds serial interface of a SPI and I2C concurrently at the same time, working voltage interpose comes at 1.7V between 3.6V, have function of low power comsumption, miniature the 12 LGA that cite a base are enclosed and a lot of embedded function, suit content couplet net and mobile equipment very much.
BMA400 depends on his low n is used up, embedded the plan pace of Plug and Play and activity identify a function, lengthened greatly can apparel equipment (like intelligent wrist watch and gymnastical recorder) battery life. It is detecting when motion wake up automatically, return Morpheus mode after motion ends, avoid to wake up thereby advocate applied process processor. This function can reduce n to use up significantly, lengthen charge removed.
For the application of content couplet net such as the indoor climate system in be being lived in to intelligence and safe system, measure function and clear from beginning to end bandwidth of BMA400 to make its become content couplet net to apply continuously (if system of indoor climate environment and intelligence live in safe system) trouble-free used ideal option. For example, if the real alarm of cullet and so on and random vibration produce unripe false signal,it can distinguish, avoid to sign up for by accident thereby.
BMA400 was obtained consumptive electron was exhibited 2018 (CES) technical innovation award. Because its exceed low power comsumption, house-owner often need not change batteries, suit a family to use very much.

BMA400 uses setting and advantage sketch map
The engineer is mixed in low power comsumption in the need when choosing accelerometer high-powered between make accept or reject. Now, BMA400 will exceed low power comsumption and outstanding performance to have perfect couple. Pedometer of the buy inside its only 4μA of bad news report. As a whole, BMA400 place needs power consumption to be the accelerometer on current market only very one of.
Pass the voltage regulator of the buy inside its, BMA400 can provide steady performance inside limits of voltage of broad power supply, achieve pair of power comsumption, noise and output data rate (ODR) the agile fine tuning of parameter. Measure continuously in 180μg/√Hz noise density, optimal value is the power consumption of BMA400 about 14μA.
Dimension makes for the cabinet bulk of 2.0 X 2.0 X 0.95mm and pedometer of compositive Plug and Play only BMA400 but relaxed and compositive at new-style can apparel in equipment, be like common wrist watch and gem.
The “ whole world that comes from Nanoz is the smallest ” gas sensor
Respecting gas sensor, nanoz in order to produce the whole world sensor of the most persnickety body and famous, the aeriform sensor size that its produce is 1.8mm X 1.8mm only, ply has 0.45mm only.
Be based on technology of metallic oxide preparation, its sensor not only size is very small, and can detect a variety of gas, include but not CO2 of be confined to, CO, CH4, BTEX and NO2.
Nanoz claims, aeriform sensor is current the metallic oxide parts of an apparatus of lowest of the stablest, production cost inside lowest of the specific power consumption on the market, working hours. These character make the shift that Nanoz sensor applies to extensive development especially and content couplet net (IoT) application, and these application can let an user pass a smartphone better monitoring the daily environment all round them.

Dimension of sensor of the most persnickety body is the whole world of Nanoz 1.8mm X 1.8mm X 0.45mm
Although this kind of sensor is compositive,the technology has distinct advantage to the engineer in industrial application and worker, but in the smartphone that if install this sensor people,uses daily, believe to will arise to individual safety overturn sexual change. If advocate detector occurrence breakdown, the smartphone that the user can use them serves as reserve smoke detector, perhaps regard gas as the portable warning decice of leak.
Come from the fingernail sensor of IBM
Although nowadays the dimension of a lot of sensor already miniaturization (for instance silicon base material expects parts of an apparatus is abided by rub Er is mensurable) , but other sensor, for instance the fingernail sensor of IBM researcher research and development (Fingernail Sensor) , already began to use artificial intelligence (AI) pass with wireless technology can apparel equipment (for instance Apple Watch) will handle sensor reading.
Of finger tip grip waiting by force to Pajinsen infirmly is more economic target for the disease, and the main research domain that this kind of disease also is IBM, through further research, IBM realizes intensity of finger tip grip still can be used at other to measure, include heart health and cognitive faculty. To measure the intensity of finger tip, researcher receives gift of small-sized meet an emergency the fingernail of finger to go up repeatedly first, next the reading of appearance of meet an emergency can be passed wireless transmit malic intelligence watch to carry, final AI software processes data from watch end again in order to decide dependency.

The sensor on fingernail can detect finger activity
Say according to IBM, electronic equipment is installed on the skin, its are the biggest the obstacle is adhesiveness difference (stem from a variety of reasons, getting on sensor adhere in the skin is improper. For example, the boy or girl friend that general need has grip is monitored is old people normally, their skin condition is weaker, use sensor can cause the problem such as skin infection sometimes) , but use fingernail sensor can overcome these problems. Differ with the skin, fingernail is solid, bear fruit more than the skin normally, also won’t move everywhere, and won’t fall off as a result of fingernail, also won’t grow too quickly, because this can offer more lasting solution. Replace cutaneous with fingernail another main good point is, jin Sen resembling handkerchief such disease is to appear on old people body almost, and their skin condition is weaker, cannot install sensor reliably. The use of artificial intelligence makes sensor can record information not only, return the individual environment of the person that can identify sensor to adorn. Pass the couple with artificial intelligence, sensor data can be used at evaluating the typical symptom of Pajinsen disease effectively, include campaign quiver and logy. The data that this kind of new-style sensor collects conduces to a doctor monitoring healthy state of the patient better, so that use new treatment or remedy,have treatment. In the meantime, the new facility that this research also regards a model as to use finger tip structure provided inspiration.
Year answer a year, produce the XX sensor ” with the smallest “ wish scene in individually yuan deliver between parts of an apparatus. Manufacturer people also studying new semiconductor material ceaselessly, enclose and process designing environment, in order to make sensor smaller and smaller, get used to industry trend thereby.