Voltage of temperature of village cropland capacitance and precision attribute regulation introduce

Voltage of temperature of village cropland capacitance and precision attribute regulation introduce

[introduction] each attribute parameter that this type included in model of our commonly used village cropland capacitance, the temperature voltage that we introduce village cropland capacitance below and precision attribute regulation introduce.

Voltage of temperature of village cropland capacitance and precision attribute regulation introduce

We included each attribute parameter of this model in model of commonly used village cropland capacitance, the temperature voltage that we introduce village cropland capacitance below and precision attribute regulation introduce.
 Voltage of temperature of village cropland capacitance and precision attribute regulation introduce
Temperature character expresses as follows:
 Voltage of temperature of village cropland capacitance and precision attribute regulation introduce
1, capacitance change provision is 50 % for rated voltage.
2, character of village cropland temperature is piled up.
3, rated voltage 100Vdc Max: 25 to 85°C
4, – 25°C (referenced temperature 20°C) / – 30°C (referenced temperature 25°C)
5, the capacitance change when rated voltage is 50 % leads limits (detailed sees norms is expressed)
Look value:
 Voltage of temperature of village cropland capacitance and precision attribute regulation introduce
Express by three-figure letter number. The unit is leather law (PF) . The first is mixed the 2nd number is significance word, figure of the 3rd number expresses to follow the both quantitative number of 0. If have decimally, criterion with uppercase express alphabetical “R”Below this kind of circumstance, all numbers are significance word. If include any letters except “R” , state this alphabet is specific component of standard of component date dispute.
Voltage of temperature of village cropland capacitance and precision attribute regulation introduce
Voltage of temperature of village cropland capacitance and precision attribute regulation introduce

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