The diode action in electric power inverter
[introduction] in home appliance application, the mainest is efficient and energy-saving, three-phase is not had because have efficiency,brushing dc machine is tall, size is small advantage, be in by wide application etc of home appliance equipment in a lot of application. Besides, because return device of will mechanical inverting to replace electronic commutator, three-phase is not had brush electric machinery to be thought reliability is higher than before then.
In home appliance application, the mainest is efficient and energy-saving, three-phase is not had because have efficiency,brushing dc machine is tall, size is small advantage, be in by wide application etc of home appliance equipment in a lot of application. Besides, because return device of will mechanical inverting to replace electronic commutator, three-phase is not had brush electric machinery to be thought reliability is higher than before then.
Three-phase power level of the standard (Power Stage) be used to a three-phase does not have drive brush dc machine, if pursue,1 is shown. Power level produces an electric field, to make electric machinery works well, this electric field must keep as adjacent as the angle between rotor magnetic field 90° . Control of 6 paces alignment produces vector of 6 stator magnetic field, the rotor position that these vector must appoint in issues a change. The position of rotor of scanning of sensor of suddenly Er effect. Receive electricity to offer 6 conditions to rotor, power level uses 6 to be able to press the power MOSFET of different specific series switch. A commonly used switch pattern explains below, can offer 6 paces to receive electricity.

MOSFET Q1, Q3 and Q5 are high frequency (HF) switch, q2, Q4 and Q6 low frequency (LF) switch. Be in condition when MOSFET of a low frequency, and when a high frequency MOSFET is in switch condition, can produce level of a power.
Measure 1) power level gives two phasic power supply at the same time, and phasic to the 3rd not power supply. Hypothesis power supply is phasic for L1, L2, l3 not power supply. Below this kind of circumstance, MOSFET Q1 and Q2 are in on-state, electric current sheds classics Q1, L1, L2 and Q4.
Measure 2) MOSFET Q1 closes. Because inductance cannot interrupt electric current suddenly, it can produce extra voltage, till body diode D2 is slanted directly buy, allow electric current of follow on current to had flowed. The method of electric current of follow on current is D2, L1, L2 and Q4.
Measure 3) Q1 is opened, body diode D2 slants suddenly instead buy. The total electric current on Q1 is the extensive telegram in reply on supply current and diode D2 to shed the sum. Show among them body – leakage diode. Electric current flows into body – leakage diode D2 (see a picture 1) , this diode by to slant buy, minority carries stream child infuse is mixed to the area of diode P area.
Guide when MOSFET Q1 when connecting, diode D2 is slanted reversely buy, the minority of N area carries stream child enter P+ body area, vice versa. This kind of sudden move brings about many electric current to shed classics diode, arrive from N-epi P+ area, namely from leakage extremely to the source extremely. Inductance L1 shows tall impedance to shedding the aiguille electric current of classics Q2 and Q1. Q1 shows additional voltaic aiguille, increased to be in guide the switch loss during connecting.
To improve the performance in diode of the body in these special application, personnel develops research and development to have quick style diode to restore characteristic MOSFET. Guide after connecting, be slanted reversely when diode buy, restore Irrm of peak value electric current reversely lesser.
Combine a kind of simple inverter circuit plan to analyse the working principle of PWM inverter circuit

Resistor R2 and capacitance C1 cover the frequency of oscillator of integrated circuit interior. The frequency that sets R1 to be able to be used at the oscillator beforehand undertakes fine tuning. Of 14 feet and transistor of inner drive of 11 feet IC blast off extremely terminal. drive transistor (cite a base 13 and 12) collector terminal joins together, receive 8 V course repeatedly (7808 output) . Can be in of IC cite a base 14 mix two 15 180 degrees, wash out train of 50 hertz pulse.
These signal driver are in subsequently transistor phase. It is tall n when the signal of 14 feet, transistor Q2 puts through, make again conversely with respect to this transistor Q4, q5, q6 is nodded from current + 12 V power source (batteries) the on half share that join shedding carries (the mark with label) transformer (T1) in, elementary school passes transistor Q4, q5 and Q6 collect the area.
Because this is revulsive transformer 2 voltage (as a result of electromagnetism induction) , output of this voltage 220V is undee go up half-period. During this, 11 bases are small, its successful phase will be in blame activity condition. Cite a base when IC of the Q7 of result of the 3rd quarter with 11 tall cloud get and exchange, q8 and Q9 will be opened. From + what 12 V power source passes transformer is primary ministry and the below half Q7 that collect the ground to pass transistor, q8, q9, and the tension that produces from this, in T2 sub and revulsive below half cycle that conduce to (indicate on label) output of voltaic shedding 220V is undee.
The exports voltage adjustment part job principle of inversion circuit
Inverter is outputted (the output of T2) the mark that digs a dot is B, c, offer transformer T2 advocate. The fall in transformer T2 the measure of this tall voltage, bridge D5 commutate it and this voltage (the output of inverter voltage becomes direct ratio) it is offerred PIN1 passes Ao Di R8, r9, r16 and (of the in-house and wrong amplifier of this IC input instead) this voltage and in-house and referenced voltage are compared.
The drive signal that the cost that this error voltage requires into the output voltage place of direct ratio takes sky comparing with IC adjustment (cite a base 14 and 12) the change that is requires cost to make output voltage. Of R9 set beforehand, can use at adjusting inverter outputs voltage, because it controls the output of transducer directly,the feedback of part of voltage error amplifier is measured.
Diode D3 and diode of D4 follow on current, the switch transformer that protects drive class transistor (T2) the voltage aiguille of the generation when primary election. R14 and R15 restrict the fourth quarter of base and Q7. The switch that R12 and R13 prevent an accident for the fourth quarter and Q7 helps resistance below ON. C10 and C11 are the output noise that circles associate transducer. C8 is the stabilized voltage IC 7805 of capacitance of wave of a filter. The limitation of R11 restricted electric current to pass LED indicator light of D2.
The diode action in electric power inverter
Efficient and energy-saving it is the first issue in home appliance application. Three-phase is not had because its efficiency is tall,brush dc machine in equipment of with the dominant position with small size home appliance be been in by wide application and in a lot of other application. In addition, because used inverter electron commutator to replace mechanical inverting unit, three-phase is not had brush dc machine to be thought reliability is higher.
Three-phase power level of the standard (Power Stage) be used to a three-phase does not have drive brush dc machine. Power level produces an electric field, to make electric machinery works well, this electric field must keep as adjacent as the angle between rotor magnetic field 90° . Control of 6 paces alignment produces vector of 6 stator magnetic field, the rotor position that these vector must appoint in issues a change. The position of rotor of scanning of sensor of suddenly Er effect. Receive electricity to offer 6 conditions to rotor, power level uses 6 to be able to press the power MOSFET of different specific series switch. A commonly used switch pattern explains below, can offer 6 paces to receive electricity.
MOSFET Q1, Q3 and Q5 are high frequency (HF) switch, q2, Q4 and Q6 low frequency (LF) switch. Be in condition when MOSFET of a low frequency, and when a high frequency MOSFET is in switch condition, can produce level of a power.
Measure 1) power level gives two phasic power supply at the same time, and phasic to the 3rd not power supply. Hypothesis power supply is phasic for L1, L2, l3 not power supply. Below this kind of circumstance, MOSFET Q1 and Q2 are in on-state, electric current sheds classics Q1, L1, L2 and Q4.
Measure 2) MOSFET Q1 closes. Because inverter inductance cannot interrupt electric current suddenly, it can produce extra voltage, till body diode D2 is slanted directly buy, allow electric current of follow on current to had flowed. The method of electric current of follow on current is D2, L1, L2 and Q4.
Measure 3) Q1 is opened, body diode D2 slants suddenly instead buy. The total electric current on Q1 is supply current (like measure 1) the extensive telegram in reply that goes up with diode D2 sheds the sum.
Show among them body – leakage diode. In measure 2, electric current flows into body – leakage diode D2 (see a picture 1) , this diode by to slant buy, minority carries stream child infuse is mixed to the area of diode P area.
Guide when MOSFET Q1 when connecting, diode D2 is slanted reversely buy, the minority of N area carries stream child enter P+ body area, vice versa. This kind of sudden move brings about many electric current to shed classics diode, arrive from N-epi P+ area, namely from leakage extremely to the source extremely. Inductance L1 shows tall impedance to shedding the aiguille electric current of classics Q2 and Q1. Q1 shows additional voltaic aiguille, increased to be in guide the switch loss during connecting. Graph 4a described MOSFET guide through Cheng.
To improve the performance in diode of the body in these special application, personnel develops research and development to have quick style diode to restore characteristic MOSFET. Guide after connecting, be slanted reversely when diode buy, restore Irrm of peak value electric current reversely lesser.
The MOSFET that in power source of electric power inversion our contrast tested a level and fast restore MOSFET. The STD5NK52ZD that ST rolls out (SuperFREDmesh series) put in Q2 (LF) in, if pursue,4b place is shown. In Q1 MOSFET (HF) guide during knowing the work, switch loss was reduced 65% . The efficiency when using STD5NK52ZD and hot property win very big promotion (below the environment of free flow air that using radiator, housing is lukewarm reduce 50°C from 60°C) . Attack in this kind of develop in, the body diode of MOSFET interior uses as diode of follow on current, collect appliance to quick style diode restores characteristic MOSFET more appropriate.
SuperFREDmesh technology made up for existing FDmesh technology, have reduce guide electrify block, protection of neat accept bar and very high Dv/dt performance, used fast system – leakage restores diode. 520V of N raceway groove, 1.22 ohm, 4.4A STD5NK52ZD can offer a variety of enclosing, include TO-220, DPAK, I2PAK and IPAK to enclose. This parts of an apparatus designed switch application to provide bigger flexibility for the engineer. Other dominant position includes very tall Dv/dt, check through 100% avalanches, have low-down to be asked for originally can repeat production sex capacitance, goodly, and improved ESD performance. In addition, inverter and photograph of solution of other and optional module are compared, use schism solution returns parts of an apparatus of can agile on PCB fixed position, realize a space thereby optimize, obtain active heat management, consequently this is a kind of solution that has cost effectiveness.