This person energy of life explodes of canopy measure lukewarm imitate front, do you want not to want to understand?
[introduction] the progress that produces as industry, it is very as important as control that temperature is measured, of temperature parameter accurate measure efficiency of qualitative to export, production and on the safe side move crucial. ADI is had measure perfectly lukewarm / dominate lukewarm program, from Thermocouple (TC) of RTD of passive detector of resistor type temperature, thermocouple, to direct electric current / the semiconductor temperature sensor of output of output of voltage imitate capacity, SPI/IIC number interface.
The article by world of ADI agent Excelpoint Vincent Chen of engineer of support of technology of be good at company introduced ADI company in detail wide apply to industrial contact RTD welcomely to measure lukewarm imitate front AFE AD7124-4/8.

Graph 1: AD7124-4/8 in-house block diagram
AD7124 measures in the light of RTD lukewarm and optimized abundance is characteristic have the following:
1.6 kinds but process designing matchs incentive electric current, arrive from 50 µA, 100 µA, 250 µA, 500 µA, 750 µA 1 MA
2.XMux can sort two constant the source, cut require a passage to place, form 2/3/4 line to make PT100 measure neatly lukewarm
3.50 Hz/60 Hz is restrained at the same time (25 SPS, 40mS odd cycle is built, 62dB Rejection)
4.Imitate inputs bumper AIN Buffer, plus 8 kinds of PGA but process designing gain, 1-128 V/V, need not exterior and additional recuperation circuit
5.Scale type Ratiometric is measured, eliminate the error source such as the precision of incentive current source and drift.
ADI official net can retrieve the lab circuit Circuit Note that passes to test test and verify: ” CN-0381, 4 lines RTD measures the completely compositive formula that uses 24 low power comsumption, nicety, Σ-Δ ADC system " ; And ” CN0383, 3 lines RTD measures the completely compositive formula that uses 24 low power comsumption, nicety, Σ-Δ ADC system " .
Use calibration was mixed at 2 o’clock linearization, come in −50 ℃ + inside the temperature limits of 200 ℃ , the ℃ of ±1 of integral precision excel of 3 routes system. Below the condition that is 50 SPS in rate of data of filter of Sinc4 of full power mode, choice, output, systematic model piles up resolution to be 17.9 without noise; Below the condition that is 25 SPS in rate of data of filter of postposition of mode of low power comsumption, choice, output, systematic model piles up resolution to be 16.8 without noise.

Graph 2: Temperature precision is measured (mode of Sinc4 filter, full power, 50 SPS, carry out 25 ℃ one-time calibration only)
” imitate speaks ” analytic the influence of passive parts of an apparatus of ADC front R-C to measuring precision, detailed sees ADI official net ” the imitate front that temperature of RTD rate type measures designs a consideration ” .

Scan ” of wisdom library of “ADI of attention of 2 dimension code, immediateness is examined ” the imitate front that temperature of RTD rate type measures designs a consideration ” full text

Graph 3: The imitate that use AD7124 undertakes RTD is measured inputs configuration
An AD7124-8 is most supportable 8 3 lines make RTD. If fight faze to EMC the demand is very high, the proposal converts on the right side of receive a standard, the R/C of wave of first-order and passive filter is worth, can take big. Right now an AD7124-8, support 4 3 lines to make RTD only.

Graph 4: 3 thready receive a standard two kinds, density of side overweight passageway or EMC function
The hardware with agile AD7124 is configured, need to cooperate likewise agile software configuration, will come true finally. Add up to have 8 kinds of independent settings (Channel Register is different from physical passageway, OK even passageway of 8/16 road physics, use same cover Config) , every kinds of setting includes the following 4 register:
Configure register Config_N
Filter register FILTER_N
Maladjusted register OFFSET_N
Gain register GAIN_N

Graph 5: Poor cent and odd end mix configuration (use a variety of public settings)
ADI official net offers the drive code of Non-os, a paragraph of typical drive initialization code, following:

Configure flow for proposal ADC below:

(origin: Yadenuo semiconductor)
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