Successive suitable heart of 3 years of settle! 2018 exceed light robot contest to wait for you to come battle!
[introduction] in October 2018 day of 24 – 27, the 4th China (Guangdong) international “ Internet + ” exposition (next weighing “ Internet + ” exposition) Yu Andong international exhibition center of Fosan · Tan Zhou is held grandly. Regard domestic dimensions as the biggest “ Internet + ” exposition, this second exhibit meeting general to attract ginseng of numerous global Internet production enterprise to exhibit.

October 2018 day of 24 – 27, the 4th China (Guangdong) international “ Internet + ” exposition (next weighing “ Internet + ” exposition) Yu Andong international exhibition center of Fosan · Tan Zhou is held grandly. Regard domestic dimensions as the biggest “ Internet + ” exposition, this second exhibit meeting general to attract ginseng of numerous global Internet production enterprise to exhibit.
Postpone a business for better service ginseng, organize professional audience, offer communication to communicate viewpoint and the platform that share latest technology for personage of industry all circles, current “ Internet + the activity of the corresponding period that a series of wonderful confused show ” exposition admiral, include poineering contest of robot of the 20th China and artificial intelligence contest and innovation of first China “AI+” among them, see countrywide college group be the same as stage athletics, originality match arouses infinite Idea.

Robot of the 20th China reachs artificial intelligence contest
Comply with the development of current intelligence industry, chinese robot and artificial intelligence contest are put forward to reach artificial intelligence domain in the robot first in home, the research and development of crucial technology and the race that use organic band, in all 12 kinds, a variety of 40 match projects. Robot of the 20th China reachs artificial intelligence contest, on the foundation of match of traditional robot athletics, add robot workstation newly to design (embody a vision) , match of provide for the aged of challenge of unmanned vehicle intelligence, intelligence (the robot that occupy the home) , contest of dance of innovation apery robot is regular.

First China“AI+” innovation poineering contest
This second contest takes part in the match Wu of kimono of research and development of the relevant algorithm of intelligence of limits humanness labour, technology, product, cent is group of two kinds of big projects: "Group of project of design of AI+" number originality and "AI+” technology and algorithm carry out project group.
"Group of project of design of AI+" number originality will change life · originality to promote character ” the subject around “ intelligence, submit the application that the intelligent originality of own research and development designs and product plan. "AI+” technology and group of algorithmic practice project change around “ technology drive ” of life of · intelligence change gives priority to a problem, submit the intelligent technology that can solve promotion system performance and industry application and algorithmic practice plan.
IndustryGet military thingAndFamous school talentAssemble in
Contest predecessor is ” of contest of Olympic of tounament of robot of “ whole nation and international apery robot, chinese robot reachs artificial intelligence contest, by domain of science and technology of our country intelligence only national course is learned, domestic intelligence science and technical domain are gotten army artificial intelligence of association —— China learns to sponsor.

Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering of Li Yi heart

Academician of leading authority of Cai Hegao learning, Chinese Academy of Engineering

Academician of Li Baihu Chinese Academy of Engineering

University of Sun Fuchun Tsinghua is taught
University of university of university of current contest Tsinghua, Beijing University, Hong Kong, Zhongshan university, project of Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, river sea university, Sichuan university, Suzhou university, Huanali science and technology of university of science and technology of information of university of labour, Hua Zhongke ability, Dalian nation university, Beijing, Fosan.
Successive Fosan of 3 years of settle· suitable heart, as strong as suitable Dejiang together
Chinese robot reachs artificial intelligence contest, on the technology of competition of dedicated robot technology, still devote oneself to to promote a contest outstanding achievement transfers settle, seek development space for professional technology qualified personnel.
Chinese robot and artificial intelligence contest aim to build produce learn to grind butt joint platform, butt joint of group of stimulative science and technology and enterprise of science and technology, high grade capital, aid be born of achievement of force scientific research, implementation prompts technical gain + talent + organic confluence of the industry. Collect countrywide name school professional, make land of assemble of professional of high administrative levels. Offer the opportunity of visiting China robot and artificial intelligence contest for adolescent, the science and technology that develops adolescent achieves guest atmosphere.
The corresponding period holds poineering peak of poineering contest of Chinese “AI+” innovation and “AI+” China innovation to meet, build technical trade tycoon and innovation to achieve cooperative platform of the guest.
In HongKong and Macow of another name for Guangdong Province big bay area builds setting to fall, fosan suitable heart devotes oneself to to be optimized with industry of armed convention of force of science and technology upgrade, make with intelligence for main attack direction, drive science and technology and industrial deepness confluence. Fosan suitable heart grows earnestly to need to introduce settle of project of science and technology of professional, innovation, the industry that help strength upgrades transition.
Fosan· arranges good luck of heart bay area, creationInfinite business chance
Area of big bay of HongKong and Macow of another name for Guangdong Province plans to predict the end of the year comes on stage this year, suitable heart is in fitly whole city of big bay area group situation center. Sit the power that has favourable geographical position, suitable heart will accelerate corridor of innovation of wide to receiving deep science and technology,
Fosan puts forward buddhist area of assemble of innovation of high end of bay of Na Shunsan dragon, suitable heart also puts forward “ science and technology to arrange heart ” , arrange heart general to be optimized with industry of armed convention of force of science and technology upgrade, make with intelligence for main attack direction, drive science and technology and industrial deepness confluence.
Foundation of two ground manufacturing industry chain of abundant, industry economy of complete, civilian battalion is powerful, own electric home appliances<gj, mechanical equipment two big -1863462912 yuan industry group. Sit the He Bigui garden that has beauty of 500 strong company —— , 39 dimensions exceed the business of civilian battalion mainstay of billion, business chance is infinite.
Make intelligence make an industry develop ecology group, promote suitable heart capital attraction, talent is introduced, industrial transition upgrades

The golden age that ” develops is produced in “ intelligence, how to capture technology of robot of ”“ of “ artificial intelligence”The commanding elevation of the action, capture new the good luck of revolution of industry of round of science and technology?
Chinese robot reachs artificial intelligence contest, it is agency with professional match, the professional that attracts the intelligence such as university of Tsinghua university, Beijing University, Hong Kong, Zhongshan university to create a field is taking achievement of respective scientific research project to be the same as an athletics in suitable heart.
Union arranges tycoon of capital of heart mainland society, industry, the suitable heart of settle of project of outstanding scientific research that in assisting a contest, shows itself, have the aid of arranges the industrial dominant position of heart, platform carrier advantage, realize the industrialization of scientific research project to produce, promote suitable heart capital attraction, talent is introduced, while industrial transition upgrades, aid Li Shunde to make the intelligent manufacturing industry that has international competition ability.
Internet of the 4th “ + ” exposition will in October 2018 24-27 day is held in Tan Zhou international exhibition center, current exhibit meeting with “ number tide, wisdom achieve interconnection ” to give priority to a problem, the “ Internet that precedes as China + ” technology achievement reveals fair of as professional as what trade trade, will reach through exhibiting the application of the meeting to set an example show an activity, key stimulative Internet, big data, artificial intelligence and hypostatic economy deepness are shirt-sleeve, transition of industry of convention of economy of the China that help strength upgrades.
Invite sincerely you arrive at exhibit meeting, click a link to be registered freely beforehand view exhibit, or 2 dimension code registers scanning lower part beforehand
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Milan exhibits Han Nuowei (Shanghai) branch of limited company Guangzhou
Form a delegation visiting contact
Contact: Chen Heng Mr Zuo / Ms. Liang Sheng nice
Phone: 020-8626 6696*8011/8010
Ginseng exhibit a contact
Contact: Ms. Ding Shuning / Ms. Shen Yuan / Mr Wang Xuexi
Phone: 020-8626 6696*8005/8001/8003