Student zone, ADALM2000 experiment: Harmonious amplifier class
[introduction]Should input frequency (FIN) under FR when, circuit impedance begins to reduce from its maximum and show sensibility. When FR of FIN prep above, circuit impedance drops again, dan Chengrong sex. Should be in in FR when the job, the impedance of syntonic circuit reachs its maximum. Accordingly, the gain of 2 also is in amplifier of harmonious common emitter maximum.
This second experiment aims to study the character of harmonious amplifier.
Cultural background
Exceeded the high frequency limitation of operation amplifier to a lot of requirements of communication system. Below this kind of circumstance, connect regular meeting to use amplifier of schism type tuning. Schism type amplifier uses LC normally (shunt-wound inductance capacitance) syntonic circuit will replace collector (or leakage pole) resistor undertakes tuning. This kind of circuit sees a picture 1.
Graph 1. Have resonance to output laden common emitter amplifier.
Shunt-wound LC (syntonic loop) the frequency that circuit decided amplifier is answered. Below a certain frequency, XL = XC. This frequency calls syntonic frequency FR, its computation formula is as follows:
We are in no less than inductor from syntonic experiment 1 in those who understand in that way, must consider when designing harmonious amplifier inside buy capacitance. In ideal syntonic circuit, electric current of capacitance of lag of inductance electric current 180 ° , clean circuit electric current is 0. Accordingly, the impedance of shunt-wound and syntonic circuit is in in FR extremely tall. The laden impedance when collector is the biggest (handle the work in FR namely) when, the voltage gain of common emitter amplifier reachs maximum.
Should input frequency (FIN) under FR when, circuit impedance begins to reduce from its maximum and show sensibility. When FR of FIN prep above, circuit impedance drops again, dan Chengrong sex. Should be in in FR when the job, the impedance of syntonic circuit reachs its maximum. Accordingly, the gain of 2 also is in amplifier of harmonious common emitter maximum.
Emulate before the experiment
The emulation principle plan that compose proposes harmonious amplifier sees a picture 1. Computation slants the value of buy resistor R1 and R2, ensure should blast off extremely when resistor R3 setting is 100 Ω , the collector electric current in NPN transistor Q1 is 5 MA about. Hypothesis circuit by power supply of 10 V power source. Ensure R1 and R2 the sum (total resistor) reach reasonable highest value, let amplifier class maintain thereby input impedance high as far as possible. Will be inputted and C2 of capacitance of output communication coupling and C3 setting are F of 0.1 μ . The value of computational C1, when ensuring when L1 the setting is H of 100 μ , syntonic frequency is close to 500 KHz. In the input port carries out small signal to communicate scanning, and the extent that scale sees in output part and phasic curve. Save these results, the measurement of they and actual circuit the result makes compare and will comparative a result to follow be added in experimental report. You still may hope to be a graph 3 with the graph 4 in shows circuit establishs emulation principle plan.
? ADALM2000 learns module actively
? The breadboard that do not have solder and jump the line is covered
? Transistor of a 2N3904 NPN
? Inductor of H of μ of a 100 (all sorts of inductor that have other value)
? Capacitance of F of two 0.1 μ
? Resistor of Ω of a 100
? Needs other resistor and capacitance
On the breadboard that do not have solder compose builds the circuit that the graph shows 2 times. The basis is emulated before your experiment, cover from parts of an apparatus in the choice slants buy resistor the value of R1 and R2, so that using 100 Ω to blast off extremely when resistor R3, the interpose of collector electric current in NPN transistor Q1 is mixed at 5 MA between 10 MA. Hypothesis circuit by + 5V and – 5V power source (gross 10V) power supply. Ensure R1 and R2 the sum (total resistor) reach reasonable highest value, let amplifier class maintain thereby input impedance high as far as possible. Same, according to your emulation, the value of computational C1, make the syntonic frequency of H L1 of 100 μ is close to 500 KHz. Cover from parts of an apparatus inside offerred standard capacitor chooses a value in the value, perhaps be together series connection of two parts of an apparatus or paralell connection, make its value approximates computational cost as far as possible. Calculate new syntonic frequency according to the C1 estimation that gets finally. The parasitism winding capacitance that you may hope to consider to be measured in the experiment is affected syntonicly oneself to inductor. 1
This peak value gain of harmonious amplifier may very tall. We compare need R1 and R2 shunt resistance cost through the choice (the input resistor of amplifier) big 2 to the RS of 3 times the value comes the output signal of appreciably attenuation AWG1. The worth that exports laden RL still decided the biggest gain of amplifier. Be in initiative when measuring, want to eliminate RL to be besides circuit. Of oscillograph passageway about resistor of input of 1 M Ω will use as RL.
Graph 2. Amplifier of common emitter tuning.
Hardware setting
Green area represents the position of passageway of AWG of join ADALM2000 module, oscillograph and power source. Ensure after checking wiring repeatedly, open power source again. Breadboard receives a plan repeatedly 3.
Graph 3. Breadboard of amplifier of common emitter tuning joins.
Program measure
In advocate Scopy window opens tool of network analyzer software. Configuration sweep range, initiative frequency is 10 KHz, stop frequency to be 10 MHz. amplitude the setting is 200 MV, slant place setting is 0 V. Use baud graph shows, what can show most install substantially for 60 DB, indication limits setting is 80 DB. It is the biggest phasic setting that can show 180 ° , indication limits setting is 360 ° . Below oscillograph passageway, click ” use passageway 1 ” , regard referenced passageway as its. measure number is established for 100.
Moving sheet second frequency scanning. You should be met see, extent and phasic the relation curve with frequency and emulation result is very similar. Once decide the biggest gain of amplifier appears around 500 KHz, with respect to sweep range of OK and contractible frequency, make its begin from 100 KHz, stop to 1 MHz. Ask Wu to need data of scanning of will all frequency derives.csv file, so that use Excel or MATLAB? Undertake thorough analysis. Exemple of Scopy undee graphic representation sees a picture 4.
Computational input slants buy resistor voltage divider the new worth of R1 and R2, make in did not bring to bear on the circumstance that inputs signal issues transistor Q1 to end (IC = 0) . Sine wave does not include any harmonic normally, because this is AWG1 setting signal of generation square wave, its frequency is the 1/3 of the syntonic frequency that you measure in inchoate test. Want to generate big harmonic, it is symmetry setting please 20% (inside the cycle of 20% pulse is in tall n) . The range that you need to will input pulse increases to be more than 2 V, perhaps move except resistor of input attenuation source RS.
Program measure
Frequency multiplier by the pulse drive of collector electric current, collector electric current by C kind amplifier arises. Although collector electric current flows with pulse form, but the action as a result of syntonic circuit, communication collector voltage is sine wave. Use an oscillograph channel, blast off through measuring extremely the voltage of two end of resistor R3 comes pulse of monitoring collector electric current. Scopy weaveform graph sees a picture 5.
Graph 4. Amplifier of common emitter tuning, RL is 1 M Ω .
Add laden resistor RL to the middle of circuit now. Begin to run new scanning from 100 K Ω . Write down next the biggest gain and frequency. Have they and the result that when use oscillograph input serves as load, achieve only comparative. Try inferior RL value continuously, for example 10 K Ω and 1 K Ω . Be written down and measure an outcome quite.
Frequency multiplier
Frequency multiplier or harmonic generator are a kind of special amplifier, its slant buy slants than ending normally buy is low 3 to 10 times. The multiple that using the output frequency that they generate is inferior input frequency (harmonic) .
Graph the harmonious amplifier circuit of 2 can use as frequency multiplier. If input signal (the square wave that includes enough big harmonic for example or pulse) frequency is 167 KHz, output the 1/3 of the syntonic frequency 500 KHz of loop namely, output signal to will achieve 500 KHz, input 3 times of frequency namely, and right now gain is highest. The tuning because of circuit is characteristic and the fundamental frequency of the input and other harmonic will be remarkable reduce. 5 harmonic (fivefold frequency) signal is normally in times frequency as far as possible tall, because of prep above 5 input signal harmonic normally very weak, and times add output to be able to reduce very weak signal.
Graph 5. Passageway 2 measure blast off extremely the voltage of two end of resistor R3.
Improvement harmonious amplifier class
The circuit below (if the graph is shown 6 times) it is more general harmonious amplifier class, it uses the NPN that contains LC resonance to output load to need branch to 3.
? ADALM2000 learns module actively
? The breadboard that do not have solder and jump the line is covered
? Transistor of a 2N3904 NPN
? Match transistor to SSM2212 NPN
? Inductor of H of μ of a 100 (all sorts of inductor that have other value)
? Capacitance of F of μ of two 0.1 (mark is 104)
? Resistor of Ω of a 100
? Resistor of Ω of two 1 K
? Resistor of Ω of two 2.2 K
? Needs other resistor and capacitance
On the breadboard that do not have solder compose builds the circuit that the graph shows 6 times. Deploy SSM2212 to match transistor to be opposite for Q1 and Q2. Cover from parts of an apparatus in the choice slants buy resistor the value of R1 and R2, so that using 100 Ω to blast off extremely when resistor R3, the interpose of collector electric current in NPN transistor Q3 is mixed at 5 MA between 10 MA. Ask an attention, below this kind of circumstance, voltage divider of resistor of R1, R2 is mixed by the ground power supply of power source of – 5 V. Use as identical as the amplifier class in front L1 and C1 combination.
Graph 6. The difference that has sheet to carry resonance to output load divides amplifier level.
Hardware setting
Green area represents the position of passageway of AWG of join ADALM2000 module, oscillograph and power source. Ensure after checking wiring repeatedly, open power source again. Breadboard receives a plan repeatedly 7.
Graph 7. Have sheet to carry resonance to output laden breadboard connective to need minute of amplifier level.
Program measure
In advocate Scopy window opens tool of network analyzer software. Configuration sweep range, initiative frequency is 10 KHz, stop frequency to be 10 MHz. amplitude the setting is 200 MV, slant place setting is 0 V. Use baud graph shows, what can show most install substantially for 50 DB, indication limits setting is 80 DB. It is the biggest phasic setting that can show 180 ° , indication limits setting is 360 ° . Below oscillograph passageway, click ” use passageway 1 ” , regard referenced passageway as its. measure number is established for 500.
Like the first experiment, moving sheet second frequency scanning. Once decide the biggest gain of amplifier appears around 500 KHz, with respect to sweep range of OK and contractible frequency, make its begin from 100 KHz, stop to 1 MHz. Be sure to derive data please.csv file, so that use Excel or MATLAB,undertake thorough analysis. Scopy weaveform graph sees a picture 8.
Graph 8. Through improvement harmonious amplifier, RL is 1 M Ω .
With in front same, add laden resistor RL to the middle of circuit. Begin to run new scanning from 100 K Ω . Write down next the biggest gain and frequency. Have they and the result that when use oscillograph input serves as load, achieve only comparative. Try inferior RL value continuously, for example 10 K Ω and 1 K Ω . Be written down and measure an outcome quite. They ought to written guarantee with what obtain in the first experiment fruit is like.
Additional experiment
Apply extent modulation at outputting frequency through a capacitor, the modulation that this capacitor will come from AWG 2 (frequency) signal coupling arrives current source transistor the base of Q3 or blast off extremely.
Add 2 rank connect filter high to input class
Sometimes, need is in charge of harmonious amplifier in monocrystal the input termination of class connects filter high into a simple active. The filter circuit that the graph shows 9 times offers to have unit gain 2 rank filter. This filter facilitates place in bigger circuit, the element that contains because of it is very few, and the space that take up is not large.
Active connects transistor circuit high quite simple, use two 4 resistor, capacitor and individual transistor only in all. The working requirement of transistor undertakes installing with regular pattern. If the graph is shown 1 times, r1 and R2 use at setting transistor base slant buy point. Resistor R3 is to blast off extremely resistor, use at setting the electric current of transistor.
Filter component is included blasting off from transistor extremely in the negative feedback to the input. The parallel connection that makes the component of active filter network include C2, C3, R4 and R1 and R2 is combined, assume the input resistor of transistor base is very tall, negligible not plan.
What this is aimed at is the value with the negligible influence of itself of the transistor in connecting filter circuit high, namely:
Among them:
The connecting filter high to voltaic gain Fo = cut-off of β = transistor frequency π = 3.14159
The equation that is used at deciding component is worth offers Butterworth to answer, should answer fall to offer the biggest evenness inside bandpass to spend for cost with coming true quickly to boil finally as far as possible. Choose so, because the filter of this kind of form suits great majority application,be, and maths is calculated very easy.
? ADALM2000 learns module actively
? The breadboard that do not have solder and jump the line is covered
? Transistor of a 2N3904 NPN
? Inductor of H of μ of a 100 (all sorts of inductor that have other value)
? Capacitance of F of μ of a 0.1
? Resistor of Ω of a 100
? Needs other resistor and capacitance
On the breadboard that do not have solder compose builds the circuit that the graph shows 9 times. To slanting R1 and R2 use buy resistor with the experiment 1 in same value (graph 2) . Use as identical as the amplifier class in front L1 and C1 combination. Use above connect high end the value of C2 of computation of frequency FO formula, C3 and R4, produce the syntonic frequency that compares L1 and C1 thereby low the frequency of double frequency Cheng. For example, if FR is equal to 500 KHz, be based on FO to be equal to 125 KHz to have consideration.
Graph 9. Add to the middle of harmonious amplifier 2 rank connect input filter high.
Graph 10. Breadboard join.
Hardware setting
Green area represents the position of passageway of AWG of join ADALM2000 module, oscillograph and power source. Ensure after checking wiring repeatedly, open power source again (graph 10) .
Program measure
In advocate Scopy window opens tool of network analyzer software. Configuration sweep range, initiative frequency is 10 KHz, stop frequency to be 10 MHz. amplitude the setting is 200 MV, slant place setting is 0 V. Use baud graph shows, what can show most install substantially for 30 DB, indication limits setting is 60 DB. It is the biggest phasic setting that can show 180 ° , indication limits setting is 360 ° . Below oscillograph passageway, click ” use passageway 1 ” , regard referenced passageway as its. measure number is established for 100.
Graph 11.RL is the result when 1M Ω
Like the first experiment, moving sheet second frequency scanning, oscillograph passageway the 2 collector that receive Q1 repeatedly through coupling capacitance C4. Want to measure what connect input filter high to answer, pass coupling capacitance C4 please oscillograph channel 2 join reach the base of Q1. Be sure to derive data please.csv file, so that use Excel or MATLAB,undertake thorough analysis. Will answer curve and in the graph the curve that measures in the circuit of 2 undertakes comparative. Attempt C2, C3 and the different combination that R4 is worth, understanding frequency noise is due why to change. Scopy weaveform graph sees a picture 11.
1. does not fit high frequency requirement when operation amplifier when, what component to use to come normally harmonious amplifier?
The impedance of syntonic circuit is in 2. paralell connection its can produce what change below syntonic frequency, do this have He Ying to ring to the voltage gain of common emitter amplifier?
What is the connects filter high main function that mentions in 3. article? Does it have He Ying to ring to the input signal of amplifier?
You can be inStudent zone forumProblem solution is found on.
Bibliographical reference
1 "Experiment: Inductance from resonance. ” ADI company, in June 2020.
2 "ADALM2000 experiment: Common emitter amplifier. ” ” imitate speaks ” , the 54th the 2nd period, in June 2020.
3 "ADALM2000 experiment: BJT poor cent is right. ” ” imitate speaks ” , the 55th the 2nd period, in June 2021.
In June 2021.. Author: Antoniu Miclaus, the system uses an engineer)
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