See a graph learn principle of parts of an apparatus – inductor, capacitor and its apply mediumly in power source commutation

See a graph learn principle of parts of an apparatus – inductor, capacitor and its apply mediumly in power source commutation

[introduction] now and then see the unyielding man of You Anfu Lai that the domestic “ of “ chip releases is offerred, it is one article of the Wen Bingmao that cover a map that TDK arranges allegedly, feel to suit to learn an electron to design the friends of skill especially, reason also is shared here, added explanatory note of a few characters by Mr. Su.
See a graph learn principle of parts of an apparatus - inductor, capacitor and its apply mediumly in power source commutation
From electromagnetism field theory – the electric field of “ change ” produces magnetic field, metabolic magnetic field produces electric field, when because this should have alternating current,crossing the inductance that forms by coil, the mutual changeover between electromagnetism also lets inductor become important store can component, the processing action that pair of signal change reach since the reaction that produces through changing to electric current – presentative action checks communication signal namely, signal of direct direct current.
See a graph learn principle of parts of an apparatus - inductor, capacitor and its apply mediumly in power source commutation
Want to understand all sorts of parameter of the function of inductor and inductor, be about to undertake was analyticed from electromagnetism theory.
See a graph learn principle of parts of an apparatus - inductor, capacitor and its apply mediumly in power source commutation
Understood its job principle, the main effect that also understood inductor – the interference signal that checks the change that does not need, turn through electromagnetism energy each other (so called store can) the effect that achieves stable voltage.
See a graph learn principle of parts of an apparatus - inductor, capacitor and its apply mediumly in power source commutation
Do not see small inductance, category is actually various, different applied domain is different to the requirement of its parameter, the material of need also is different character, its enclose nature different also.
See a graph learn principle of parts of an apparatus - inductor, capacitor and its apply mediumly in power source commutation
The product of market maximum is main it is consumption kind, especially mobile phone, the different function drive that because this inductance is in,the application in the mobile phone also decided a mobile phone is worn the ceaseless progress of inductor.
See a graph learn principle of parts of an apparatus - inductor, capacitor and its apply mediumly in power source commutation
This piece of graph gave out the production of inductor machines a process, quite complex still? Want in those days I turn to do a 5V the DC-DC transformer of 400V, still oneself circled high frequency transformer with enamel-insulated wire with one’s own hands. In integrated circuit height compositive change and with rub the speed of Er law develops quickly today, high-tech technology personnel of the whole world takes inductor have no other way unexpectedly, cannot be the same as other parts of an apparatus one case compositive to interior of parts of an apparatus, be forced to increase switch frequency in power source circuit, what inductor can do is smaller. Or convert the inductor that the means of other avoids commencement uses big build as far as possible.
Capacitance and inductance resemble piling twin brother same, appear in couples below a lot of circumstances, because this speaks of inductance, that also should talk about capacitance certainly.
See a graph learn principle of parts of an apparatus - inductor, capacitor and its apply mediumly in power source commutation
To communicating signal, inductor is block up of risk one’s life needlessly, capacitor is to build the bridge as far as possible however, lie between dc, connect communication namely the characteristic of capacitor. Resemble dikes and dams of prevent or control flood same, capacitor is in billowy charge segregation two side, of this two side negative electric charge is accumulated ceaselessly also formed very strong energy, so capacitor also has store can action, can replace batteries to use even.
See a graph learn principle of parts of an apparatus - inductor, capacitor and its apply mediumly in power source commutation
The effect that capacitor can see on this piece of graph is around move its cut off dc, connect communication to come true, include store can, filter wave. . . See with inductance different but the place with collective destiny? Go up in maths both is the lover that unripe photograph kills.
See a graph learn principle of parts of an apparatus - inductor, capacitor and its apply mediumly in power source commutation
Be like inductance same, the applied setting of capacitance differs to ask to also differ to the parameter of capacitance, material, enclose also have varied. It is on PCB board, can do not have other parts of an apparatus, but cannot do not have capacitance, the place that should have report only has the presence of capacitance with respect to general meeting. The commonnest capacitance estimates be 0.1uF to stick a capacitance of pottery and porcelain, 0805, 0603 enclose, estimation has a big on the workbench of every engineer, a person’s mind can be put to put the pin in voltage of each groups of power supply to go up on circuit graph.
See a graph learn principle of parts of an apparatus - inductor, capacitor and its apply mediumly in power source commutation
The whole world has a few to make passive parts of an apparatus or appliance (namely parts of an apparatus of resistor, capacitance, inductance) old man, TDK is one of, the article of this graph Wen Bingmao is TDK, this graph can see the technology in capacitance respect, craft mixes TDK to probe paid effort ceaselessly.
See a graph learn principle of parts of an apparatus - inductor, capacitor and its apply mediumly in power source commutation
Analysed the principle of inductor, capacitor, application and data simply, be about to see these parts of an apparatus now is specific how use, see every family first some digital TV facility, the application with inductor and the biggest capacitor is namely in power source commutation, no matter be direct,from AC commutation gets DC, still get DC through low-pressure DC. Of course the essential component that inductor and capacitor partner also are processing of the bandwidth in managing to imitate signature. The formula of different group set prescription of inductor and capacitor is right also the weaveform of the input can produce different frequency to handle function.
See a graph learn principle of parts of an apparatus - inductor, capacitor and its apply mediumly in power source commutation
Car electron is the heat that current electron industry grows, its biggest characteristic is dependability, because this is right all sorts of yuan the dependability requirement of parts of an apparatus also is extremely tall – high temperature resistant, be able to bear or endure freezing, be able to bear or endure vibration is waited a moment, after all the car is not the electric home appliances<gj in conservatory and to the security in motion the requirement is not general slashing.
Power source is the “ stomach ” of all electric equipment, provide energy to every place, nutrition also can affect the health of electronic product human body very much. The fundamental theory that will see power source share below and form.
See a graph learn principle of parts of an apparatus - inductor, capacitor and its apply mediumly in power source commutation
Speak of power source, the applicable setting of the distinction that wants clear AC and DC first and this both. Because communicate transmit electricity (AC) efficiency is highest, because the cable on this excellent electrical outlet is basic,be AC, but the integrated circuit that should supply circuit board to go up works, the DC that needs all sorts of different voltage then. So need turns AC into DC, perhaps become the DC commutation of some kind of voltage the DC of other voltage, this is the action that power source alternates.
See a graph learn principle of parts of an apparatus - inductor, capacitor and its apply mediumly in power source commutation
Because everything worldly is not Utopian, have all sorts of variable, because this is like the circumstance that why changes in all sorts of likelihoods to fall,assure steady supply even, below the situation that needs to inputting load of voltage happening change, output to produce change namely, the voltage that how keeps stable is outputted and provide enough electricity, this comes true with respect to circuit of need stabilized voltage. The hub parts of an apparatus according to adjusting control – the condition that dynatron works: Linear, switch can divide stabilized voltage circuit for linear stabilized voltage and switch stabilized voltage two kinds, both has actor drawback each. Specific applied setting should choose proper commutation way, or the organic union of both.
See a graph learn principle of parts of an apparatus - inductor, capacitor and its apply mediumly in power source commutation
Change the energy that in communicating power supply source, carries the energy that bears the weight of through volts d.c. , the force change that need will run back and forth first becomes the mighty torrent that a direction runs, this process is “ commutate ” , just rise and fall to what go up again undertake flowing, can get in step, stabilize forward dc. The action that combs direction of going from place to place reached since the diode that has one-way conductivity in this process, indispensable in rectification, to voltage rise and fall undertake flowing used have store can the inductance of action and capacitance. This 3 big passive parts of an apparatus resemble inductor, capacitor and resistor 3 soldier are planted each doing his own job euqally, each other closes suitably, have the effect with dredge, certain dimension.
See a graph learn principle of parts of an apparatus - inductor, capacitor and its apply mediumly in power source commutation
Place is told before no less than, the means each has his strong point of two kinds of stabilized voltage, because of both form a structure to differ, the working position of dynatron is different, but the part that cannot leave inductor and capacitor to be acted as place of Chu Nengyuan parts of an apparatus.
See a graph learn principle of parts of an apparatus - inductor, capacitor and its apply mediumly in power source commutation
From a volts d.c. commutation has a variety of kind to another volts d.c. , depend on the value of two voltage and input, electric current size that outputs a requirement (namely the size of power) , stability, need chooses different commutation develop to attack and yuan parts of an apparatus.
See a graph learn principle of parts of an apparatus - inductor, capacitor and its apply mediumly in power source commutation
Any commutation can have certain loss, what be alternated in power source commutation is energy substantially, the efficiency demand that alternates because of this pair is higher better, that is to say Yue Xiaoyue of loss, loss is good. Want to improve changeover efficiency, besides the loss that reduces parts of an apparatus, still can avoid needless waste through proper control. The method that listed in this graph a few kinds can raise power source to change efficiency and right of all kinds yuan of requirement of parts of an apparatus.

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