Horizontal Yu Kai: AI chip is Sino-US just all began the whole people of type of iron and steel of avoid by all means to make core

Horizontal Yu Kai: AI chip is Sino-US just all began the whole people of type of iron and steel of avoid by all means to make core

Horizontal Yu Kai: On AI chip runway, sino-US it is just began

“Resurgence incident ” bring ” core is painful ” already lasted close a week.

American Department of Commerce announced to prohibit on April 15 beautiful look forward to 7 years of indrawn resurgenceSaleElectron yuan parts of an apparatus, EquipmentAndSoftwareTechnology, caused about competition ability of core of Chinese chip industry anxious.

Be in same time paragraph, a Lixian is to announce to grinding deliver chip of a super AI, back-to-back move announces again wholy-owned the company of science and technology that buys a massive amount to produce chip.

Homebred AI chip, whether solve China ” is core painful ” ? Does AI chip develop a lieutenant general what to kind of effect have in Chinese chip future?

To ministry of the group in this ” 1000 people plan ” the country hires author of horizon of industry of chip of expert, AI to hold CEO Yu Kai concurrently especially the doctor expresses to sina finance and economics, he thinks ” resurgence incident ” the wind gap that drove AI chip to become an industry to just pay close attention to each further, “But also want sober, the whole people of avoid by all means makes core ” .

AI chip is Sino-US it is to just began, the opportunity is returned very big

According to the State Council development research center releases ” 20 countries yellow book of competition ability of group state innovation ” , technology of Chinese crucial core is depended on external degree tall, 80% chip rely on an entrance. The expert points out, chip technology of China andProductionCannot compare with the United States at present on craft whole, but in low end of chipProductionOn, it is OK completely self-sufficient, the problem basically is in in high endProducton industry and technology.

Yu Kai expresses, high-end chip respect still is in follow phase in. This is an objective fact, “Chip from design, research and development, production, TestTest and verifyApplying to final dimensions is a very complex system project, cycle is long, investment is large, the risk is high, because this needs long-term technical experience to accumulate, accomplish in one move impossibly, abroad is in this domain already deep ploughing is old, and our country starts later. “

To Sino-USMakeThe difference of chip, hold water at Silicon Valley ” the sea returns ” author of OURS of AI chip company holds CEO Dr. Tan Zhangxi concurrently to say frankly, besidesHardwareThe difference of the respect, inSoftwareintellectual level also is put in difference, “Besides chip itself, the technology of the very much chip that make also is to be in the United States ” .

But AI chip and traditional chip are different, yu Kai thinks, “AI chip is setting, data, AlgorithmicDrive, needAlgorithmicAndHardwareThe design is optimized in coordination. On this runway, everybody (Sino-US) be in same scratch line actually, it is to just begin, so, the opportunity is very big. “

To current AI chip industry, dr. Tan Zhangxi thinks, as the occurrence of big data, to the enterprise of need data processing, using chip of the AI on the level is to just needed.

Announce chip of AI of own research and development in A before today, the engineer job announcement of Facebook confirms tycoon of Internet of this United States also will march AI chip.

Dr. Yu Kai expresses, current and Sino-US two countries makes technology of international artificial intelligence and industry get the person that run, artificial intelligence chip makes focusing central point, although we are in domain of traditional integrated circuit and American difference are bigger, but characteristic of artificial intelligence algorithm brought new computational systemFrameworkWith ecosystem change, this brought development turning point for us, “Times of interconnection of intelligence of everythings on earth has come, the intelligence that receives changes terminal to will be counted with -727379968 plan, the dimensions of industry of artificial intelligence chip that drive will be far exceed Internet times, because chip of this artificial intelligence also is considered as future,hold artificial intelligence technology and the commanding elevation that the industry grows. “

Pattern of Chinese AI chip: Hair force drives automatically the many domain such as processor

Does AI chip of home develop after all how?

At present the head enterprise of domestic AI chip, include science and technology of horizontal, The Cambrian, deep ancient bronze mirror to wait, horizon will finish more than 100 million dollar last year in December A annulus financing, the company is undertaking B annulus financing at present; The Cambrian is new this month round of financing has been finished.

Each use a field differently in contention at the same time, for instance at present the AI chip of own research and development in A, basically be the problem of AI inference operation that waits for commercial setting to solve image, video identifying, cloud to calculate, promotion operation efficiency, reduce cost.

Dr. Yu Kai introduces, horizon is current first whole world of generation China of research and development is bannerEmbeddedAI vision processor, basically apply at driving automatically, intelligenceHow to prevent, the domain such as commerce of wisdom city, intelligence. Predict the 2nd acting chip that 18 the end of the year come out, basically solve drive automatically perception of confluence of processor much sensor, environmentBuild a modelWait for a problem.

Yu Kai expresses before this, horizon drives hair force automatically processor research and development, “The hope is driving automatically be advanced on a such very long runway continuously, to the chip that was him China of mount of 30 million cars 2025, make us true the speech that there are oneself in this domain counterpoises. “

“When self-improvement, but type the whole people makes iron and steel of avoid by all means core “

To this ” resurgence incident ” caused attention, the new and high industry that Dr. Yu Kai thought to mirror our country to be a delegate with electronic Information Industry really is in instability of respect of component of crucial chip, core. Nevertheless Yu Kai still expresses hopeful, “Chip regards the Information Industry as the core of development and cornerstone, need increases strength to tackle key problem, in recent years integrated circuit also rises for strategy of our country country, increased investment and position, we believe prospective country will be farther aggrandizement carries a design on the head, this to promoting the development of industry of our country chip and even whole industry catenary it is very advantageous. “

“The key that promotes artificial intelligence development 3 element are algorithm, data and calculate force ” , yu Kai expresses, bear the weight of among them the cornerstone that the chip that calculates force is artificial intelligence development, it is the most important infrastructure resource, there is very high demand to power comsumption, function, stability in terminal side especially, of course the wind gap that this incident drove AI chip to become an industry to just pay close attention to each further, but we also want research and development of sober understanding chip is a complex project, need scientific and precise manner. We are become self-improvement, but also want sober, the whole people of type of iron and steel of avoid by all means makes core.

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