Zone of 4 large central issues aids cable of wire of international of Guangzhou of develop business chance and accessory exhibition 2019 carry praise come on stage
[introduction] cable of Guangzhou international wire reached accessory exhibition 2019 will in June 11 be in China once more to 13 days Fair of import and export merchandise exhibits a house to be held ceremoniously. “ of profit from country is taken all the way 935 ” of ” proposal and “ plan, extended meeting scope 2019 will relatively expanded further last year. Additional, zone of 4 large central issues will is the same as appear to buy the home in order to satisfy to purchase demand, sponsor the major that just predicts to be able to attract 30 thousand to come from the domain such as electric power, building, traffic, estate to buy the home to show up.
Cable of Guangzhou international wire reached accessory exhibition 2019 will in June 11 be in China once more to 13 days Fair of import and export merchandise exhibits a house to be held ceremoniously. “ of profit from country is taken all the way 935 ” of ” proposal and “ plan, extended meeting scope 2019 will relatively expanded further last year. Additional, zone of 4 large central issues will is the same as appear to buy the home in order to satisfy to purchase demand, sponsor the major that just predicts to be able to attract 30 thousand to come from the domain such as electric power, building, traffic, estate to buy the home to show up.
Can exhibit service limited company and Guangzhou Guang Yafa by actor of rich of limited company of medium of southern electrified wire netting, Guangzhou the cable of Guangzhou international wire with joint limited company of Lan Kefu exhibition and accessory exhibition, come for years wide chamber of commerce of the industry outside obtaining home is affirmative. Exhibit meeting couplet was the same as electrician of Asian electric power and exhibition of intelligent electrified wire netting last year, attract in all 22, 670 come from 41 countries and area buy the home to enter purchase.

Yafalankefu exhibits Guangzhou light Mr Hu Zhongshun points to limited company general manager, extend China of meeting general benefit from benefit from’s a chain of economic policy: TMR of “ international orgnaization studies the report says, asia-Pacific area will continue to be in the foremost edge of demand of global cable market 2026, compound year increase rate is expected to achieve 4.8%[ “Was defeated by foreground of distribution facilities industry to analyse electrified wire netting to build demand to become an industry to expand main power 2018, in January 2018, before academy of look up industry. Https:// cento on September 12, 2018
] . In addition, chinese government at ‘ 935 ’ plan in point out clearly, will improve capital construction of local electrified wire netting to reach advance development of intelligent electrified wire netting, and ‘ is taken all the way country of ’ along the line also is having to electric power infrastructure need tremendously
Beg. These two policy bring the perspective of flourishing for the industry, we are very proud the platform of major of international wire cable that cable of Guangzhou international wire and accessory exhibition can become Hua Na area. ”
Company of Chinese southern electrified wire netting precedes as China electric power builds one of companies, clutching 935 ” of “ plan in but the opportunity that development of second birth energy brings.
Section chief of department of plan of development of company of southern electrified wire netting Mr Hu Fei male expresses in the speech: “ southern electrified wire netting predicts to be before 2020, expand in 5 to visit an area but electricenergy production of second birth energy comes about 174 million kilowatt, build 8 make passage of 11 straight transmit electricity, increase capacity of transmit electricity of the passageway that cross a province newly 16 million kilowatt. ”
As exhibit can sponsor Fang Zhi one, medium of southern electrified wire netting also depends on his the powerful force of online cable market, farther promotion is exhibited meeting. Supportive unit includes: Chinese southern electrified wire netting is finite finite liability company moves company of transmit electricity of liability company superhigh pressure, China southern electrified wire netting peak frequency modulation generates electricity electrified wire netting of company, Guangdong is finite electrified wire netting of liability company, Guangxi is finite electrified wire netting of liability company, Yunnan is finite electrified wire netting of liability company, Guizhou is finite electrified wire netting of liability company, Hainan is finite liability company, Guangzhou

Essence of zone of 4 large central issues announces definitely wire cable industry is newest trend
Cable of Guangzhou international wire and accessory exhibition enter the portal of market of Chinese wire cable as the enterprise, will roll out zone of 4 large central issues, show products of all sorts of newest wire cable, satisfy the specific requirement of different fractionize market, the zone is respectively:
Wire cable zone
Focusing power cable, electric equipment uses all sorts of discretion such as material of wire cable, communication wire cable, wire cable and wire cable accessory to press wire cable product and material.
Fiber-optic cable zone
Show each class such as parts of an apparatus of equipment of system of fiber-optic cable, smooth communication, smooth communication, fiber-optic laser and sensor fiber-optic cable product.
Wire cable creates technology and equipment special administrative area
Attention wire cable is made reach finish machining machinery, measure accuse a technology, detect the new-style wire cable such as project and auxiliary treatment material makes science and technology.
Build integrated wiring special administrative area
Reveal building wire layout to design a technology with integral thinking, discuss the wiring system science and technology with modular, extremely high flexibility.
Exhibited last year the meeting is wide suffer reputably, join those who postpone business to passed on height to reflect exhibiting can be new client of a contact and the crackajack trade platform that develop infinite business chance.
Gentleman of harbour of Jiang of chief inspector of sale of Inc. of 10 thousand horses expresses the Zhejiang that the 3rd ginseng exhibits: “ is exhibited can offer promotion for us new product and promotion trademark are well-known spent superexcellent opportunity. Through ginseng exhibit cable of Guangzhou international wire and accessory exhibition, we not only can with buy the home newly to get in touch, also can understand industry trend and client requirement. ”
General manager of limited company of the group that connect light Mr Zhang Xiaowei feels self-identity: We are in “ exhibit can see a lot of line of business inside well-known trademark, report is exhibited can be in home is very famous, get the height of industry is approbated. It is to get absolutely here army the enterprise purchases wire cable product and production equipment, reach the professional platform that exchanges market information. ”
–Be over –
Frankfurt exhibits group brief introduction
Frankfurt exhibition group is the whole world is the greatest have what show field independently to exhibit can sponsor an orgnaization, its business covers exhibition, conference and activity, in the whole world 30 areas recruit even more 2, 400 employee, annual turnover makes an appointment with 669 million euro. Group and domain of numerous much more relevant industry maintain close connection, cooperate giant international marketing network, of efficient and contented client all-around demand. The service of diversity presents each segment in mobile spot and network conduit, ensure the client that spreads all over world each district is when plan, organization and take action, can enjoy continuously high quality reach flexibility; The type of service that can provide includes hire saloon the ground, exhibit can build, arrangement of market promotion, manpower and meal are supplied. Group headquarters is located in German Frankfurt city, by this city and Hei Sen state government is accused respectively 60% with 40% .