Shallow analyse electroanalysises capacitance designs medium action in circuit
[introduction] filter wave action, in power source circuit, rectification circuit turns communication into pulsatile dc, and one is received after rectification circuit relatively of high capacity electroanalysis capacitance, use its to fill discharge character (store can action) , make the pulsatile volts d.c. after rectification becomes the volts d.c. that stabilizes quite relatively.
Mention electroanalysis the effect that we must not play capacitance to understand it more:
1, filter wave action, in power source circuit, rectification circuit turns communication into pulsatile dc, and one is received after rectification circuit relatively of high capacity electroanalysis capacitance, use its to fill discharge character (store can action) , make the pulsatile volts d.c. after rectification becomes the volts d.c. that stabilizes quite relatively. Be in actual in, to prevent circuit voltage of each part power supply changes because of load and generation changes, so the output end in power source and laden power source input end to receive know exactly about sth commonly 10 to hundreds small way electroanalysis capacitance. As a result of high capacity electroanalysis capacitance has certain inductance commonly, right high frequency reach pulse to disturb signal cannot effectively filter is divided, reason is in its two end are shunt-wound a capacity is 0.001- – the capacitance of 0.lpF, divide with filter high frequency reach pulse interference.

2, coupling action: In low frequency signal deliver with enlarge process in, to avoid from beginning to end the static job of two class circuit nods mutual influence, often use capacitance lotus root to close. Pass to avoid loss of weight of low frequency of the charm in signal big, always use a capacity commonly bigger electroanalysis capacitance.
Understand even next electroanalysis the judgement method of capacitance
Electroanalysis the breakdown with common capacitance has, the capacity decreases, the capacity disappears, puncture short circuit and leakage of electricity, because electroanalysis,allowing quantitative change to change among them is its in-house in capacitance is being used or setting a process electrolyte dries up gradually cause, and the tension that puncture and leakage of electricity increase for place commonly exorbitant or itself quality not beautiful is caused. The stand or fall that judges power source capacitance uses the resistor archives of avometer to undertake metrical commonly.

Specific means is: electric capacity two pin short circuit has discharging, with the black list of avometer the pen is received electroanalysis the anode of capacitance. Red watch pen receives negative pole (to avometer of type of pressing with a finger, with) of intermodulation of pen of the watch when digital type avometer is measured, normal when watch needle should swing to the direction with little resistance first, till infinity is in,return gradually next. Express a needle swing extent is jumped over big or returned rate is slower, the size that shows electric capacity is larger, the size that shows electric capacity conversely is smaller. If express a needle to show inter somewhere changes no longer, show this capacitance leakage of electricity, if resistor indicated value is very little or for 0, indicate this electric capacity already puncture short circuit. The batteries tension that uses because of avometer is general very low, compare when the electric capacity that gauges low compression so accurate, and when the compression when capacitance is taller, when hitting although measure normal, but leakage of electricity or puncture phenomenon produce likely when increasing maximum pressure.
Need understanding to electroanalysis more the use note of capacitance:
1, electroanalysis because capacitance has losing polarity, when because this is in circuit,be being used, cannot put upside down connection. In power source circuit, output is electroanalysising when voltage the anode of capacitance receives power source to output end, negative pole ground connection, when output loses voltage criterion negative pole receives output to carry, positive electrode ground connection. When power source circuit polarity of medium filter wave capacitance is received when turning over, because the filter wave action of capacitance is reduced greatly, cause power source to output voltage wave motion on one hand, electroanalysis because of what retrorse electrify makes be equivalent to a resistor right now again on the other hand capacitance is calorific. When retrorse voltage exceeds some value, the resistor of retrorse leakage of electricity of capacitance will become very small, such electrify work before long, can make because of overheat blast cracks capacitance attaint.
2, add in electroanalysis the voltage of two end cannot exceed electric capacity its allow working voltage, answer to leave the surplus with have certain according to particular case when designing actual circuit, when the filter wave capacitance that designs regulated power supply, if voltage of alternating current source is the rectification voltage with the sub transformer when 220~ to be able to amount to 22V, choose what compression is 25V to electroanalysis right now capacitance can satisfy a requirement commonly. But, if voltage of alternating current source is fluctuant very big and when rising to 250V above likely, of above of 30V of best choice compression electroanalysis capacitance.

3, electroanalysis capacitance should not stand by high-power in circuit calorific component, make electrolyte dries up quickly because of be heated in case.
4, the filter wave of the signal that losing polarity to having, can adopt two to electroanalysis the method that capacitance same polarity establishs ties, regard as a capacitance that does not have polarity.
5, auxiliary and capacitor crust, derivative terminal and, negative pole and circuit board must keep apart completely.