Teach you to identify sham MLCC, avoid loss of enterprise a huge sum

Teach you to identify sham MLCC, avoid loss of enterprise a huge sum

[introduction] MLCC is a type multilayer abbreviate of English of magnetism interpose capacitor, MLCC is by imprint good electrode (inside electrode) diaphragm of medium of pottery and porcelain rises with the means superposition of amlposition, form chip of pottery and porcelain through agglomeration of one-time high temperature, zip in the two end of chip again metallic layer () of pole of dispatches from foreign news agency, form body of structure of a similar monolithic thereby, reason also cries alone stone capacitor.
Teach you to identify sham MLCC, avoid loss of enterprise a huge sum 
MLCC (Multi-layer Ceramic Capacitors) it is a type multilayer abbreviate of English of magnetism interpose capacitor, MLCC is by imprint good electrode (inside electrode) diaphragm of medium of pottery and porcelain rises with the means superposition of amlposition, form chip of pottery and porcelain through agglomeration of one-time high temperature, zip in the two end of chip again metallic layer () of pole of dispatches from foreign news agency, form body of structure of a similar monolithic thereby, reason also cries alone stone capacitor.
Piece is type multilayer does the structure of capacitor of pottery and porcelain basically include 3 major: ?
Teach you to identify sham MLCC, avoid loss of enterprise a huge sum
Teach you to identify sham MLCC, avoid loss of enterprise a huge sum
Why to have sham MLCC: Pawn of trafficker benefit word, shoddy; Supply pressure, leader plant one hungry is not choosy about his food. Capacitance rose in price last year, bring about fake horizontal stroke to fly, even a few worlds 500 be crossed by force by false capacitance hole.
1,  at present MLCC industry occupies score to be able to divide the department that it is day, Han department, stage department and continent by technology and city, what day department price wants to compare a department and mainland is tall;
2,  MLCC is divided kind with material of 2 kinds of medium, and 2 kinds return cent to wait for X7R, X6S, X5R, Y5V and Z5U, put in price difference;
3,  because MLCC is agglomeration and into, and volume is minor, because this does not have corresponding label normally.
Normally leader plant can purchase yuan of parts of an apparatus from the sheet below the supplier that can track channel, won’t purchase merchandise on hand commonly, but the market does not have goods and demand very urgent that must purchase merchandise on hand, arrive 17 years 18 years especially when block look is nervous. If identify ability without sham MLCC,so at that time then very big probability purchases fake.
Of sham MLCC differentiate:
Trafficker is to use cheap manufacturer product to substitute the brand product such as day of department normally, the MLCC that perhaps uses low-cost medium will replace expensive, for instance use Y5V replaces X7R. So how to differentiate sham MLCC?
1,  build a database: Because be sham, so each detail of the product cannot be accomplished and quality goods agrees, if built product measure database (long wide width of tall, electrode and form appearance) , undertake to sham product dimension examines can identify.
Teach you to identify sham MLCC, avoid loss of enterprise a huge sum
2,  undertake DPA (DPA is analysed (Destructive Physical Analysis) namely ruinous physics analysis, it is in the electron yuan finished product of parts of an apparatus is approved in random and draw-out proper sample, use a series of blame to destroy with ruinous physical experiment and analytic method) , undertake the comparison of inside look appearance and diagnostic dimension with quality goods: Span of MLCC capacity and number of plies, electrode about, because this is passed compare ply of span of electrode number of plies, electrode, electrode and the diagnostic size such as dimension taking a side, can identify sham MLCC effectively. What village field discovers in issueing a watch to be a certain case is sham article, sham taste a likelihood to pledge for X5R material, and norms of former village cropland pledges for X7R material, used this fault rate after sham MLCC to rise significantly.
Internal composition
Teach you to identify sham MLCC, avoid loss of enterprise a huge sum
Diagnostic dimension (span of the electrode inside photograph adjacent)
Teach you to identify sham MLCC, avoid loss of enterprise a huge sum
Microcosmic feature dimension pursues (span of the electrode inside photograph adjacent)
Teach you to identify sham MLCC, avoid loss of enterprise a huge sum

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