Achievement plentiful and substantial! Plastic industry and new material exhibit 2019 Chengdu early days job obtains arrogant person result

Achievement plentiful and substantial! Plastic industry and new material exhibit 2019 Chengdu early days job obtains arrogant person result

[introduction] after the Beginning of Autumn passes, be apart from the 2019 Chengdu that 7—9 day will hold in Chengdu in November plastic industry and new material extend the time that does not go 3 months. It is reported, postpone the early days job of the meeting this, include to enrol business to seek view and propagandist promotion, showed level to already obtained satisfactory result. Nevertheless the organizing committee was not satisfied with a smattering of a subject, in enter 100 days to fall plan inside was to increase conduct propaganda to popularize strength more, escort the Emperor to exhibit meeting “ comingly convoy ” .
After the Beginning of Autumn passes, be apart from the 2019 Chengdu that 7—9 day will hold in Chengdu in November plastic industry and new material extend the time that does not go 3 months. It is reported, postpone the early days job of the meeting this, include to enrol business to seek view and propagandist promotion, showed level to already obtained satisfactory result. Nevertheless the organizing committee was not satisfied with a smattering of a subject, in enter 100 days to fall plan inside was to increase conduct propaganda to popularize strength more, escort the Emperor to exhibit meeting “ comingly convoy ” .
Well-known, sichuan is China western industrial important place, and so huge southwest market, to gather hereat the rapid development of plastic industry and new material industry offerred an opportunity. Blue dawn chemical industry studies in designing institute limited company, medium blue dawn Chengdu detects day of technical limited company, the Chengdu City shows service limited company collective bear removed a mission, aspire makes plastic industry and new material field most advanced trade communicates platform, drive an industry to develop quickly.
Build to give the public figure inside course of study brand-new politics, produce, learn, grind, communicate platform with collaboration, exhibit meeting the corresponding period to still will hold 2019 Sichuan plastic industry innovation and development peak are met, attention domain is clingy market heat, include China western plastic trade new data and forum of new technology theme, China western new material of forum of plastic loop recycle, 5G and technical application seminar, 2019 cars are small quantify congress of as plastic as association of supply and marketing of synthetic resin of innovation technology forum, 2019 China alloy and modified branch member to wait, numerous expert scholar assembles in the spot in all explore industry grows.
Authoritative association and chamber of commerce help strength in all
A list of the organizing committee also caused our attention, include many national authoritative organization and local industry chamber of commerce among them, and list still is in last in augment. It is reported, this is the cooperative unit that plastic industry and new material exhibit Chengdu, each other established friendly collaboration relationship each other, promote the development that postpones meeting and industry jointly. List is as follows (the rank does not divide early or late) :
Achievement plentiful and substantial! Plastic industry and new material exhibit 2019 Chengdu early days job obtains arrogant person result
Neat promotion of content of entire network of media of a hunderd schools
Achievement plentiful and substantial! Plastic industry and new material exhibit 2019 Chengdu early days job obtains arrogant person result
According to organizing committee introduction, online go up in popularizing the job, exhibit can have established friendly collaboration relationship with nearly 200 professional media, and already obtained the promotion result of your person surprise now. Among them industry domain media includes medium model is online, get together wind is plastic net of makings of network of technology of component of medium, electron, search, heart is rich plastic net, round-the-world model is changed, Hui Cong is net of film of model of plastic net, China, plastic industrial net, project is plastic net, plastic mechanically-laid web, . And public media and include to know from media platform, resource net, Baidu sticks a bit information, small gain, brief book, all directions, recommend now, the world forum, go exhibiting net, China to be able to extend a network, exhibit meeting harbor to wait.
It is reported, come from appearance of electric equipment of car, electron, medical apparatus and instruments, instrument for joint, pack presswork, the viewer demand of the industry domain such as the building, exhibit still can spread out deepness to cooperate with the media that comes from user domain, for example net of net of matchless car network, the forward position that pack, Tai Mao medical apparatus and instruments, electron yuan net of net of industry of parts of an apparatus, Chinese building materials, pack inside ginseng net, pack presswork the media of close a hunderd schools such as industrial net, Chinese instrument net, popularize for comprehensive conduct propaganda, expand consequence and famous spent end added Shuang Yi.
Radiation southwest invites view ground to push give power together
Achievement plentiful and substantial! Plastic industry and new material exhibit 2019 Chengdu early days job obtains arrogant person result
In be as long as in be being popularized below the line of two months, the area of core industry garden that organizing committee personnel visited Sichuan to save and other places of key industry city, Chongqing, Guizhou, Yunnan on the spot, cover the market of whole southwest. According to preliminary count, the ground is pushed extend the propagandist data such as visiting certificate, invitation letter had achieved more than 100 thousand, propagandist strength is great, efficiency is tall, incidence is wide. Among them key market and industrial garden area include: Chinese plastic city (Chengdu) this world of garden of garden of industry of data of Wang Xin of grand of development of technology of economy of post of Longquan of garden of garden of industry of international trade center, Chengdu mould, Chengdu electron Information Industry, Chengdu, Chengdu, new material of Cheng Meixin the sources of energy, continous is new and high, include catenary of entire industry of plastic industry and new material.
Lady of organizing committee leaf says: “ the saw these companies on invitation production workshop that we are honoured very much, with purchase the chief communication with research and development to discuss, the manufacturing condition that knows a business, purchase demand to wait a moment, hold business demand to have very great help to us. Pass these two months visit conduct propaganda and survey, can perfect us to exhibit the speak or sing alternately that meets public figures of pair of every enterprise and trade to serve ceaselessly really, make us OK offer the thing that needs truly to everybody, with truly practical valuable platform. ”
 “ is additional, the survey since the basis is long-term reachs the understanding of pair of industry markets, exhibit the audience database that can have built nearly 200 thousand data bulk, undertake by group of our major call man-to-man seek view job. Be helpful for amassing key company or the demand news of intent enterprise, come to visit along with all the others by us again, build more friendly closer relationship. ”Foliaceous lady complements.
Member group manners of air of fosse of benefit of enjoy a happy life with great quantity
We understand, the VIP information that the organizing committee established enterprise of southwest of a service and trade public figure technically still group, our purpose serves “ namely, exhibit meeting platform besides what build a major, the industry needs the communication platform of a high quality more. For instance the member can be in group in search supply and demand, publicize enterprise and product, exchange a few professional issues. To acknowledge inside course of study for quite a long time support, we can be in every week group inside roll out welfare activity, ask group of members to drink astral Buck, film of guard the threshing floor. Ms. Tang introduces ” organizing committee.
Du Nv person discloses group of members that come from industry public figure: Business of “ this year is bad to do, many sale and communication channel also are very good thing. I am medium still last week their blue tooth acoustics, there still is earphone of 300 clumpies millet from the back, hold out anyway expect, send award very active. Exhibit meeting want to go for certain, one is to see newest prices, latest technology, another solve namely a few purchase demand. ”
Achievement plentiful and substantial! Plastic industry and new material exhibit 2019 Chengdu early days job obtains arrogant person result
It is reported, search supply and demand to cater to more enterprise, seek business chance, conduct propaganda promotion, expand famous spent demand, they still will roll out advertisement sale opportunity, give the company that enlists an activity. At the appointed time metropolis synchronism promotes the propagandist information of the enterprise, latest technology and product in sending in its official net and public date, what the help enlarges enterprise and product is famous degree with consequence. This appeals to what hold a company directly seek dot and demand site, believe they can be had with numerous enterprise a good degree of belief and interactive.
Finally, plastic industry and new material show congratulant Chengdu the bright look positive result that level obtains, also congratulate beforehand what in November 7—9 day can exhibit a center to hold at Chengdu century city to exhibit meeting, achieve complete success, not negative right now effort and pay, let bright look report continue to continue!

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