Yuan the complete model specification of parts of an apparatus and each country name a method
[introduction] of many companies purchase meeting discovery, when the parts of an apparatus in taking the BOM that offers to the engineer goes purchasing stock, often the supplier still can ask more carefully, do not know to furnish otherwise your where is planted stock, serious when, purchase the stock have more than is needed that come back. Why can you have this kind of case? The problem depends on, the engineer with a lot of insufficient experience, did not write type of parts of an apparatus complete. Below e.g. bright, model of complete parts of an apparatus is how.
Model of complete parts of an apparatus, it is to include principal part commonly model, prepositive, suffixal wait for composition. General engineer cares prefix and main body model only, and meeting oversight is suffixal, connect prepositive metropolis oversight to a few engineer very. Of course, not be all parts of an apparatus have certainly prefix and suffixal, but, want this parts of an apparatus to have only prefix and suffixal, not negligible.
Prefix of parts of an apparatus is the series with delegate older parts of an apparatus commonly, for instance the 74LS series in logistic IC represents low power comsumption IC of logic of Xiao Te radical, 74ASL series representing’s advanced low power comsumption IC of logic of Xiao Te radical, 74ASL set is better than the function of 74LS series.
For instance, 2N5551 dynatron and MMBT5551 dynatron are both enclose different, one is plug-in unit (TO-92) , one is to stick piece (SOT-23) . If 5551 dynatron are written only on BOM, that affirmation does not know is which.
The phenomenon of oversight prefix is common a bit a bit less, but the circumstance with suffixal oversight is more. Generally speaking, suffixal have the following these good:
1, divisional detail function
For instance, for the restoration chip MAX706 that takes MAXIM company, it is likewise 706, but have voltage of a few kinds of threshold values, for instance the threshold values voltage of MAX706S is 2.93V, the threshold values voltage of MAX706T is 3.08V, the suffixal “S” here and “T” represent different threshold values voltage.
2, grade of divisional parts of an apparatus and working temperature
For instance the TL431 of fiducial voltage chip of TI company, the working temperature of TL431C delegate parts of an apparatus is 0 degrees reach 70 degrees (civil class) , the working temperature of TL431I delegate parts of an apparatus is – 40 degrees reach 85 degrees (industrial level) , among them the working temperature that suffixal “C” and “I” differ with respect to the delegate.
3, divisional parts of an apparatus encloses a form
For instance the TL431 of fiducial voltage chip of TI company, what TL431CP represents is PDIP is enclosed, what TL431CD represents is SOIC is enclosed, among them of suffixal “P” and “D” delegate is different enclose (“C” represents temperature, above had explained) .
4, divisional order goods the means that pack
For instance, the TL431 CD of fiducial voltage chip of TI company, if the requirement is to press dish of outfit (2500PCS/ dish) purchase, the model that must press TL431 CDR so issues sheet, what the suffixal “R” here represents is dish of outfit. Otherwise, issue sheet by TL431 CD, the likelihood that buys is piping outfitting (75PCS/ is in charge of) stock.
5, divisional have lead and without lead
For instance, the comparator chip LM393D(“D” of ON company expresses is SOIC encloses) , if want to use the model that do not have lead, must issue sheet by LM393DG, the suffixal “G” here expresses not to have plumbic model, do not have this suffixal have plumbic type namely.
Suffixal likelihood still has other and special use, anyhow, suffixal information cannot omit, the likelihood that buys otherwise is not the stock that you want.
The prefix of different company and suffixal likelihood are different (a few prepositive and suffixal consistent) that also have a few company, this need reference chooses the particular case of manufacturer actually.

Each country semiconductor yuan of model of parts of an apparatus name a method
One, model of Chinese semiconductor device names a method
Semiconductor device model by 5 parts (the model of parts of an apparatus of special parts of an apparatus, multiple tube, PIN canal, laser names field effect parts of an apparatus, semiconductor to have the 3rd only, 4, 5 parts) composition. The meaning of 5 parts is as follows respectively:
The first part: State with the number semiconductor device is effective electrode amount. Dynatron of 2- diode, 3-
The 2nd part: Show the material of semiconductor device and polarity with letter of Chinese Phonetic Alphabet.
When expressing diode: A-N germanium material, B-P germanium material, C-N silicon material, D-P silicon material.
When expressing dynatron: A-PNP germanium material, B-NPN germanium material, C-PNP silicon material, D-NPN silicon material.
The 3rd part: Express semiconductor device with letter of Chinese Phonetic Alphabet inside model.
Channel of caboodle of commutate of canal of P- common canal, V- microwave canal, W- stabilized voltage, C- parameter canal, Z- commutate canal, L- , S- is in charge of,
Small-power of low frequency of canal of N- damp canal, switch of U- photoelectricity parts of an apparatus, K- , X- is in charge of (F <3MHz, pc<1W) ,
G- high frequency small-power is in charge of (F >3MHz, high-power of low frequency of Pc<1W) , D- is in charge of (F<3MHz, pc>1W) ,
A- high frequency high-power is in charge of (F >3MHz, brake of semiconductor brilliant of Pc>1W) , T- is in charge of (can accuse rectifier) ,
Canal of avalanche of parts of an apparatus of Y- aspect effect, B- , J- rank is jumped restore canal of effect of field of canal, CS- ,
BT- semiconductor is special parts of an apparatus of laser of multiple tube of parts of an apparatus, FH- , PIN-PIN canal, JG- .
The 4th part: Show serial number with the number
The 5th part: Show norms sign with letter of Chinese Phonetic Alphabet for example: 3DG18 states NPN silicon material is high frequency dynatron.
2, model of parts of an apparatus of Japanese semiconductor schism names a method
Japanese made semiconductor schism parts of an apparatus, by 5 comprise to 7 parts.
Use to before 5 parts only normally, its are departmental the symbolic meaning of cent is as follows:
The first part: State with the number parts of an apparatus is effective electrode amount or type.
0- photoelectricity (namely photosensitive) diode dynatron and the assorted canal of afore-mentioned parts of an apparatus,
1- diode,
2 triode or those who have two Pn tie is other parts of an apparatus,
3- has 4 effective electrode or the other parts of an apparatus that have 3 Pn tie,
┄ ┄ the rest may be deduced by analogy.
The 2nd part: JEIA of association of Japanese electron industry registers a mark.
S- expresses to already registered the semiconductor schism parts of an apparatus that register in JEIA of association of Japanese electron industry.
The 3rd part: State with the letter parts of an apparatus uses material polarity and type.
A-PNP high frequency canal,
B-PNP low frequency is in charge of,
C-NPN high frequency canal,
D-NPN low frequency is in charge of,
F-P is controlled extremely silicon controlled rectifier,
G-N is controlled extremely silicon controlled rectifier,
Crystallization body manages H-N base sheet,
Effect of field of J-P raceway groove is in charge of, be like 2SJ—-
Effect of field of K-N raceway groove is in charge of, be like 2SK—-
M- two-way silicon controlled rectifier.
The 4th part: The ordinal sign that states with the number in association of Japanese electron industry JEIA is registered.
The integer of two above – begin from “11” , the ordinal date; that states in association of Japanese electron industry JEIA is registered
The parts of an apparatus with the same function of different company can use same order date; number is larger, the more near future product.
The 5th part: Improve with what alphabet shows same type model product mark.
A, B, C, D, E, F expresses this one parts of an apparatus is archetypal name product to improve a product.
3, model of parts of an apparatus of American semiconductor schism names a method
The nomenclature of American transistor or other semiconductor device is more confused.
Parts of an apparatus of schism of semiconductor of association of American electron industry names a method to be as follows:
The first part: Represent the kind of utility of parts of an apparatus with the symbol.
JAN- army class,
JANTX- is special army class,
JANTXV- exceeds special army class,
Class of JANS- space navigation,
Be not for military use to taste without — .
The 2nd part: Represent Pn knot amount with the number. Dynatron of 1- diode, 2= , 3- parts of an apparatus of 3 Pn knot, N-n Pn knot parts of an apparatus.
The 3rd part: Association of American electron industry (EIA) registers a mark.
N- this parts of an apparatus already was in the United States electronic industry association (EIA) is registered register.
The 4th part: Association of American electron industry registers ordinal name.
Much digit word – the ordinal name that this parts of an apparatus registers in association of American electron industry.
The 5th part: State with the letter parts of an apparatus divides shelf. ┄ of A, B, C, D, ┄ – the different archives of same type parts of an apparatus is fastened. Be like:
JAN2N3251A states PNP silicon is high frequency small-power switch dynatron
JAN- army class,
2- dynatron,
N-EIA registers a mark,
3251-EIA registers ordinal name,
A-2N3251A archives.
4, model of semiconductor device of international electron federation names a method
The European country such as Germany, France, Italy, Holand, Belgium and the Eastern European country such as Hungarian, Romania, Yugoslavia, Poland, use model of parts of an apparatus of schism of semiconductor of international electron federation to name a method mostly.
This kind names a method to be comprised basically partly by 4, the symbol of departmental cent and meaning are as follows:
The first part: Represent the data that parts of an apparatus uses with the letter.
A- parts of an apparatus uses the Eg=0.6~1.0eV of forbidden band width of material to be like germanium,
B- parts of an apparatus uses the Eg=1.0~1.3eV of material to be like silicon,
If arsenic changes gallium,C- parts of an apparatus uses the Eg >1.3eV of material,
If antimony changes indium,D- parts of an apparatus uses the Eg <0.6eV of material,
E- parts of an apparatus uses the data that composite material and photocell use.
The 2nd part: Express the type of parts of an apparatus and main feature with the letter.
Diode of mixing of A- demodulation switch,
B- transfiguration diode,
Dynatron of small-power of C- low frequency,
Dynatron of high-power of D- low frequency,
E- channel diode,
Dynatron of F- high frequency small-power,
Parts of an apparatus of etc of G- compound parts of an apparatus,
H- magnetism quick diode,
K- opens the suddenly Er component in magnetic circuit,
Dynatron of L- high frequency high-power,
M- closes the suddenly Er component in magnetic circuit,
P- photosensitive parts of an apparatus,
Q- glow parts of an apparatus,
Brake of R- small-power brilliant is in charge of,
S- small-power switch is in charge of,
Brake of T- high-power brilliant is in charge of,
U- high-power switch is in charge of,
X- times add diode,
Y- commutate diode,
Diode of Z- stabilized voltage.
The 3rd part: Express to register name with number or alphabetical addend word.
3 digit word – a the registering serial number that represents current semiconductor device, letter adds 2 digit word – the registering serial number that shows special semiconductor device.
The 4th part: Undertake dividing shelf to parts of an apparatus of same kind name with the letter.
A, B, C, D, E, , , the sign that the parts of an apparatus that shows same type has dividing shelf by some parameter.
Outside dividing 4 primary shares, still add sometimes suffixal, in order to distinguish character or farther classification. Common and suffixal as follows:
1, of model of stabilized voltage diode suffixal. Its suffixal the first part is a letter, express to stabilize the concessional error limits that voltage is worth, alphabetical A, B, C, D, E states concessional error is ±1% , ±2% , ±5% , ±10% , ±15%; respectively its are suffixal the 2nd part is a number, the 3rd part with the integral and numeric suffixal; that shows nominal and stable tension is alphabetical V, era is decimally, the number after alphabetical V provides the decimal value of nominal and stable voltage for stabilized voltage.
2, rectification diode is suffixal it is a number, state the compression of the greatest retrorse peak value of parts of an apparatus is worth, the unit is volt.
3, what brilliant brake provides model is suffixal also be a number,
Normally compression of the greatest retrorse peak value is worth line out and the biggest the numeric and lesser that voltage value in closing voltage reversely. Be like: BDX51- expresses dynatron of high-power of NPN silicon low frequency, AF239S- states PNP germanium is high frequency small-power dynatron.
5, nomenclature of model of parts of an apparatus of schism of European inchoate semiconductor
Europe has some of state, if Germany, Holand uses as follows,name a method:
The first part: O- expresses semiconductor device.
The 2nd part: Parts of an apparatus of photoelectricity of canal of stabilized voltage of dynatron of photoelectricity of diode of A- diode, photoelectricity of C- dynatron, AP- , CP- , AZ- , RP- .
The 3rd part: Much digit word – the registering serial number that shows parts of an apparatus.
The 4th part: A, B, C, , , express same type parts of an apparatus change model product.
Article origin: Dependability technology communicates