Stick a solution of resistor norms detailed

Stick a solution of resistor norms detailed

[introduction] do not know everybody has seen resistance, small those who make up an university to major is electronic information engineering, circuit handiwork class is draw plate making, the little first time that make up ability sees at that time resistor, fine among fine iron wire smooth but irregular cylinder, above a lot of kinds of annulus, rely on lubricious annulus to just know the block of resistor is worth namely, small tabulating is shown do not remember how relying on lubricious annulus to identify resistor block value, should open regular table to come out to be being calculated according to ability every time. Small nevertheless the resistor that making up what want to be shared with everybody today is not this configuration, stick a resistor however, after all when the resistor of this kind of traditional pattern is being assembled very take time.
Stick a solution of resistor norms detailed
Sticking a resistor is one of resistor of metallic glass glair. It is the metal pink and vitreous powdered frit mix, use screen printing law to imprint in the resistor that makes on substrate. Thin a thin Xiaofang piece, bulk humidity, high temperature resistant, temperature coefficient is small, small, suit the times that automation assembles now very much. Small there is experience to stick a machine too automatically before making up, brush brush twice, the time that 10 seconds influence, had bestrewed on circuit board together greatly small all sorts of yuan parts of an apparatus, fast save trouble. Common resistor is to rely on lubricious annulus to differentiate block is worth, what to stick a resistor to rely on to differentiate block is worth?
Stick a solution of resistor norms detailed
Home sticks a resistor name a method to have two: The nomenclature of 5% precision (for example RS-05K102JT) the nomenclature with 1% precision (for example RS-05K1002FT)
R — expresses resistance
S — shows power: 0402 it is 1/16W, 0603 it is 1/10W, 0805 it is 1/8W, 1206 it is 1/4W, 1210 it is 1/3W, 1812 it is 1/2W, 2010 it is 3/4W, 2512 it is 1W.
05 — shows measure (inch) : 02 express 0402, 03 express 0603, 05 express 0805, 06 express 1206, 1210 express 1210, 1812 express 1812, 10 express 2010, 12 express 2512.
Stick a solution of resistor norms detailed
Stick a resistor to enclose dimension watch
K — states temperature coefficient is 100PPM.
102 it is notation of value of 5% precision block: Before two represent significance word, the 3rd expresses to have how many 0, main unit is Ω , 102=1000Ω=1KΩ .
1002 it is notation of 1% block value: Before 3 represent significance word, the 4th expresses to have how many 0, main unit is Ω , 1002=10000Ω=10KΩ .
J — states precision is 5% , F—— states precision is 1% .
T — expresses to make up belt pack.
Stick a resistor block to be worth error precision to have precision of ±1% , ±2% , ±5% , ±10% , convention uses most is ±1% and ±5% .
Do not cross what what we see normally to stick a resistor surface to be able to not presswork so chief figure and letter, have 3-4 only commonly number or letter will express, we rely on these a few numbers or alphabetical ability to differentiate namely the block value that this sticks a resistor, specific reading method is as follows.
1, E-24 tags a method
E-24 tags a law to have two significant numbers, applicable error precision is ±2% (- G) , ±5% (- J) , ±10% (- K) stick a resistor.
General the value of block of commonly used resistor of 10 ohmic above expresses with 3 numbers, word of before two digit represents significance word, a number of the “0” after last digit word represents significance word. For example 103 express 10000Ω , namely 10kΩ .
Stick a solution of resistor norms detailed
The resistor that the tagging of the resistor that is less than 10 ohm is ohm on behalf of the unit with R is decimally, it is fine long hair on behalf of the unit with M ohmic resistor is decimally, letter shift buy represents decimally location position. For example “2R1” expresses 2.1Ω , “R05” expresses 0.05 ohm, “4m7” expresses 4.7mΩ .
2, E-96 tags a method
E-96 tags a law to have 3 significant numbers, applicable error precision is ±1% (- F) stick a resistor.
Specific tag the method manages together with afore-mentioned E-24 methods, just before 3 represent significance word, last still show a number of the “0” after significance word. For example “1502” expresses 15000Ω , namely 15kΩ .
Stick a solution of resistor norms detailed
The resistor that the tagging of the resistor that is less than 10 ohm is ohm on behalf of the unit with R is decimally, it is fine long hair on behalf of the unit with M ohmic resistor is decimally, letter shift buy represents decimally location position. For example “1R00” expresses 1.00Ω , “R200” expresses 0.200Ω , 4.7mΩ is to use “4m70” to express.
What tag a law to differ with E-24 is, e-96 still has a kind of MulTIplier Code to tag a law: Add an alphabet to show by two digit word, word of before two digit represents the code of the truth of a matter, particular numerical value can be searched from inside MulTIplier Code watch, last letter represents exponential code, particular numerical value also wants to be searched from inside MulTIplier Code watch. This method photograph is compared above two kinds of methods are a few more complex, not commonly used person remembers MulTIplier Code is expressed very hard.
Stick a solution of resistor norms detailed
MulTIplier Code watch
Look afore-mentioned these, did everybody have certain knowledge to sticking the norms of a resistor? There is facility of broken unused electron in the home next time, might as well ravel will look, search search what to stick a resistor!

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