The introduction of resistor of high-power of dried food | and accurate resistor characteristic

The introduction of resistor of high-power of dried food | and accurate resistor characteristic

[introduction] a kind of resistance that power resistor often sees in electronic trade dispute, so how many does everybody have to the understanding of high-power resistor? What is accurate resistor characteristic?
A kind of resistance that power resistor often sees in electronic trade dispute, so how many does everybody have to the understanding of high-power resistor? What is accurate resistor characteristic?
High-power resistor
Accurate resistor, be translated by Precision Resistance and come, block of abbreviation essence cipher telegram. Common resistor distinguishs the main basis of tall accurate resistor to be worth error size for block, block is worth size, the size of temperature coefficient. Classification describes as follows: Ohmic to 1Ω() the resistor that above block is worth, the resistor that compares block of ±0.5% less than to be worth an error with label block value can call Jepsun nicety resistor, of taller nicety can accomplish 0.01% precision, namely what electronic engineer says extremely one of precision, this kind of resistor is filmy resistor commonly, the resistor that uses this material to pledge just can satisfy manufacturing technology requirement commonly. The common series precision that this kind of block is worth 1Ω above resistor is in ±5% above, the commonnest on electronic product is the resistor of 5% precision, do not belong to accurate resistor limits. The resistor that block is worth under 1Ω , can achieve ±1% precision commonly in, calculate category of block of the cipher telegram that make choice, because block value cardinal number is very small, it is the error of 1% , actual block is worth an error already very small. Of taller nicety can accomplish ±0.5% less than, but craft requirement, technical demand is higher.
The introduction of resistor of high-power of dried food | and accurate resistor characteristic

Accurate resistor characteristic
The precision of block of cipher telegram of metallic film essence is taller, but block is worth temperature coefficient and distributinging parameter index slightly the block value precision that low; line circles accurate resistor and temperature coefficient index are very high, but the precision of resistor of nicety of tinsel of; of on the low side of distributinging parameter index, block is worth temperature coefficient and distributinging parameter each index is very high: Precision can amount to 10-6, temperature coefficient can amount to ±0.3×10-6/ ℃ , distributinging capacitance but under 0.5pf, distributinging inductance but under 0.1μh. Follow performance as a result of the price of 3 kinds of afore-mentioned accurate resistor and rise, the basis answers in applying so actual condition is reasonable choose. For example, it is in the alternating current road with dc or very low frequency, need to choose a line to circle accurate resistor or resistor of metallic film nicety only commonly can, not was necessary to choose the tinsel nicety resistor with high price.
The main body of block of cipher telegram of metallic film essence is normally cylindrical; line circles accurate resistor to form of cylindrical, flat column and long pane are worn form resistor of nicety of tinsel of a few kinds of; often is shown. The v/LIT all over the ground number that the line circles accurate resistor relatively a long time, often use without feeling circle make a law circle make, to circle the v/LIT all over the ground number that make and circle the v/LIT all over the ground number that make reversely identical, with reducing distributinging inductance as far as possible. Growing the line of square frame form to circle accurate resistor is equipment manufactory basis normally need is special and custom-built, commonly used at instrument appearance.
Once the long pane in instrument appearance wears look line to circle accurate resistor to damage, the silk of new alloy resistor that can use homogeneous phase of the material with silk of former resistor alloy, diameter, length to be the same as is circled on former frame to replace equably. If grow line of square frame look to circle accurate resistor formerly,be damaged of exterior insulation layer only, need silk of will former resistor to be torn open from frame only below, new dip lacquer (appropriate chooses the) of 1260 insulation varnish with function actor, low price, grow square frame to go up formerly via after air is handled, be being circled afresh again can.

Accurate resistor decides
One, accurate resistor decides basically the public errand that the condition is resistor and temperature coefficient.
The public errand of general tall accurate resistance should is less than 1% , for instance 0.5% , 0.1% , this kinds 0.01% , or temperature coefficient is inferior. Be like 25ppm, 10ppm, 5ppm and so on.
Additional, block value is little, if Europe of 10 fine long hair also attributes accurate resistance this kind.
The introduction of resistor of high-power of dried food | and accurate resistor characteristic
2, the highest precision that sticks a resistor is heart of course of study sticks a resistor, 0.01% precision, namely extremely one of precision.
3, less manufacturer designs accurate resistor.

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