New Cisco ability appears on exposition of industry of China International intelligence, drive the system of new student state that intelligence of industry of Chinese car electron changes to build

New Cisco ability appears on exposition of industry of China International intelligence, drive the system of new student state that intelligence of industry of Chinese car electron changes to build

[introduction] new Cisco ability announces, suffer invite play the fair of industry of intelligence of “2018 China International that at reading extensively in Chongqing international to 25 days on August 23, 2018 the center holds ” (Zhi Bo meets abbreviation) , president of whole world of new Cisco ability holds couplet banquet CEO Dr. Chen Zhikuan concurrently to suffer invite attend Zhi Bo intercurrent watch “ drives seminar of high end of development of meeting semiconductor industry the theme of technical fountainhead ” that car innovation develops makes a speech.

Think of science and technology newly to announce, suffer invite play the fair of industry of intelligence of “2018 China International that at reading extensively in Chongqing international to 25 days on August 23, 2018 the center holds ” (Zhi Bo meets abbreviation) , president of whole world of new Cisco ability holds couplet banquet CEO Dr. Chen Zhikuan concurrently to suffer invite attend Zhi Bo intercurrent watch “ drives seminar of high end of development of meeting semiconductor industry the theme of technical fountainhead ” that car innovation develops makes a speech.
New Cisco ability appears on exposition of industry of China International intelligence, drive the system of new student state that intelligence of industry of Chinese car electron changes to build
President of whole world of new Cisco ability holds couplet banquet CEO Dr. Chen Zhikuan concurrently
Zhi Bo is met mix by ministry of government of Chongqing city people, science and technology, industry informatization ministry, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Chinese Academy of Engineering and Chinese division assist the national level that sponsors jointly is large and professional exposition. First Zhi Bo can change with “ intelligence: Endow with for economy can, for the life the “ that buy variety gives priority to a problem, digitlization of industrialization of sufficient prominent figure, industry leads and prop up industrial transition to upgrade, through “ science and technology the change lives, the intelligence that “ of wisdom open future promotes whole society considerably changes a standard. Design the main partner of solution and interface IP leader and Chinese Information Industry as global chip automation, new Cisco ability passes the industry of much territory development to cooperate, ode can Chongqing semiconductor and car electron industry grow, upgrade to make important contribution with talent education to promote an industry.
Current Zhi Bo is met forum of semiconductor industry high end was held on August 24, president of whole world of new Cisco ability holds couplet banquet CEO Dr. Chen Zhikuan concurrently to suffer invite attend, and with deputy mayor of government of Chongqing city people Liu laurel is made the same score, chen Guiyun of vice-chairman of Chongqing city the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, wang Kui of deputy secretary-general of Chongqing municipal government 10 thousand, guild of semiconductor of dean of academy of development of Chinese electron Information Industry, China is standing vice-president Lu Shan, industry and Wu Shengwu of vice director of department of informatization ministry electron, yu Xiekang of vice-president of Chinese semiconductor guild, the industry leader such as Ding Wenwu of president of fund of investment of estate of national integrated circuit and expert together, electron of the good luck around Chinese semiconductor and challenge, car and car intelligence are changed wait for a topic to have deepness communication.
President of whole world of new Cisco ability holds couplet banquet CEO Dr. Chen Zhikuan concurrently to point out in the speech: “ semiconductor industry produced the change of world-shaking, the power that drive semiconductor expands also is changing, car, artificial intelligence and 5G become 3 large driving force, can drive semiconductor industry to enter new development level ceaselessly, also can bring the issue such as safety of a lot of such as, privacy at the same time, the key that solves these problems is industrial efforts and innovation. New Cisco ability had realized these change and had made preparation, can be accumulated a few years with the partner’s relation by right of the past, establish new trustful connection, help an user solve the problem that encounters continuously, the intelligence that promotes semiconductor and car electron industry changes development. ”

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