Patulous lead medical treatment embedded the road with Medical Protection solution

Patulous lead medical treatment embedded the road with Medical Protection solution

Accumulate the good record with outstanding dependability by right of major of more than 40 years, the package that microcrystalline Micro Crystal produces Switzerland can satisfy requirement of slashing medical treatment application, have the module of bell of first real time that exceeds complete pottery and porcelain of low cost report and helium hermetic seal to enclose especially.


As new-style exceed low power comsumption and clock of compact fact of RV-5028-C7 medical treatment (RTC) of module introduce, the product that microcrystalline Micro Crystal offers distinctive function and energy-saving opportunity through increasing comes to Switzerland expand its are used at medical treatment embedded class frequency and the product line of timing solution.



Embedded class product line includes medical treatment low frequency (32.0~102.4 KHz) harmonious crystal, AT cut crystal (14~50 MHz) , low frequency oscillator (32.768~100 KHz) , increased module of a high-powered RTC again now. Microcrystalline Micro Crystal offers Switzerland extremely accurate, exceed low power comsumption, miniature to change, more important is the quartz with reliable height technology, it is medical treatment only embedded with Medical Protection application development.


Solve dimension and problem of design of low power comsumption


Module of level of RV-5028-C7 medical treatment solved a lot of influence medical treatment the space of embedded design limits an issue, be in 32.768 KHz crystal and union of RTC integrated circuit compact, miniature is enclosed in (3.2 X 1.5 Mm) . Its exceed small section plane only 1 millimeter, make a design very compact.


Module of RV-5028-C7 medical treatment provided the bus line of compositive FC-400kHz communication of Plug and Play.


Because its are modular,design, it does not need any complex custom-built change development, reduced complexity thereby and make development process simpler, reduced development time and appear on the market time. Factory calibration process ensures ± 1ppm precision (be equivalent to annual below normal temperature ± 0.5 minutes) .


Of RTC exceed low power comsumption to be installed for 45 accept only (NA) , make systematic report source control more optimize. Be in inactive during, the small control of equipment is unit (MCU) can enter mode of low power comsumption, wake up automatically by RTC when need, prolong battery life thereby. If advocate power source is missing, breakdown of automatic power source detects and switch circuit backs up join batteries. Time is retentive backup power source can be a simple MLCC capacitor, solved design engineer’s most intractable backup power source to challenge a problem.



Additional function and Gao Ke rely on a gender


Warning function arrives accurately minute, 12 tally are offerred periodic, but process designing is interrupted. Notes of special event register saved time stamp, ensure the system restores. 32 UNIX time holds UNIX time with one second resolution, can use at time jab, dependability and functional test. RTC includes the blame of 43 byte to break sexual user memory and the user RAM of two byte easily, these byte can store add close key and other and crucial data.


But function of process designing password can protect time and configuration setting, increased systematic dependability and security.


Module of solid clock of RV-5028-C7 medical treatment is equipment of embedded medical treatment to make only. As embedded as all medical treatment package is same, microcrystalline Micro Crystal maintained Switzerland complete but record of date from sex.


Wide applied range


As a result of the optimum behavior in long-term reliability and congener product, the time equipment of microcrystalline Micro Crystal is driving Switzerland equipment of medical treatment of embedded type of active of new generation Class III (AIMD) enhance medicaments to carry equipment with the electron (EEDDs) growth and development.


Module of RV-5028-C7 of medical treatment class is used at nerve to stimulate normally implement, the heart equipment that monitor, transfer pump or intelligent orthopaedic are embedded in the design of content.


In addition, component of microcrystalline Micro Crystal also uses Switzerland at be not embedded equipment, apply extensively at products of a lot of healthy medical treatment, like dextrose appearance / watch of CGM, intelligence, fitness is tracked implement wait with siren exceed low power comsumption to consume application.


System of microcrystalline Micro Crystal can support Switzerland all sorts of unique challenges in the design, provide technical support, offer quartz as reliable partner crystal, oscillator and module of real time bell.

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