Report of fine star brilliant breaks Qingdao high new developed area sapphirine underlay depends on entrance situation
Seaside is new and high net dispatch mentions sapphirine, what people thinks of above all is to display ark is exhibited in gem medium beautiful adorn article, but it is to act the role of not just absolutely article, because hardness is next to diamond, man-made sapphirine still is applied extensively at industrial domain. Before sapphirine underlay counts an import, inc. of science and technology of cable of fine star brilliant broke the Qingdao that is located in new and high area this one situation, can process wafer of sapphirine of 12 million large size every year. Develop assemble effect to increase a property at the same time, the annual produce of this company dominant settle of 1 billion yuan project of garden of industry of semiconductor science and technology is new and high area, will introduce industry of a batch of semiconductor lead company, build platform of industrial research and development. In new and high area, upland of industry of a semiconductor is rising abruptly sadly.
Man-made sapphirine is extensive apply
River of new and high area Dong Luqing island inside Inc. of science and technology of Jia Xingjing cable, brilliant club and chip attract the man-made sapphirine that displays in the exhibition hall all the more eyeball. Sapphirine common says ” corundum ” , main and chemical composition is alumina, mohs hardness is 9, mohs hardness is next to to be the diamond of 10 in natural material.
Because have the characteristic such as stability of tall hardness, strong wear-resisting, high temperature, after man-made sapphirine comes out replaced traditional material very quickly, be applied extensively at domain of consumable of electron of semiconductor and microelectronics industry, illume industry, mobile phone, war industryProduct, use as especially LED illumeProductThe mainest underlay material.
“The sapphirine application on machine of adversary of electronic product enthusiast is more familiar, annulus of hand of key of the glass of protection of mobile phone camera lens of a lot of mobile phones, Home, watch expressed lens to apply sapphirine. ” Jia Xingjing reportGeneral managerZheng Dong introduces, compare with traditional vitreous screen appearance, sapphirine screen has feeling to express the double intention of feeling and protection, satisfying intelligent terminal ultrathin change and promote indication effect respect to also have original advantage, it is the screen material of first selection.
Grab catch sapphirine development good luck
Cent of sapphirine industry catenary is upriver brilliant club ” grow ” , middle reachesEquipmentMake, chip treatment, downstream product applies, chip of middle reaches of main attack of report of fine star brilliant machines link. Walk intoProductionWorkshop, resemble study a lab, clean and neat ground, of automation of height of a stage advancedEquipment, cover with white unlined long gown, guaze mask, foot ” fully armed ” staff member. Here, year machine sapphirine of 12 million large size, annual produce 560 million yuan.
Time restrospect to 2009, domestic sapphirine underlay relies on foreign entrance basically in those days. Before entering sapphirine industry, zheng Dong is engaged in for a long timeInvestmentThe job of the respect, often pay close attention to an industry to expand forward position. He understands the tremendous progress good luck of sapphirine and the fetters and handcuffs that count foreign import, think to accompanying energy-saving environmental protection and requirement of electronic consumption field to expand ceaselessly, sapphirine will have tremendousThe market. 2009, was certain the future of new and high area develops, a flock of partners will to here found Jia Xingjing report, began the explore journey of sapphirine.
The talent is propped up, CapitalInvestment is the problem that is badly in need of solving, the group when founding attracted talent of top abroad research and development to join in, sequel had own research and development gradually leave to use treatment of sapphirine underlay chip namely namelyCraft. Sapphirine industry early days is devoted and tremendous, all such as construction of equipment, raw material, workshop needs to spend money, new and high area is timely gave out derate chummage, CapitalA series of favourable policy such as allowance, insert the wing that went up to fly to this company that just starts.
Cast off sapphirine underlay to depend on import
The policy support that relies on a government and company are right research and developmentMakehigh investment, 2010, company in big strides enters semiconductor industry, from tryProduction, clientTest and verify, batch produces mass production, used 7 months time only, built chip of sapphirine of semiconductor of first large-scale high quality of domestic to produce a business, broke domestic sapphirine underlay to depend on the situation of the entrance completely.
Current, report of fine star brilliant realized 2 inches, 4 inches, 6 inches seriation product production, participated in occupation standard not only make, more make exterior surface roughness, flatness, warp is spent, the index such as flexibility all standard of association of semiconductor of prep above international and GB, become country the greatest figure changes the first supplier of underlay manufacturer and country of the biggest perpendicular and integrated company, the first generation that also is business of production of crystal of domestic top level is industrial and commercial.
Industry of construction semiconductor science and technology field
Zheng Dong expresses, sapphirine industry experiences Guo Yibo to shuffle after supply is serious and excess, the development of the industry and competition had entered new era stage by stage, the macroscopical effect of group of industrial assemble, industry more and more highlight, the annual produce that by Jia Xingjing electric dominant builds emerge as the times require of 1 billion yuan project of garden of industry of semiconductor science and technology.
In March 2018, autograph of project of garden of industry of semiconductor science and technology makes an appointment with a ceremony to be held in new and high area. Industrial garden alwaysInvestment280 million, will press construction of mode of professional garden area, introduce industry of a batch of semiconductor lead company, build platform of collective industrial research and development for the enterprise, advance the industrialization of the research and development of semiconductor and later period.
Introduce industry of relevant high end as soon as possible new and high area while, next, report of fine star brilliant still hopes to equip to semiconductor form a complete set make and more semiconductor material of high end develops. “Although be below the situation that the sapphirine line base number that China produces measures banner whole world, production equipment or entrance equipment are more, if have strength to spare, we hope to make a homebred equipment replace entrance facility more, the China that help strength wisdom build 2025, make chain of semiconductor industry entire industry. ” Zheng Dong says.
News outspread
Force of labor of material of the 3rd acting semiconductor is waited for send
In recent years, change gallium with nitrogen (GaN) , carborundum (SiC) the strategic technology that the material of the 3rd acting semiconductor that waits for compound of broad forbidden band to be a delegate is considered as to have major effect, cause the whole world to fix eyes upon.
Jia Xingjing reportGeneral managerZheng Dong expresses, although the development of Chinese semiconductor industry starts later, but depending on tremendousThe marketCapacity and manufacturing group, already became the semiconductor with the greatest whole world to consume a country. Came 2000 2016, chinese semiconductor market is added fast get run the whole world, year all compound add fast achieve 21.4% , outclass the global semiconductor of 3.6% year all add fast. “Each country government intensifies the deploy in domain of the 3rd acting semiconductor in succession, our country gives height takes seriously likewise, actorring or actress power power realizes curved way centrally overtake and occupy get run, the breakthrough turns innovation chain of application and value chain from research and development, project, commanding elevation of strategy of domain of semiconductor of international of race to control, this is the direction of transition of development of tomorrow of Jia Xingjing report likewise. ” (announce is pushed do)